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Matt: Why I took the role
TO his fans he's the Doctor — armed with his sonic screwdriver and ready to fight off alien invaders. But to his family and friends the new Time Lord is just 27-year-old actor Matt Smith. And the man behind the floppy fringe says he still can't quite believe his luck at becoming only the 11th actor to take on TV's most iconic role.
"It's a real privilege to join such a successful show. It's a bit like joining Man Ltd," he says. "It's good to be part of something strong, and long may it continue."
It's been two years since Matt was told he would be taking over from David Tennant. But the actor — a relative unknown when he got the part — had to keep the exciting news a secret for weeks until the BBC were ready to make an official announcement in December 2008.
"It was quite weird news to receive," he says. "And I couldn't share it with anyone!"
Two years on Matt, from Northampton, admits the reality of becoming the Doctor is still sinking in. "The first week was like, 'What's going on?' Suddenly you're in front of the Tardis and you've got a sonic screwdriver in your hand."
Life could have turned out very differently for Blackburn Rovers fan Matt, who originally had his sights set on a career as a footballer — playing for Leicester City and Nottingham Forest youth teams.
His sporting dream was cut short by an injury at 18... and football's loss is TV's gain. "I thought drama was a bit girly," he says. 'But my drama teacher saw I enjoyed expressing myself. He took a gamble on me and cast me in plays I shouldn't have been in."
Matt's acting career blossomed and he landed roles in a string of TV dramas including Ruby In The Smoke, alongside former Doctor Who assistant Billie Piper.
But it's as the 11th Doctor that he's set to become a household name.
"Working 14-hour days on the show makes you astoundingly tired," he says. "But I'm Doctor Who! Look at the stuff I get to do. I wouldn't change it for the world.'
Inside the TARDIS
Inside the TARDIS

Revision as of 04:25, 13 February 2016

  • Publication: The Sunday Mirror
  • Date: 2010-04-11
  • Author: Lara Gould & Sarah Arnold, Edward Thomas, Ray Holman, Piers Wenger
  • Page: 1
  • Language: English

Special collectors' mag

At the first sign of trouble he's ready to beat off alien invaders with a spin of his sonic screwdriver. But who is the real Doctor Who? Here the 11th Doctor — who hit BBC1 screens last week -- attempts to answer a few questions about his tit mysterious past and how he sees his future...

Who are you?

Doctor Who is not my name — it is a question I am often asked. When people ask who I am, I tell them, "I am the Doctor." 'Doctor Who?" they say.

"No, just the Doctor."

I have never revealed my real name and I have no intention of doing so now.

Where are you from?

I was born on a distant planet called Gallifrey, a faraway place ruled by a highly-advanced race known as the Time Lords, of which I am one.

I may look human but I'm not. A Time Lord's body has two hearts and I'm able to speak, read and write in any language A great skill I'm sure you'll agree.

I can also "regenerate" my body if I suffer a fatal injury — so far I have regenerated 10 times. This is my 11th body.

How old are you?

I am currently 906 years old — that might seem very old to you but I count my age in Gallifreyan years, not Earth years. To put it into context, on Gallifrey a 90-year-old is considered a child and and 750 is middle-age. So I'm not doing too badly, all things considered.

Do you have a family?

Not much is known about my early years but I believe my mother was human (making me half-human) and my father was a Time Lord. I also have a cloned daughter called Jenny, created from my genes. I am one of two surviving Time Lords — the rest of the race having been wiped out during the Last Great Time War between my people and the Daleks.

What's your clothes style?

A lot has been said about my outfits over the years. I'm often described as an "eccentric" but I can't see it myself.

In my current incarnation my typical style is a rather fetching Harris tweed jacket (complete with leather elbow patches), a bow tie, red braces and rolled-up trousers and black boots.

But to keep things fresh I like to vary to colour of my shirt and braces.

What's your favourite food?

My tastes change with every regeneration. Some remain and some are completely new. I had great fun taste-testing all of your foods after my latest regeneration to find out what I liked.

My favourite meal was fish fingers dipped in custard. I also like hot chocolate and your Earth sweets called Jelly Babies.

What are your special powers?

