Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday

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1964-12-11 Television Mail.jpg


It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday. This probability should approach certainty since the daleks came back. Personally. I got tired of the perlustrant doctor some time during the French Revolution or even in the age of the Aztecs, and a quick check among children suggests that they are the least bit bored with it too. However, one must pay a tribute to the constant inventiveness of the script.

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  • APA 6th ed.: Cyclops, Cyclop (1964-12-11). It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday. Television Mail p. 18.
  • MLA 7th ed.: Cyclops, Cyclop. "It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday." Television Mail [add city] 1964-12-11, 18. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: Cyclops, Cyclop. "It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday." Television Mail, edition, sec., 1964-12-11
  • Turabian: Cyclops, Cyclop. "It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday." Television Mail, 1964-12-11, section, 18 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday | url= | work=Television Mail | pages=18 | date=1964-12-11 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 January 2025 }}</ref>
  • Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=It is probable in a family household that Dr Who (BBC 1) should be switched on each Saturday | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 January 2025}}</ref>