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Category:Articles published in 2011

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chronological view
Sherlock Holmes takes on the Time Lord at television awardsThe Times2011-01-03
Now there's a where for 'Who' clipsDaily Variety2011-01-05
Is 10th Doctor Who Having A Baby With Fifth Doctor Who's Daughter After She Plays 10th Doctor Who's Daughter?The Mirror2011-01-15
Daddy?Daily Star2011-01-20
It's Doctor Who v Sherlock!What's on TV2011-01-22
Listening from behind the sofa? The (un)earthly roles of sound in BBC Wales' Doctor WhoNew Review of Film and Television Studies2011-01-26
City centre stage for show's happy returnSouth Wales Evening Post2011-01-26
Working with Catherine is 'a dream' for writer RussellSouth Wales Evening Post2011-01-28
Morris Men who starred in Dr Who take centre stage at sci-fi conventionOxford Mail2011-01-29
Media Monkey's DiaryThe Guardian2011-01-31
Sonic ScrewdriverMechanical Engineering2011-02-01
Er, Matt, what's with the granny look?Daily Star2011-02-14
Doctor Who: A Christmas CarolHome Media Magazine2011-02-14
N-Ice to see you again...Daily Star2011-02-17
Farewell to the Doctor's Loyal FriendThe Mirror2011-02-24
Doctor Who stalwart dies at 81The Herald2011-02-24
Nicholas Courtney obituaryThe Guardian2011-02-24
The brigadier 'most loved' by Dr Who fansWestern Daily Press2011-02-24
Actor who starred opposite five Doctor Whos as Brigadier Lethbridge-StewartThe Daily Telegraph2011-02-24
Dr. Who Gets His Due At Concerto CompetitionMadison Capital Times2011-02-24
Nicholas Courtney (The Herald)The Herald2011-02-26
Actor known for his long-running role as the Brigadier in Doctor WhoThe Independent2011-02-26
Timeless appeal of Who's BrigadierSunday Express2011-02-27
My brother the fantasistThe Times2011-03-03
Follow the trail of a Time LordSouth Wales Echo2011-03-05
My life in booksTimes Educational Supplement2011-03-11
Doctor Who fans get catharsisStevens Point Journal
Daily Tribune (Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
Marshfield News-Herald
The crack of doom: The uncanny echoes of Steven Moffat's Doctor WhoScience Fiction Film and Television2011-03-15
Batman's 'butler' Michael Gough dies at 94Associated Press
The News Journal
Michael Gough obituaryThe Guardian2011-03-18
New York Times crossword puzzle no. 0320The New York Times2011-03-20
Time is up for Doctor Who exhibitionSouth Wales Echo2011-03-23
Look who is in love..Daily Star2011-03-24
Doctor Who script by Douglas Adams to be a novelThe Guardian2011-03-25
BBC Books set to bring back exterminated Dr Who novelsThe Bookseller2011-03-25
In Thrall to the Archives of Empire: Torchwood -- "Children of Earth"Journal of British Cinema and Television2011-04-01
Bring your sonic screwdrivers, Doctor Who is comingThe Times2011-04-02
Doctor Who Does Savile RowThe Times2011-04-02
Doctor Who returns, and it's deadly seriousThe Times2011-04-05
The Doctor is back - promising to be the scariest and darkest yetThe Guardian2011-04-05
Doctor woosDaily Star2011-04-06
Doctor Who: The best show you’re not watchingThe Earlham Word2011-04-07
Sally ForthKing Features Syndicate2011-04-10
Elisabeth Sladen obituaryThe Guardian2011-04-11
Who's ready for the ghost train?Radio Times2011-04-16
Doctor Who returns to EarthNashua Telegraph
McClatchy News Service
Great Falls Tribune
The Arizona Republic
The Record
Doctor Who Favourite Elisabeth Dies Aged 63The Mirror2011-04-20
The Time LadyThe Mirror2011-04-20
Tributes to Doctor Who time travel legendLiverpool Echo2011-04-20
Doctor Who star Elisabeth Sladen diesAssociated Press
