Doctor Who: The Fourth Series
- Publication: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- Date: 2008-11-27
- Author: Lizabeth Gray
- Page: W-29
- Language: English
There are some series you figure should end after the first show and then there are others that you want to last forever as they reinvent themselves ... or in the case of "Doctor Who," regenerate.
"Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series" ($99.98, BBC Warner) continues the journey of one of science fiction's greatest heroes, which began in black and white on BBC television in 1963. Portrayed once again by actor David Tennant, the Doctor is joined by office temp Donna Noble (Katherine Tate). Over the years, the Doctor's companions have run the gamut and Tate's Donna holds her on in that gallery of adventurous, intelligent women. She is the mate, friend, buddy that the Doctor needs after the loss of Martha Jones from series three.
Donna and the Doctor are joined by central figures from past series, pulling together several storylines that have been open to speculation by the faithful.
Extras include David Tennant's video diary; maybe not so much footage as previous series' DVDs but well worth the watching as he brings you to the "real" side of being one of television's longest-running heroes.
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- APA 6th ed.: Gray, Lizabeth (2008-11-27). Doctor Who: The Fourth Series. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette p. W-29.
- MLA 7th ed.: Gray, Lizabeth. "Doctor Who: The Fourth Series." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [add city] 2008-11-27, W-29. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: Gray, Lizabeth. "Doctor Who: The Fourth Series." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, edition, sec., 2008-11-27
- Turabian: Gray, Lizabeth. "Doctor Who: The Fourth Series." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2008-11-27, section, W-29 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Doctor Who: The Fourth Series | url= | work=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | pages=W-29 | date=2008-11-27 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=17 January 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Doctor Who: The Fourth Series | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=17 January 2025}}</ref>