Oh, just the usual. I can travel through space and time inside my Tardis which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions in Space,-in case you were wondering. I can also communicate through mind-reading — or telepathy — rather than through conventional speech and I can wipe human memories. I can also speak, read and write in any language.

What is the Tardis?

The Tardis is my home. It is the last surviving Tardis in the universe and should be able to morph into any shape so it can blend in with any environment. But the controls got stuck around 40 human years ago so it's been in the disguise of a police phone box ever since.

Matt Smith is the 11th Doctor, and at 27 is the youngest to take on the role. Here are the other 10 Doctors

The first Doctor Played by William Hartnell, 1963-1966 He was a cantankerous grandfather type and has been described as an "antihero". In stories such as The Daleks he placed his companions in danger to satisfy his own curiosity. He regenerated after a battle with the Cybermen.

The second Doctor, Patrick Troughton, 1966-1969. He coined the first Doctor Who catchphrase, "When I say run, RUN!" and was!! nicknamed "the cosmic hobo" for his scruffy look. He was banished to Earth by his race the Time Lords and forced to regenerate for breaking their rules of non-interference.

The third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, 1970-1974. The Worzel Gummidge star was dubbed the "Dandy Doctor" due to his frilly shirts and velvet suits. His catchphrase was "reverse the polarity of the flow". He regenerated after being hit by a wave of deadly radiation on the planet Metebelis 3 while facing a giant spider race.

The fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, 1974-1981. One of the best-loved Doctors, his side-kick was robot dog K-9. His multi-coloured scarf was a happy accident — the result of a costume designer, not realising she didn't have to use all the wool she had been given. He was the longest-ever incarnation of the Doctor.

The fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, 1982-1964 Dressed in Edwardian cricket costume, he often used a cricket ball as a tool. His incarnation was a more compassionate Doctor and could be naive. He sacrificed himself to save his companion Peri Brown after they contracted a deadly disease.

The sixth Doctor, Colin Baker, 1984-1986. Known for his mismatched clothes and brash personality. He wore a cat badge on the lapel of his coat, which was said to be the height of fashion on a distant planet. He regenerated when injured in an attack by his old enemy the Rani.

The seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, 1987-1969. The last of the "old" Doctors, his incarnation had a love of playing the spoons. His demise came while transporting the remains of The Master to Gallifrey as he landed in San Francisco in 1999. He was shot and died on the operating table.

The eighth Doctor, Paul McGann, 1996. Made his first and only TV appearance in the 1996 Doctor Who television movie — the first time the Doctor had returned to television screens since the original series ended in 1989. He was the first Doctor to kiss his companion... but certainly not the last,

The ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, 2005. He had a revamped sonic screwdriver, a psychic paper and "superphone". A brooding survivor of a Time War which almost wiped out both his race and the Daleks, his first companion was Rose Tyler [Billie Piper]. He regenerated in order to save her.

The tenth Doctor, David Tennant, 2005-2010. Arguably the most popular Doctor ever, his dapper suits twinned with trainers were a nod to the eccentric outfits of"1- yesteryear. His last words were "I don't want to go" as he dramatically regenerated, crippling the Tardis in the process.

Matt: Why I took the role

TO his fans he's the Doctor — armed with his sonic screwdriver and ready to fight off alien invaders. But to his family and friends the new Time Lord is just 27-year-old actor Matt Smith. And the man behind the floppy fringe says he still cant quite believe his luck at becoming only the 11th actor to take on TV's most iconic role.

"It's a real privilege to join such a successful show. It's a bit like joining Man Ltd," he says. "It's good to be part of something strong, and long may it continue."

It's been two years since Matt was told he would be taking over from David Tennant. But the actor — a relative unknown when he got the part — had to keep the exciting news a secret for weeks until the BBC were ready to make an official announcement in December 2008.

"It was quite weird news to receive," he says. "And I couldn't share it with anyone!"

Two years on Matt, from Northampton, admits the reality of becoming the Doctor is still sinking in. "The first week was like, 'What's going on?' Suddenly you're in front of the Tardis and you've got a sonic screwdriver in your hand."

Life could have turned out very differently for Blackburn Rovers fan Matt, who originally had his sights set on a career as a footballer — playing for Leicester City and Nottingham Forest youth teams.