The Palm Beach Post
The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Boston Globe
The Newark Advocate
Tallahassee Democrat
Longview News-Journal
Statesman Journal
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette
Coshocton Tribune
Republican and Herald
The Progress-Index
The Bismark Tribune
The Journal and Courier
The La Crosse Tribune
The Daily Sentinel
Kenosha News
Herald and Review
Doctor Who's most famous companion diesThe Northern Echo2011-04-20
Dr Who Star Liz, 63, Loses Cancer FightDaily Record2011-04-20
Doctor Who Star Sladen Dies Aged 63Press Association2011-04-20
Death of actress who played Sarah Jane to the DoctorThe Times2011-04-20
Fry And Barrowman Pay Tribute To SladenWorld Entertainment News Network2011-04-20
Doctor Who's new mission in an alien world - AmericaThe Daily Telegraph2011-04-21
The Doctor is in ... UtahRed Eye2011-04-21
Doctor Who: what's in storeTime Out London2011-04-21
Doctor Who takes place under your bedTime Out London2011-04-21
Elisabeth Sladen obituary (The Times)The Times2011-04-21
Doctor Who leads way with simultaneous time travelThe Irish Times2011-04-22
Elisabeth Sladen obituary (The Washington Post)The Washington Post2011-04-22
Longest-running science fiction TV show kicks off new season statesideColumbia Daily Spectator2011-04-22
Falling in love with Doctor WhoOttawa Citizen
Postmedia News
It looks as if Doctor Who has done itThe Gazette2011-04-23
Dr Who's favourite assistantDaily Express2011-04-23
New Time Warp for 'Doctor Who'The New York Times2011-04-23
British invasionRed Eye2011-04-23
Doctor Who hits AmericaRadio Times2011-04-23
The Doctor rides the ghost trainThe Times2011-04-25
Antihero making headlines againThe Independent2011-04-25
Who hits in premiereDaily Variety2011-04-26
Who's Baldy?The Sun2011-04-27
A Doctor Who for modern timesThe Globe and Mail2011-04-27
Who's getting married again?Metro (England)2011-04-27
Katie’s Doctor Who Confidential: Ep. 1The New Paltz Oracle2011-04-28
Elisabeth Sladen, 63, of 'Doctor Who'The New York Times2011-04-28
The Idiot Box: Doctor Which?The Wesleyan Argus2011-04-29
This programme's in a bad way, DoctorFinancial Times2011-04-30
Just what the Doctor ordered (The Irish Times)The Irish Times2011-04-30
Feedback 2011-04-30Radio Times2011-04-30
Elisabeth Sladen 1948-2011Radio Times2011-04-30
It gets too cold in the Arctic, so they have to go south. Yes - it's a dinosaur road tripThe Times2011-04-30
Smaller on the inside: the space-time continuum distorts perception of size--a rule in physics that could as well be applied to the machine-vision industryVision Systems Design2011-05-01
Farewell, Sarah JaneThe Spectator2011-05-07
Doctor Who took a break from its main narrative with an episode displaying much me-heartiness aboard a haunted pirate ship helmed by Hugh BonnevilleThe Times2011-05-09
Fury as Dr Who leakedDaily Star2011-05-12
Suranne JonesRadio Times2011-05-14
I did cool, evil things to Doctor WhoThe Daily Telegraph2011-05-14
No more Sarah JaneRadio Times2011-05-14
Leave Doctor Who to the kidsNew Statesman2011-05-16
Doctor Who is currently much pre-occupied by deathThe Times2011-05-16
Doctor Who's on first? Doctor What's on second?The Daily Times (Salisbury, MD)2011-05-19
And the winner is...Radio Times2011-05-21
Canadian deal unsettles Scots; Dr. Who's jacketThe Gazette
Calgary Herald
Postmedia News
At least they weren't made by Daleks!National Post
Postmedia News
Jack on the boxDaily Star2011-05-26
Just what the Doctor ordered: Destination EnglandThe Sydney Morning Herald2011-05-28
ExterminatedDaily Star2011-05-31
