In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen
- Publication: Radio Times
- Date: 1967-02-09
- Author:
- Page: 3
- Language: English
In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen
THE calendar shows the date 2070 when the Tardis alights for the start of a new Dr. Who adventure today. The place is 5.50 the moon (which, oddly enough, the Doctor hasn't visited before in the series) so he and his companions experience all the strange sensations of semi-weightlessness. They find that there is a well-established weather control station functioning on the moon. The station has a Gravitron machine designed to ensure that every part of our world gets precisely the weather it wants, when it wants it.
But there are evil forces at work on the moon, forces which by tampering with the Gravitron are capable of afflicting the earth with storm and flood.
Who, or what, are they? The doctor soon discovers that he is up against a familiar enemy—the unfeeling Cybermen ...
The new story has as its guest star Patrick Barr (playing Dr. Hobson, scientific head of the Moonbase), and the author is a remarkable man named Kit Pedler. When not writing science fiction, he is a doctor and leader of a scientific research team; he is also a painter and sculptor, and a builder of successful racing-cars.
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- APA 6th ed.: (1967-02-09). In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen. Radio Times p. 3.
- MLA 7th ed.: "In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen." Radio Times [add city] 1967-02-09, 3. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: "In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen." Radio Times, edition, sec., 1967-02-09
- Turabian: "In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen." Radio Times, 1967-02-09, section, 3 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen | url= | work=Radio Times | pages=3 | date=1967-02-09 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=22 January 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=In tonight's adventure the space-time travellers land on the moon and encounter again the evil Cybermen | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=22 January 2025}}</ref>