His sporting dream was cut short by an injury at 18... and football's loss is TV's gain. "I thought drama was a bit girly," he says. 'But my drama teacher saw I enjoyed expressing myself. He took a gamble on me and cast me in plays I shouldn't have been in."

Matt's acting career blossomed and he landed roles in a string of TV dramas including Ruby In The Smoke, alongside former Doctor Who assistant Billie Piper.

But it's as the 11th Doctor that he's set to become a household name.

"Working 14-hour days on the show makes you astoundingly tired," he says. "But I'm Doctor Who! Look at the stuff I get to do. I wouldn't change it for the world.'

Inside the TARDIS

TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space


Lads to the outside world. The Tardis is dimensionally transcendental, meaning the interior and exterior exist in separate dimensions. That's why it's so much bigger on the inside than out. The doors are opened with a special key which the Doctor carries


Giant water droplets inside are frozen in time and space, converging together as the Tardis travels and as the rotor moves up and down. It helps power the Tardis

A TV screen that allows the Doctor to see outside the Tardis. Readouts are displayed in his native tongue, Gallifreyan


Circular indentations lining the walls. Some hide circuitry devices, others are semi-formed, made up of organic coral mass that is still growing and developing.


The ship's soul is the source of its power, housed in a bubbling black liquid. It is telepathic and can grant wishes by reading minds. It is also responsible for language translation


Where the Doctor pilots the ship (see opposite)


Shows the workings and the readouts of the Tardis. Can he extended from the ceiling when in use, and retracted when not

Each of the six sides of the central console has an individual use. At the front we can see how the Doctor steers the Tardis using the space and time controls, above. At the back are Communications, Fabrication and Mechanical interfaces

FROM the outside it looks like a clapped-out, phone box left over from the last century. But step inside the new Tardis — which regenerated just after the Doctor — and you enter a futuristic world of gadgets and gizmos. The Doctor's time machine is a lot larger inside than out, boasting its own art gallery, medical bay and even a swimming pool. Here production designer EDWARD THOMAS reveals its secrets...

Alien enemies

For more than 900 years the Doctor has been on hand to save his adopted human race and-their planet Earth from enemies from other galaxies.. Here's a guide to some of his scariest foes — from the past, present and future..

The Slitheen

The Slitheen are criminals who disguise themselves by fitting their bodies into the skin of victims. They infiltrated the government tone was even acting Prime Minister) to try to 'start a nuclear war and destroy Earth.

The Krillitanes

The Krillitanes are carnivorous bat-like aliens who Sleep upside down and can take physical features and abilities from races they conquer. They tried to turn school-children into a supercomputer to take control of time and space.

The Judoon

The Judoon are intergalactic police for hire-- or as the Doctor calls them, "interplanetary thugs". They are slaves to the law and brutally enforce it. Known for their rhino heads and stupidity, they a barred from Earth.

The Sycorax

The Sycorax are superstitious warn and interplanetary scavengers. Their exoskeletons cover their heads — giving them a skull like appearance. In 2006 they invaded Earth, arriving on adapted asteroids and exerting mind control over anyone with 'A' type blood.

The Smiler

The Smiler is a new adversary the Doctor must face. It looks like a harmless grinning puppet — but transforms into a demonic ghoul with flaming red eyes. The Doctor discovers this new foe in the future as Starship UK floats through space with a British crew, hunting for a planet to settle on.


Vespiform are three-metre wasps born in hives in the Silfrax Galaxy, who have the ability to shape shift. Their huge stingers can grow back within hours.

The Calvierri Girls

The five ghouls disguise themselves as Venetian beauties, but are really blood-sucking vampires. They lurk in basements in Venice and the Doctor discovers them when he wanders into their nest - and realises they have no reflection in the mirror.


In AD 79 the Pyroviles crashed on Earth after their home world was destroyed. They shoot flames from their mouths, turning people to ashes in seconds. But they can be defeated with a water pistol.


The Weeping Angels - also known as Lonely Assassins thrust people into the past then feast on the time energy of what would have been the rest of their lives.


