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Back in Time with Colin Baker (2023)

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2023-11 Best of British p74.jpg


BoB's very own Time Lord celebrates the boundless energy and determination of "the Mouth on Legs", recalls his comedic co-stars and reveals that he's got a little list

I first met the sassy and superb Janet Fielding when I played Maxil, the head of the Gallifreyan Guard, in Doctor Who. It was my task to arrest and subsequently shoot the Doctor — then played by Peter Davison. That's one way of getting his job, I suppose. "Sorry Sir —just following orders!"

Janet was playing Tegan Jovanka, one of the Fifth Doctor's many companions. Her outspoken Australian character earned her the soubriquet "the Mouth on Legs" — a title that she was unashamed to acknowledge, and which she continues to act up to and shows every sign of relishing all these years later. I like her enormously and enjoyed her waspish style and humour back in the 80s when we worked together and more recently when we meet up at the continuing stream of Doctor Who related events all over the world. Whenever we meet up, I know that we will be quite rude to each other and laughing very soon.

For more than a decade, she was a prime mover and spokesman for a Kent charity — Project MotorHouse — which provided opportunities for young people to develop creative and artistic skills and which she helped fund by organising Comicon style events that we, her fellow cast members, were happy to lend our time to support. Sadly, the charity had to wind up when the local council was no longer prepared to help fund the initiative. The fact it lasted as long as it did was thanks, in no small part, to Janet's boundless energy and determination.

On 23 November it will be exactly 60 years since Doctor Who first captivated the nation. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that Saturday evening. And had you told me that 20 years later I would be playing the same part, I would have had serious concerns about your sanity. I was a law student with not the slightest idea that the likes of me could ever be an actor. Note to young readers — never stop dreaming because you just never know...

During my time as the Doctor, I worked with several performers who were better known as comedians. Alexei Sayle was a bizarre futuristic DJ in Revelation of the Daleks, although sadly I never got to meet him as all his scenes were with my companion Peri (played by Nicola Bryant who, like Dorian Gray, must have an attic with a picture in it). But I did get to work with the glorious Joan Sims who played the leader of a stone age tribe with gusto and a wonderful twinkle. I am appalled to say that we had a pudding-eating contest after filming one night.

We both acknowledged a penchant for "afters" and claimed to have succumbed to temptation in the past, eschewing starters and even mains for the joy of multiple desserts. It would be indelicate of me to sully her memory by telling you which of us was gourmand supreme. I think the score was three-two, though. But the joy of working with such a Carry On legend was still one of the highest points in my career.

And I don't know if The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (check it out at counts but the great Frank Skinner appeared on the other side of a door from me in that. He is a great fan of the show and I love his work and have greatly enjoyed his company and kindness whenever I have met him. Although he still hasn't had me on Room 101. And like Ko-Ko in The Mikado, I really do have a little list, including those who say "should of" or "haitch".

Caption: Colin, pictured with Janet Fielding and Nicola Bryant at Elstree Studios, at the press launch for the Doctor Who USA tour, a travelling exhibition that visited 180 locations from 1986-88.

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  • APA 6th ed.: (Nov. 2023). Back in Time with Colin Baker (2023). Best of British p. 74.
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