Who x Who x Who
- Publication: Fine Tuning (Milwaukee)
- Date: February 1984
- Author:
- Page: 5
- Language: English
- Notes: Another reader responds.
Thanks for carrying Doctor Who. Here is my check for membership. I would strongly urge you to acquire the Pertwee and Davison episodes, as well. I think you'll find your support will greatly multiply if you do. (I will send another check!)
L. H.
Kenosha, WI
Early to Bed, Late to Rise
I am delighted that Doctor Who has been moved to 8pm; now I can get to bed earlier on Saturdays. It would really be nice if you would also move The Victory Garden so I could sleep a little later on Saturday mornings. I don't think I would believe that winter would ever end if it weren't for The Victory Garden, so it's worth getting up for. But I'll bet there are lots of other deprived gardeners out there who would prefer a more convenient weekend or weeknight time slot, too.
M. H.
Milwaukee, WI
Disclaimer: These citations are created on-the-fly using primitive parsing techniques. You should double-check all citations. Send feedback to whovian@cuttingsarchive.org
- APA 6th ed.: (February 1984). Who x Who x Who. Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) p. 5.
- MLA 7th ed.: "Who x Who x Who." Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) [add city] February 1984, 5. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: "Who x Who x Who." Fine Tuning (Milwaukee), edition, sec., February 1984
- Turabian: "Who x Who x Who." Fine Tuning (Milwaukee), February 1984, section, 5 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Who x Who x Who | url=http://cuttingsarchive.org/index.php/Who_x_Who_x_Who | work=Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) | pages=5 | date=February 1984 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=3 February 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Who x Who x Who | url=http://cuttingsarchive.org/index.php/Who_x_Who_x_Who | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=3 February 2025}}</ref>