The Sontarans are-a warrior race with the war chant "Sontar-ha!" They have a fatal weak spot: the "probic vent" at the back of their neck, through which they eat and from where they are cloned.


The Silurians are reptile-like technologically advanced beings who lived on Earth in prehistoric times. They have a third eye that can stun or kill at will when it is glowing red.


Adipose are hand-sized marshmallow, shaped creatures that use humans as hosts and are created from body fat.


Cybermen began life as people on Earth's twin planet Mondas but implanted more and more artificial parts into their bodies.

The World War II Dalek

Every Doctor must face his oldest and deadliest adversary - the Daleks. The new Doctor will meet them in episode three when he travels to Britain during World War II. The Daleks, whose home planet is Skaro, are a cold, emotionless mutant life-form housed. in armoured travel machines. Their primary order is to exterminate all other life in the Universe, ensuring the survival and purity of the Dalek race. Churchill drafts in the Daleks to help in the war effort. But as always, they have evil in mind and are, double agents, working with Nazis. The episode features a dramatic dogfight between a Spitfire and a Dalek spaceship.


Although the Doctor is a bachelor, he's never without a loyal female companion down the years...

The 1st Doctor 1963-66

Susan Foreman (Carole Ann Ford, pictured) Susan was the Doctor's first ever on-screen companion. She called him her grandfather so is assumed to be part Gallifreyan. She stayed on Earth after the Dalek invasion of the 22nd Century.

Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill) History teacher.

Vicki Pallister (Maureen O'Brien) Orphan from the 25th Century.

Katarina (Adrienne Hill) The first companion to be killed.

Sara Kingdom (Jean Marsh) Space Security Service agent.

Dorothea "Dodo" Chaplet (Jackie Lane) Cockney who joined the Doctor by mistake.

Polly Wright (Anneke Wills) Sixties swinger who joined Doctors one and two after finding a key to the Tardis.

The 2nd Doctor 66-69

Victoria Waterfield (Deborah Watling, pictured) Daughter of a Victorian scientist

Zoe Herriot (Wendy Padbury)

The 3rd Doctor 70-74

Doctor Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw (Caroline John) Security force UNIT's scientific adviser.

Jo Grant (Katy Manning) Spy with the knack of finding trouble.

Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen, pictured) Journalist -- star of spinoff The Sarah Jane Adventures

The 4th Doctor 74-81

Leela (Louise Jameson, pictured) Joined the Doctor from a primitive race

Romana (Mary Tamm/Lalla Ward) The first assistant to regenerate and be played by a different actress. Ward married Tom Baker in real life.

Nyssa (Sarah Sutton) Orphan who escapes The Master.

The 5th Doctor 82-84

Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding, pictured) Australian air hostess who entered Tardis by mistake

Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant) American student who also travelled with sixth Doctor.

6th Doctor 84-86

Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) Flame-haired companion and computer programmer. She also travelled with the seventh Doctor.

7th Doctor 87-89

Dorothy 'Ace' McShane (Sophie Aldred, pictured) Feisty explosives expert whose weapon of choice was the powerful "Nitro-9".

8th Doctor 1996

Dr Grace Holloway (Daphne Ashbrook, pictured) Operated on the Doctor after he was shot, before joining him.

9th Doctor 05-10

Rose Tyler (Billie Piper, pictured) Shop assistant who joined the Doctor then fell in love with

Lynda Moss (Jo Joyner, pictured) Met the Doctor on Game Station planet before. saving Rose. Killed by a Dalek.

10th Doctor 05-10

Jackie Tyler (Camille Coduri) Rose's conga drum playing mum.

Donna Noble (Catherine Tate, pictured) Bride who was sucked into the Tardis.

Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman, pictured) Medical student, later recruited to Torchwood.

Astrid Peth [Kylie Minogue) Waitress on doomed starship Titanic. She died saving the Doctor.

Lady Christina de Souza (Michelle Ryan, pictured) Woman of mystery and jewel thief.

Captain Adelaide Brooke (Lindsay Duncan) Head of Bowie Base One during a siege on Mars.

I stand up to the Doctor ... we simply combust

SHE'S the Titian-haired beauty who is set to become the feistiest Doctor Who companion EVER.

