A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris...
- Publication: Daily Star
- Date: 2013-06-06
- Author:
- Page: 36
- Language: English
- Notes: Response to this article.
As a fan of Dr Who right from William Hartnell, I will never watch again if they give the role to Paris Jackson. And no I would not be averse to a woman if chosen for her acting not her name. tubs
to Paris Jackson wanting to be doctor who. In her words OMG give your head a shake. MARSY
So Michael Jacksons daughter wants to be Dr who. What a thriller that would be! ALAN SMALL, EDINBURGH.
Paris Jackson as Dr Who? Thought her family wud have had enough of doctors. spud
I don't like Smith's Doctor Who, and haven't watched much of his era, in sharp contrast 2 watching all of Eccleston and Tennant's stories. P.S. Paris Jackson?!? Mac.Anon2,
David Cameron would make a good Dr Who. He lives in a diferant world to the rest of us already. yorky
To Sarah Jayne I agree Johnny Depp wud be a cool Dr Who but I think Adrian Lester (Hustle) would be better. Who do other texters think shud play the doc? marvin
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- APA 6th ed.: (2013-06-06). A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris.... Daily Star p. 36.
- MLA 7th ed.: "A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris...." Daily Star [add city] 2013-06-06, 36. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: "A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris...." Daily Star, edition, sec., 2013-06-06
- Turabian: "A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris...." Daily Star, 2013-06-06, section, 36 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris... | url=http://cuttingsarchive.org/index.php/A_new_Dr_Who%3F_We%27ll_never_have_Paris... | work=Daily Star | pages=36 | date=2013-06-06 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=3 February 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=A new Dr Who? We'll never have Paris... | url=http://cuttingsarchive.org/index.php/A_new_Dr_Who%3F_We%27ll_never_have_Paris... | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=3 February 2025}}</ref>