Exterminated!Metro (England)2011-05-31
El Análisis: Doctor WhoCinemanía2011-06-01
The New Man: The Regeneration of Doctor WhoMetro (Australia)2011-06-01
Arthur DarvillGay Times2011-06-01
Shock of the WhoTotal Film2011-06-01
NIU Libraries' Lynne Thomas nominated for Hugo AwardThe Daily Chronicle2011-06-02
Best job in the universeRadio Times2011-06-04
New Doctor revives aging networkOttawa Citizen2011-06-04
New actor has made Doctor Who his ownRegina Leader-Post
Postmedia News
The mother of all sci-fi showsThe Times2011-06-06
Dalek can't exterminate Dr Who day crowdView from Weymouth2011-06-08
Barrowman at his bestChester Chronicle2011-06-09
The right medicineDaily Variety2011-06-09
We liked it when the Beatles were complex, so why not the Doctor?The Times2011-06-11
La BBC pone a la venta su emblemática sede central en LondresAgencia EFE, S.A.2011-06-13
Sherlock trumps Doctor WhoThe Times2011-06-17
Paul McGannRadio Times2011-06-18
Feedback 2011-06-18Radio Times2011-06-18
Who's the ladies man? - Worcester native gives voice to 'Dr. Who's' female fansWorcester Telegram & Gazette2011-06-22
Who spinoff is not for kidsRegina Leader-Post
Postmedia News
The Doctor's DoctorWired2011-07-01
Antirationalist critique or fifth column of scientism? Challenges from Doctor Who to the mad scientist tropePublic Understanding of Science2011-07-01
A different sort of heroPeace News2011-07-01
Eric a Time LardDaily Star2011-07-06
Torchwood's miracle lies in series writer's daringEdmonton Journal2011-07-06
Roy Skelton obituaryThe Guardian2011-07-08
Metal mythsThe Times Literary Supplement2011-07-08
Fumbled details betray 'Torchwood' high conceptThe Stanford Daily2011-07-14
Still not exterminatedThe Times2011-07-14
Keeping the torch alightDaily Express2011-07-15
Time-Travel Adventure to Save the Life of Doctor WhoThe New York Times
Rutland Herald
Who starsView from Seaton & Beer2011-07-19
Young folks take charge on Doctor WhoTimes Colonist
The Vancouver Sun
Postmedia News
Costumes, properties and fans, oh my!License!2011-08-01
John BarrowmanOut2011-08-01
Look Who's in mystery playSouth Wales Evening Post2011-08-04
Dr. Who, I presume?The Philadelphia Inquirer2011-08-04
Why you gotta wear a print so loud?Heat2011-08-13
Dr Who's Moffat Has His Own DemonsDaily Express2011-08-17
Doctor Who shows off its bestRegina Leader-Post
Postmedia News
Doctor Who is back! But should the Time Lord be celebrated - or exterminated?The Guardian2011-08-20
Doctor Who on quiffs, fame and why time travellers don't take the TubeThe Times2011-08-23
Forever youngTimes Colonist
Calgary Herald
Regina Leader-Post
Postmedia News
Doctor Who catapults actress into sci-fi acmeSun-Sentinel
McClatchy News Service
The Shreveport Times
The Dispatch & The Rock Island Argus
Doctoring a good taleDaily Express2011-08-26
The impact of WhoRadio Times2011-08-27
The Doctor's Mrs RobinsonRadio Times2011-08-27
It's Doc vs. Hitler in new Doctor WhoRegina Leader-Post
Postmedia News
Doctor and the headachesWestern Mail2011-08-27
Doc's River was just too windingDaily Star2011-09-04
Who Needs the Doctor?London Evening Standard2011-09-09
Doctor Who's unlikely heroRed Eye2011-09-09
Einstein's theory of general relativity which states that time is fundamentally wibbly-wobblyThe Times2011-09-10
Matt's among the sexiest on every planetThe Courier Mail2011-09-10
Going For The Doctor Karen Relishes Her Big Moment In Who HistoryThe Sun-Herald
Sunday Tasmanian
The Sunday Telegraph (Sydney, NSW)
Doctor EinsteinThe Times2011-09-12
The lion, the witch & the TardisDaily Star2011-09-21