Karen Gillen, 22, says her character doesn't suffer fools gladly... and that includes a centuries-old Time Lord.

"Amy is a sassy lady. And there's an interesting dynamic between her and the Doctor. She doesn't just accept everything he says," Karen says.

"She's quite a feisty girl I know that's true of most of the companions, but Amy isn't so in awe of the Doctor. I think he needs her as much as she needs him. It's a very equal relationship."

The willowy Scot, who is 6ft and a Size 10, admits the strength of Amy's personality keeps the Doctor on his toes.

Though they are the best of pals there are some highly-charged differences of opinion during the series.

"Amy's a force of nature," she laughs. "The Doctor is definitely an alpha male and Amy is an alpha female, so when they meet, they combust,"

Her character's approach is the perfect foil for Matt Smith's "peek chic" Doctor, which nods back to Jon Pert-wee and Patrick Troughton.

And Karen, who appeared on Doctor Who in a smaller role in 2008, playing a soothsayer in The Fires of Pompeii, is just as taken with her co-star. "Matt's eccentric, endearing - and funny without even knowing it," she says. For me, the most enjoyable part of the process has been where we are establishing our relationship."

Show insiders say Karen, who trained at London's Italia Conti Academy Of Theatre Arts drama school and has worked as a model, has an explosive on-screen chemistry with Matt and they even share a kiss later in the series. But she refuses to say whether

there will be an on-screen romance.

"It's fair to say she's attracted to the Doctor. But I don't think she's in lave with him."

And that goes for real life too. Karen has been dating photographer Patrick Green, 24, for four years and says: "Matt is a good looking guy but he's like my older brother."


The Master made his debut in 1971 and has faced all but the second and ninth Doctors

Roger Delgado (1971-1973)

When The Master first appeared in January 1971 he was played by Roger Delgado, right, who instantly became a popular villain battling Jon Pertwee.

He loved watching children's TV show The Clangers. And he used a Tissue Compression Eliminator, which shrank people to the size of dolls. His time in the role was tragically cut short when he was killed in a car crash.

Peter Pratt (1976)

The Master returned in the Tom Baker story "The Deadly assassin".

He was a hideous, decaying creature, right, who had lost the Time Lord's ability to regenerate.

Peter was best known for his roles in Gilbert and Sullivan operas. He was chosen due to his strong voice, which could be heard through the thick mask he wore.

Geoffrey Beevers (1981)

He also played a rotting version of The Master in the Tom Baker story The Keeper Of Traken, right. Having run out of regenerations he hid out until taking over Professor Tremas. He married Caroline John, who was the Doctor's companion Liz.

Anthony Ainley (1981-1989)

The goatee-sporting star, above, regularly starred with Peter Davison, Cohn Baker and Sylvester McCoy until the show's cancellation in 1989 He used his evil genius and ability to hypnotise lesser minds with just his gaze.

Gorden Tipple/ Eric Roberts (1996)

In TV movie, the Master was briefly played by Gordon Tipple, far right, before a demonic looking Eric Roberts, above. Roberts is the only American born actor to have a major role in the show.

Sir Derek Jacobi (2007)

The Shakespearean actor played Professor Yana/ The Master, right, in Utopia alongside David Tennant, marking a return of The Master to screens after 11 years. He was resurrected by the Time Lords to fight in the Time War, but fled when defeat seemed inevitable. He stored his Time Lord essence and memories in his fob watch, turning him into a benevolent scientist called Professor Yana, forgetting his real identity. But when he meets the Doctor an incessant drumming in his head gets louder and when he opens his watch he turns back into The Master.

William Hughes (2007/2010)

He portrayed the Master as an eight-year-old child, above, in The Sound Of Drums in 2007 and The End Of Time when he looked into the time and space rift of the Untempered Schism on Gallifrey which sends some Time Lords mad.

John Simm (2007-2010)

Simm, right, first, appeared as the Master in Utopia. The Sound of Drums. We last saw him on New Year's Day when he took possession of the body of every human on the planet, paving the way for the return of the Time Lords... and leading to the regeneration of the Doctor from David Tennant into Matt Smith.

Meet The Master

WHILE the Doctor fights for good, the Master is dedicated to evil. A renegade Time Lord, the callous genius is the Doctor's arch enemy.

