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Tardis Takes Off!

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AN American company is all set to open a 24 hour bar in the city's Guildhall.

Yu-Who Enterprises will revolutionise Peterborough's drinking habits with the swish new bar.

The exciting news comes hot-foot from America from the mouth of the company's enigmatic director, Sylvester Pertwee Junior — known to his friends as Yettie.

In an exclusive interview with Limited Edition Sylvester said: "This pub is going to be the real McCoy.

"We've sunk millions into the idea and its just grrrreat to finally get the go-ahead.

"We'll be taking off just after midnight Friday so hold onto your hats folks."

Not only wilt the pub be selling dalektable brews but the company will also have twin bakers in the Guildhall basement — providing the very best in fresh food.

Top manager Cy Borg from Jupiter, North Carolina, is confident the bar will be a hit.

He said: "Peterborough will really be moving with the times.

"Some people may say we've just got a warped sense of humour but I'll tell you this back in the States these kind of joints are all the rage."

Staff will be dressed in special costumes to help things go with a swing.

Chief barmaid Sarah Jane Langford, specially flown in from the little ol' town of Homeandwear in Texas, said: "There's sure to be a queue so get on down here early — it's gonna be quite some party."

Ever mindful of security the company have also installed a police box in the foyer of the new bar.

Manager Cy pointed out: "It may look small but there's a helluva lot of room inside so don't you little bitty drinkers out there in Peterboro go causing any trouble."

Caption: Managing Director Sylvester Pertwee Jr and Manager Cy Borg on the way to Tardis opening ceremony.

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  • APA 6th ed.: (1989-03-31). Tardis Takes Off!. Evening Telegraph p. Limited Edition.
  • MLA 7th ed.: "Tardis Takes Off!." Evening Telegraph [add city] 1989-03-31, Limited Edition. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: "Tardis Takes Off!." Evening Telegraph, edition, sec., 1989-03-31
  • Turabian: "Tardis Takes Off!." Evening Telegraph, 1989-03-31, section, Limited Edition edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Tardis Takes Off! | url=! | work=Evening Telegraph | pages=Limited Edition | date=1989-03-31 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=22 January 2025 }}</ref>
  • Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Tardis Takes Off! | url=! | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=22 January 2025}}</ref>