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Who's sexy?

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2006-04-15 TV Quick.jpg


Doctor Who, BBC1 Saturday

Heart-throb David Tennant gives us some inside info on the new Doctor Who

David Tennant harboured a childhood fantasy to play Doctor Who. And now he has found himself propelled into superstardom by doing just that. But when we meet at an exclusive members-only club in London, there's no hint of the fame and fortune that has been thrust upon the Scots-born actor, who celebrates his 35th birthday this week.

Casually dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, he talks at length about how much he's enjoyed filming the new 13-part series.

Although not keen to discuss his love life, he does reveal how much he enjoys working with co-star Billie Piper, how he's chuffed to be almost a heart-throb, and shares some exclusive info about the new series!

Do you feel settled in the role now? I hope so. Any part you play for a long time, you have to keep checking yourself and be careful that you don't fall into thinking it's easy. I feel comfortable and I'm loving it. I just hope everyone agrees.

Did you watch yourself in the Christmas special?

I did the full Christmas experience with my family in Scotland. We had Christmas dinner and then sat down to watch the telly. It was weird because it didn't really feel as if it had anything to do with me.

What can viewers expect in the first episode of the new series?

Rose is still figuring out whether she loves this new Doctor like she loved the old one. While she ponders this, he takes her to the year 5 billion. They end up in a hospital run by cat-nun nurses! They're the most amazing creations — all done with prosthetics. But they had little furry faces which you could stroke!

Most of the previous series was set on Earth. Is it true that the Doctor and Rose will visit an alien planet?

Yes! It's on the outer reaches of the universe, and beyond the TARDIS's knowledge. And that's a little scoop for you — it's more than I've told anyone else!

There are lots of guest stars and old faces in this series. What was it like working with them?

It was great to work with K-9, and also Elisabeth Sladen who was one of the Doctor's companions. They were such a big part of the show when I was growing up. And we've had some fantastic actors on the series — some of them my friends — like EastEnders' Tracy-Ann Oberman, No Angels' Derek Riddell and my Casanova co-star Nina Sosanya, which was great.

Have you had to learn any new skills for this series?

Abseiling — the heights don't bother me as I enjoyed being yanked through the air. Plus a bit of scooter riding and some wire work to make me look like I'm flying.

Do you get on well with Billie?

She's the best, absolutely the best. A great co-star and a great person to be around. I really couldn't have asked for more. It's made the past nine months even better.

Will you both be back for the next series?

No one believes me when I say it, but none of us are sure about what's happening yet.

How do you feel about being voted by a women's glossy the 20th sexiest man in the world?

Delighted — and slightly curious that there were 19 people ahead of me! Brad Pitt was first, and David Beckham 14th. But these things mean about as much as tomorrow's chip paper. It's nice to be there —however briefly!

Since taking over from Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant has already battled aliens and saved the Earth in last year's Christmas special. And as the Time Lord continues to travel through time and space with companion Rose by his side, he's set for even more adventures. Some familiar faces will also be seen in this new series — including the Cybermen, former sidekick K-9, and one-time Doctor's assistant Sarah Jane, who once again is played by Elisabeth Sladen.


K-9 is top dog once more

The evil Cybermen make a welcome return

Will the Doctor be the purrfect patient for these nurses?

On top of the world

Billie Piper reprises her role as Doctor Who's fearless companion

From chart-topping popstar to showbiz wife to award-winning actress — if Billie Piper sets herself a goal, she's sure to achieve it in spectacular style.

Since first appearing as Rose Tyler in Doctor Who, the talented 23-year-old has won over viewers and critics alike. Now back by the Doctor's side, it seems that Billie's determination has rubbed off on her alter ego as a more courageous Rose returns for a new series.

How's life at the moment?

It couldn't get any better. I'm loving what I'm doing and I have a great personal life. I'm very lucky.

You've been filming in Cardiff for months...

Yes, I see the crew and David more than I see my boyfriend Amadu and my family, but I love being with people who share a similar passion.

Is it easier playing Rose second time around?

Not really. I still get terrified before every take. Last year I tried to ignore the pressure, but this time I'm struggling because I care so much and I want it to be great. There's so much anticipation.

Has Rose's relationship with the Doctor changed?

Yes, because the Doctor's different — he's so energetic and funky. He seems closer to Rose in age, which is bizarre because he's over 900 years old, but they share a similar energy. Rose is a lot bolder and more on a par with the Doctor this year. Their relationship does develop, but I'm not going to say how!

How does Rose react to the return of former Doctor's assistant Sarah Jane?

They have a real bitch fight and you realise how much Rose loves the Doctor and how possessive she is over him, because the concept of losing him again scares her. You can tell he's particularly fond of Sarah Jane and Rose can't bear it.

Do you get on well with David?

I love David so much. I feel like I've found a soul mate. He's hysterically funny, he's very loyal and he goes out of his way to help you — he's the perfect friend.

Will Rose be appearing in a third series?

The Press say I am, but if I tell you about my future with Doctor Who then I'll be giving away storylines. It's worth waiting for the last episode —it's such a cliffhanger.

So you're happy to continue filming Doctor Who?

I want to do the show for the rest of my life. I love Rose and she's done lots for me personally and professionally, but that's not to say that I'm not going to take off one day. People have to move on.

What's next in the diary?

I'm playing a Victorian sleuth in the BBC drama The Ruby In The Smoke. I want to keep on my toes and continue stretching myself because I still feel like I'm at the beginning of my career.


Billie describes David as her soul mate

Former companion Sarah Jane meets her match in Rose

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  • APA 6th ed.: (2006-04-15). Who's sexy?. TV Quick .
  • MLA 7th ed.: "Who's sexy?." TV Quick [add city] 2006-04-15. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: "Who's sexy?." TV Quick, edition, sec., 2006-04-15
  • Turabian: "Who's sexy?." TV Quick, 2006-04-15, section, edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Who's sexy? | url= | work=TV Quick | pages= | date=2006-04-15 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=17 July 2024 }}</ref>
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