Like the Doctor, he came from Gallifrey, graduated from the Time Lord academy and stole a Tardis to travel through time and space. But that is where the similarity ends.

Actor John Simm, who plays the latest incarnation of The Master, above, calls his character "unhinged".

He says: "I like to be quite subtle, but this doesn't call for subtle. The Master is INSANE!"

The Master peered into a gap in the Untempered Schism -the fabric of space and time - which drove him mad and he became hell-bent on seizing control of the Universe... as well as munching on jelly babies and watching children's TV shows such as The Teletubbies and The Clangers.

Simm is the ninth actor to play the role - conceived by the original screenwriters as Professor Moriarty to the Doctor's Sherlock Holmes.

He first appeared as the satanic Master in Utopia, followed by The Sound Of Drums and The Last Of The Time Lords in 2007.

Simm, 39, joked one of the reasons for taking the role was so he could prove to his eight-year-old son Ryan that he had a proper day job. "He can never watch anything I'm in and this was perfect because he loves Doctor Who," he says.

Do you know your ... Who's Who?

Find out if you are a Time Lord or a e waster with .our Doctor Who quiz

1. The Doctor is a Time Lord from which planet?

A: Galapagos

B: Gallifrey

C: Galway

2. What is the latest Doctor's new companion called?

A: Amy Pond

B: Amy Lake

C: Amy Rivers

3. Who played the first doctor?

A: Colin Baker

B: Jon Pertwee

C: William Hartnell

4. What does TARDIS stand for?

A: Time and Real Diversity in Space

B: Time and Really Deep in Space

C: Time and Relative Dimensions in Space

5. How many hearts does the Doctor have?

A: 1

B: 2

C. 3

6. How many incarnations of the Doctor have there been?

A: 10

B: 11

C: 12

7.What gadget does the Doctor always carry?

A: Sonic screwdriver

B: Sonic hammer

C: Sonic pliers

8.What is the Daleks' war cry?

A: Extinguish

B: Exterminate

C: Exfoliate

9: What does the Tardis say on the outside?

A: Police Box

B: Phone Box

C: Horse box

10. Which monsters want to "upgrade" humans or delete them?

A: Cyberterrorists

B: Cybermen

C: Cyberbullies

11. What marshmallow shaped creatures were born from human body fat?

A: The Adipose

B: The Liposuctions

C: The Cellulites

12. Which Cardiff-based organisation

helps the Doctor?

A: Lightwood

B. Lampwood

C: Torchwood

13. What vegetable did the fifth Doctor Peter Davison wear on his lapel?

A: Carrot

B: Celery

C: Cucumber

14. Which Blue Peter presenter played one of the Doctor's first companions?

A: Peter Purves

B: John Noakes

C: Andi Peters

15. What was the Doctor's robotic dog called?

A: K-5

B: K-1

C: K-9

16. What role did Billie Piper play?

A: Liv Tyler

B: Rose Tyler

C: Taylor Swift

17. What is the name of the Doctor's Time Lord nemesis?

A: The Leader

B: The President

C: The Master

18: Why is the Tardis shaped like a police box?

A: The chameleon circuit jammed

B: They thought there were lots of them on Earth

C: They assumed no one would use it

19: What is the name of the Doctor's transformation?

A. Regeneration

B: Rejuvenation

C: Reinvigoration

20: What did Peter Davison have in his pocket alongside his sonic screwdriver?

A: A tennis ball

B: A cricket ball

C: A football

21.Colin Baker appeared in which other science fiction series?

A: Star Trek

B: Blake's 7

C: Battlester Galactica

22. Jon Pertwee played which other famous TV character?

A: Worzel Toothidge

B: Worzel Mouthidge

C: Worzel Gummidge

23. Which Monty Python star also appeared in Doctor Who?

A: Eric Idle

B John Deese

C: Michael Palin

24. What catchphrase has new Doctor Matt Smith coined?

A: Wayhaaay?

B: Zipedeedoodah!

C: Geronimo!

