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Doctor Who New

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2010-03-19 Daily Star.jpg


THERE'S an all-new Who heading your way - and it's out of this world. Hot TV got a sneak preview of the first episode of the new series last night.

Matt Smith, 27, David Tennant's successor as the eternal Doctor, is funny, zany, eccentric and a real hero complete with his self-professed "cool" bow tie.


New companion Karen Gillan, 22, as Amy Pond, will be a lads' and dads' fave in her short skirts. And there is even a new-look Tardis.

It's very retro, like the 60s' one but is even bigger — with rumours of a pool and a library.

The opener to the new BBC 1 season on Easter Saturday called The Eleventh Hour has all you could wish for.

There's a scary monster called Prisoner Zero, the Earth in peril, a "blink and you'll miss" cameo from the old Time Lords and a guest appearance from astronomer Sir Patrick Moore.

And later Matt even gets to share a saucy kiss with TV comic James Corden. Mark our word, fans will soon be eating The Doc's fave new dish — fish fingers and custard!

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour will be shown on BBC1 on Saturday April 3.



1. The Eleventh Hour: The Doctor meets new companion Amy. But what secret is she hiding in her home?

2. The Beast Below: Set on board a spaceship. Look out for a brand new nasty enemy. The Smilers!

3. Victory Of The Daleks: MP Winston Churchill has enlisted an army of Daleks to help him fight Hitler.

4/5. The Time Of Angels/Flesh and Stone: The Weeping Angels return. Also The Doc's "wife" River Song.

6. Vampires Of Venice: A fantastic romp set in Italy involving some very old blood-suckers on the loose.

7. The Dream Lord: Two worlds collide. One's real. One's not. And why is Amy Pond getting bigger?

8/9. The Ground Beneath Their Feet/Cold Blood: The one fans are awaiting for. The return of The Silurians.

10. Vincent And The Doctor: An historical episode. The Time Lord meets the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh.

11. The Lodger: The Doc is trapped on Earth with no Tardis. So he moves in as James Corden's lodger.

12/13. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang: The big finale. Expect the return of some scary old faces.

Caption: MOVING IN: Matt and Karen take - over the Tardi

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  • APA 6th ed.: (2010-03-19). Doctor Who New. Daily Star p. 43.
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  • Turabian: "Doctor Who New." Daily Star, 2010-03-19, section, 43 edition.
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