Category:Articles published in 1982
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Pages in category "Articles published in 1982"
The following 153 pages are in this category.
- Dalek Actor a 'Star' in Pulpit
- Date That Robot
- Death on 'Doctor Who'
- Dennis Spooner (Starburst)
- The Doctor and the Master have joined forces
- Doctor Who's Aussie Helper
- Doctor Who a pictorial preview
- Doctor Who captures American imagination
- The Doctor Who Episode Guide: 1982 Season
- Doctor Who fans to convene
- Doctor Who Fever Rises in Chicago
- Doctor Who Headquarters
- Doctor Who Inquiry
- Doctor Who Is Hit For Six
- Doctor Who News
- Doctor Who Renewed
- The Doctor Who Void
- Do your children do their homework while watching Dr. Who?
- Dr. Tom? I'd rather see Dr Jon
- Dr. Who's lad is dead unlucky
- Dr. Who? Dr. WHO, that's Who
- Dr. Who, I Presume
- Dr. Who: Hot TV for an August night
- Dr. Who a surprise syndication success
- Dr. Who Day Set
- Dr. Who Fans Are Invited To Special Day At Library
- Dr. Who fans plan convention
- Dr. Who far from through
- Dr. Who Festival
- Dr. Who invades LU; U.N.I.T Irregulars hit
- Dr. Who is double agent
- Dr. Who Leaving?
- Dr. Who materializes for Chicago Convention
- Dr. Who series draws fanatic followers
- Dr Who's thousands
- Dr Who? Dr Davison, with cricket bat, takes over the phone booth
- Dr Who: From stone age to charm
- Dr Who: Similarity and Difference
- Dr Who at bay
- Dr Who Beauty To Quit
- Dr Who escapes
- Dr Who finds time his ruler
- Dr Who girl to quit
- Dr Who in panto
- Dr Who scripts
- Dr Who society
- A hero for all ages, Dr. Who is just out of this world
- Hooked on 'Doctor Who'
- How about a few facts on Tom Baker
- The how and why of Doctor Who
- How does something sinister crawling up your leg sound?
- How good are the new Grange Hill and the new Dr. Who?
- How the BBC channels its television sales to audiences in the United States
- Tardis lands on the wrong day
- Time's Up for This Time Lord
- Time-Life sues OSU for film payments
- Time-Life suit resolved to the tune of $192,500
- Time Change for Dr. Who?
- Time machine back in town
- Time of their lives
- Tristan's new innings as The Doctor
- Turkey of the Week
- Two 12-year-olds win the Daleks
- Two on a bicycle made for Who ...
- We've Got ... Doctor Who
- We didn't find a lot of information about "Dr. Who."
- When sci-fi fans get together it's for trek to other worlds
- Who's Daring Darlings
- Who's for Dr. Who?
- Who's on first English cult hero has following here
- Who's that doctor? (AP photo)
- Who's Who (Starlog)
- Who's who among TV doctors
- Whodunnit?
- Whofest a Berwyn first
- Who is he? Doctor Who, of course
- Who is he? Why, he's Dr. Who, that's who
- Who is the time lord's enemy now
- Who knows where Peter will turn up?
- Who says the Tardis is junk!
- Who Was Dr Who's Father?
- Why Long Tom Baker feels as sick as a parrot!
- Will the doctor bowl 'em over?
- Worzel who?
- Write a letter and you could win £300