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Time running out for The Daleks?

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1965-07-23 Sussex Express.jpg


IT is some time since I have seen a film so flimsy as Dr. Who and The Daleks (Press Shown, A.B.C., Brighton),

The last one that springs to mind of this category is Widmark's The Long Ships."

I can voice no recommendation for the film at all. The fact that the villainous Daleks have established themselves as permanent heroes with the younger set has obviously to be considered, but I am afraid this attempt to glamourise our warmongering friends in just a bore.

For a start, even the greatest optimist must surely realise that to almost identically depict that which has already been televised, is taking a more than calculated risk, even allowing for the fact that the former was quite original.

When Terry Nation first introduced the Daleks into his Dr. Who television series. many deemed it an enterprising and purposeful move. It is a pity, however, that with the reward reaped, our robot friends are not given a rest,

Lacks zest

In the film Peter Cushing's interpretation of the doctor lacks the zest, superiority and pride akin to the genius made popular by William Hartnell in the television version,

Ian (Roy Castle), has been washed clean of his television sensibility and made into a crass. nincompoop with disastrous effects.

Jennie Linden (Barbara) and Roberta Tovey (Susan) try to improve the situation, but the whole production is shallow. As with the original, the Thals are again eventual victors and the only minor thrills arrive without a Dalek in sight.

If they cannot improve on this type of film, I hope the doctor's over-glorified police box really, runs out of time!

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  • APA 6th ed.: (1965-07-23). Time running out for The Daleks?. Sussex Express p. 11.
  • MLA 7th ed.: "Time running out for The Daleks?." Sussex Express [add city] 1965-07-23, 11. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: "Time running out for The Daleks?." Sussex Express, edition, sec., 1965-07-23
  • Turabian: "Time running out for The Daleks?." Sussex Express, 1965-07-23, section, 11 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Time running out for The Daleks? | url= | work=Sussex Express | pages=11 | date=1965-07-23 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=11 January 2025 }}</ref>
  • Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Time running out for The Daleks? | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=11 January 2025}}</ref>