The odd coupleRadio Times2011-09-24
Secrets of final Dr Who episodeSunday Express2011-09-25
On the record ... with Lynne ThomasThe MidWeek2011-09-28
Two hearts break hardestTimes Higher Education Supplement2011-09-29
Death is the only answer for Doctor Who scribesTimes Educational Supplement2011-09-30
Stuff We Love: Doctor WhoThe Stanford Daily2011-09-30
Screening Wales: Portrayal, Representation and Identity: A Case StudyCritical Studies in Television2011-10-01
The Dr. Who contingentErie Gay News2011-10-01
Who is my hero?Radio Times2011-10-01
Mum & I were so closeRadio Times2011-10-01
Doctor Who tribute marks death of Brigadier actorThe Guardian2011-10-01
No smoking: Doctor's ordersRadio Times2011-10-08
You're welcome to stay... just switch off that exterminatorThe Northern Echo2011-10-14
Feedback 2011-10-15Radio Times2011-10-15
Delightful spin-off comes to a sad endBirmingham Mail2011-10-18
Memories of ElisabethRadio Times2011-10-22
Alien invasion at fireworks displayYour Dover
Your Thanet
Your Deal
Your Sandwich
Centre says hello to former Dr WhoThe Northern Echo2011-10-24
Is Halloween Dr Who exhibition Museum's scariest yet?Crewkerne Weekender2011-10-28
Paradise is a little too green for me: Discourses of environmental disaster in Doctor Who 1963-2010Colloquy2011-11-01
Katy's still going bonkersThe Northern Echo2011-11-05
I made the Doctor cry on my first dayLiverpool Echo2011-11-09
BG's TARDIS to be shown off at strollNashua Telegraph2011-11-13
Bigscreen Hears A 'Who'Daily Variety2011-11-15
Dr Who set for film transformationWestern Mail2011-11-16
Doctor Who: the movie (2011)The Times2011-11-16
Who alert! The doctor is teleportng to cinemasThe Irish Times2011-11-18
What Will Hollywood Do To Our Doctor?Western Mail2011-11-20
They won't be shopping: 'Doctor Who' diehards have other plans on FridayThe Courier-News (Elgin, IL)2011-11-23
Hugh Laurie podría ser Doctor WhoSiglo Veintiuno2011-11-25
Dr Who stars to visit special fan day and help support charityYour Tunbridge Wells
Your Maidstone
Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth SeriesWindy City Times2011-11-30
Who Says Wales Is The Place To VisitWestern Mail2011-12-04
Wood you believe it!Daily Star2011-12-05
Tiny Dalek that wasn't exterminatedThe Times2011-12-07
Lost 'Doctor Who' Episodes RematerializeThe New York Times2011-12-13
Two more chances to hide behind the sofaThe Daily Telegraph2011-12-13
I went from US President to death row for TorchwoodDaily Post2011-12-13
All plugged in and ready to TrockThe American News
Chicago Tribune
My boy is about to see himself in the Christmas special - so are millionsThe Times2011-12-16
There should be a ceremonyThe Daily Telegraph2011-12-17
Dressing To ImpressDaily Record2011-12-17
Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series (Blu-ray)Regina Leader-Post2011-12-17
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snowRadio Times2011-12-17
Doctor Who to follow on the heels of CybermanYour Tunbridge Wells2011-12-18
Steven Moffat: Storyteller in chiefThe Independent2011-12-19
Big event: Doctor Who: The Doctor, The Widow and The WardrobeRegina Leader-Post
Postmedia News
Adam Richard, Doctor Who nutThe Age2011-12-22
Doctor Who Reinvents the Christmas ClassicEdmonton Journal
Times Colonist
Will the Doctor weed out the space gardenersLiverpool Echo2011-12-24
Close-up Secrets of Doctor WhoSunday Mail (Adelaide)2011-12-25
Home Sweet Tardis!Evening Times2011-12-27
To its credit, Doctor Who played a relatively subtle hand for a Christmas Day blockbusterThe Times2011-12-31

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