25. What mustn't you do when you see the Weeping Angels?

A: Cry

B: Smile

C: Blink

How we found the right look

Every Doctor has his own unique look - and Matt Smith is no different. RAY HOLMAN, the costume designer who dressed the eleventh doctor, reveals the secrets behind his style...

THE inspiration behind the costume came from Matt himself. He had been looking at pictures of Albert Einstein and wanted to capture elements of his look.

We tried a lot of ideas before we settled on the final style, including a pirate and a hunkier Doctor look. tt took about three weeks to get it right.

In the end Matt came into the wardrobe department and tried on a tweed jacket.

When he put it on it just worked. Then we added the boots and the shirt. But there was still something missing. Matt said 'I'm going to put some braces on', which worked but it was still lacking something. Then he said 'Can I try a bow tie?'

Myself and Steven Moffat, the executive producer, rolled our eyes. But surprisingly it worked.

The Doctor's jacket is vintage 1950s Harris Tweed and it is the only one in existence.

Obviously we need to make copies for continuity in case the original gets damaged or wet between takes.

We have to be very careful with it. Any repairs are done by myself or my team of three wardrobe assistants.

The jacket is like the Tardis. There are eight pockets, three visible on the outside and five hidden ones.

There is also a special pocket just for the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.

Amy's costumes are actually more complex than the Doctor's because they vary more. I got a lot of her clothes from the high street, Oasis, Top Shop and even Primark.

Doctor travels to many planets — but in reality, they are all South Wales. Executive producer PIERS WENGER explains how it's all done...

WE use South Wales because the landscapes can double up as other planets very easily.

We have set planets in disused quarries and the rock formations on the surface of another world if you keep filming tight.

The Daleks' space ship is an old cigar factory and we converted a disused tights factory into another intergalactic craft.

Matt is famously clumsy. We have to have three or four sonic screwdrivers on set at any time because he breaks them so often. He carries one with him wherever he goes.

The sonic screwdriver is made of metal. It is a working tool - not a prop. It is about the same weight as a small torch and at the press of a button a claw opens up at the end and a green light flashes.

In episode four, Matt leaned against the side of a space ship and snapped a bit of the set off in his hand. He just threw it over his shoulder and carried on with the scene. We kept it in the shot and viewers will think it's part of the script but it wasn't.

We can't control everything though. On the first day of filming on the beach the tide came in earlier than we thought. We had to take the Tardis apart and pack it up before it got washed out to sea. It breaks down into panels and is stored flat.

It rained pretty much non-stop during the , first weeks of filming. The actresses playing the weeping angels wear prosthetic costumes but as they got wetter their fingers began falling off. We had to stick them back on between takes. The angels have to arrive three hours before they're needed on set for hair and make-up and to apply prosthetics.

Their entire bodies are painted with special grey body paint, fresh each day which is washed off every evening. But they can't eat or drink once they're in costume.

It's pretty cramped inside a Dalek. A "take" rarely takes more than two or three minutes so between takes the actors inside them are given water and fresh air.

The Daleks' heads are taken off and then the actors use step ladders to climb in and out.

The Daleks are Matt's favourites, followed by the Weeping Angels.

I get to play around in a mad, imaginary world every day, which is limitless and timeless. That is as close as you get to magic


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  • APA 6th ed.: Wenger, Lara Gould & Sarah Arnold, Edward Thomas, Ray Holman, Piers (2010-04-11). Who is the Doctor?. The Sunday Mirror p. 1.
  • MLA 7th ed.: Wenger, Lara Gould & Sarah Arnold, Edward Thomas, Ray Holman, Piers. "Who is the Doctor?." The Sunday Mirror [add city] 2010-04-11, 1. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: Wenger, Lara Gould & Sarah Arnold, Edward Thomas, Ray Holman, Piers. "Who is the Doctor?." The Sunday Mirror, edition, sec., 2010-04-11
  • Turabian: Wenger, Lara Gould & Sarah Arnold, Edward Thomas, Ray Holman, Piers. "Who is the Doctor?." The Sunday Mirror, 2010-04-11, section, 1 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Who is the Doctor? | url= | work=The Sunday Mirror | pages=1 | date=2010-04-11 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=20 October 2024 }}</ref>
  • Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Who is the Doctor? | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=20 October 2024}}</ref>