Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

The Doctor Who Story

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It's extraordinary to think that it's now exactly thirty years since Doctor Who materialized on our television screens. And yet it was in 1963 that the world was introduced to the Doctor, a wanderer in time and space who, having stolen a 'Tardis' from his own people, the Time Lords of the planet Gallifrey, travelled the universe righting wrongs and taking on the powers of darkness.

Of course, his appearance has changed many times over the years, and he has shared his adventures with a number of different travelling companions. Along the way, he has encountered many horrific adversaries, including the dreaded Daleks and the sinister Cybermen, and traversed with equal ease the galaxies of the Universe and whole centuries of time. All this, and more, is Doctor Who.


In previous issues of Book and Magazine Collector, we've looked at 'Doctor Who' annuals (BMC 15) and novels (BMC 81). This month, I want to consider the various books that have been written about the series, including histories, handbooks and technical manuals. The list runs to over forty titles, making this is a surprisingly rich and fascinating area for the 'Doctor Who' collector.

Although the series was undoubtedly very popular during the 1960s, it wasn't until the beginning of the following decade that the first studies began to appear. By this time, both William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton had played the part, and viewers were now tuning in on Saturday afternoons to watch Jon Pertwee in the role.

The earliest survey is The Making of Doctor Who by Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks, which was published as a small-format paperback by Piccolo in April 1972. Its authors were certainly well-qualified for the job: both had done some writing for the series and, at the time, Dicks held the post of script editor. The book contained a lot of interesting background information about the Doctor and his travels and included an early, if crude, episode guide, ending with the Pertwee escapade, 'The Sea Devils'.

Wyndham/Target acquired the rights to this book four years later, and had it updated so as to include the new Doctor, Tom Baker. The guide in this revised edition — published in paperback in December 1976 — now went up to the adventure, 'The Hand of Fear'. Most of the new material was culled from the Radio Times 10th Anniversary Special (1973) and the Doctor Who Monster Book. Terrance Dicks did the lion's share of the rewriting, which explains why his name is printed before Hulke's on the spine of the second edition. The original John Pertwee photographic cover was replaced by one featuring an artwork picture of Tom Baker.

The Radio Times Doctor Who 10th Anniversary Special (simply entitled Doctor Who on the cover) appeared, not surprisingly, in November 1973. This lavishly-produced chronicle of the Doctor's adventures included interviews with several of his companions, a guide on how to build your own Dalek, and even previews of the coming year's adventures. Twenty years later, Mint copies are scarce and can command up to £50.

Apart from the reissue of the Hulke/Dicks study, no books appeared on the subject until the early Eighties when, out of the blue, appeared Graham Rickard's A Day with a TV Producer (Wayland, 1980; paperback). The producer in question just happened to be John Nathan-Turner — or 'JNT' as he became known — who had recently been put in charge of Doctor Who. The book is a fascinating account of several days with the Doctor Who production team during the making of the Tom Baker story, 'The Leisure Hive', concentrating, naturally, on JNT's involvement both in his office and in the studio. Although aimed at an under-eight readership, it's still of interest to older fans.

JNT considered spin-off merchandise to be an essential part of 'selling' the series, and he was perhaps largely responsible for the veritable flood of 'Doctor Who' reference books that appeared in the early 1980s.

For instance, May 1981 saw the arrival of The Doctor Who Programme Guide by Jean-Marc Lofficier, a Frenchman resident in the United States. This was issued in two volumes, the first containing an episode guide up to Tom Baker's final story, 'Logopolis', the second a basic 'A to Z' of the series. Unfortunately, both are full of inaccuracies, but this did not stop them being issued in paperback by Target in October 1981.

The success of Target's extensive range of novelizations had proved that there was a real market for 'Doctor Who' books, and eventually Andre Deutsch took the risk of producing a large format, factual book about the show: Alan Road's Doctor Who: The Making of a Television Series (1982). This contained a very thorough account of the production of a single story: 'The Visitation', starring the new Doctor, Peter Davison. Davison was very enthusiastic about the project, and agreed to provide the introduction.

However, the book was not a success, and Andre Deutsch did not repeat the experiment, although others would. The first to do so was Severn House, who published Mark Harris' The Doctor Who Technical Manual in March 1983. This was a disappointing work, being nothing more than a collection of technical drawings of the Tardis console, the Doctor's one-time robot dog, K9, Daleks and various other mechanical devices which had cropped up in the series.

Much more impressive was Peter Haining's twentieth-anniversary tribute, Doctor Who: A Celebration (1983). After a certain amount of hesitation, W. H. Allen (who owned the Target imprint) had taken the plunge and commissioned a substantial large-format book from Haining, which had a far higher page-count than any previous work about the programme. The comparatively high asking price of £10.95 didn't put off enthusiasts, who had long been hoping for a really comprehensive guide that covered almost every aspect of the series. As well as the standard edition (which was twice reprinted), there was also a de-luxe, leatherbound edition — limited to 500 copies — which sold for £30.

The anniversary was also marked by the British Film Institute, which held a special 'weekend event' at the National Film Theatre in October 1983, during which many episodes of the series were shown. They also commissioned the respected 'Doctor Who' aficionado, Jeremy Bentham, to write an accompaning booklet, entitled Doctor Who: The Developing Art.


Bentham was one of the leading lights of 'Doctor Who' fandom, having been one of the founder members of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society and features writer on Marvel's Doctor Who Monthly magazine. Needless to say, The Developing Art had a comparatively small print-run, and copies are now quite difficult to find, fetching between £2 and £3 when they do turn up.

November 1983 brought two new publications to the high street stores. The first of these was Doctor Who: The Unfolding Text (Macmillan, 1983) by John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado, an academic study, aimed more at students of 'popular culture' than fans, which analysed the various modes of storytelling used in the series. It was issued in both hardand softcover.

The second item was Radio Times' long-awaited Doctor Who: 20th Anniversary Special, published after the BBC had received countless demands for it from fans. Like the 10th Anniversary Special, it was produced to an extremely high standard, being printed on glossy paper and containing plenty of colour photographs, as well as an interesting potted history of the series.

The success of Doctor Who: A Celebration prompted Peter Haining to quickly produce a follow-up. Doctor Who: The Key to Time (1984), as this book was called, concentrated on various important moments in the time traveller's career between 1963 and 1984 and included material on the 'new' Doctor, Colin Baker. As with Celebration, a leatherbound, limited (500 copies) edition was also issued, which retailed for a hefty £50.

Comet published a softcover edition of this book in October 1987. Although The Key to Time contained only about half-a-dozen new pieces of information and sold for the relatively high price of £12.50, it was a massive success, and ensured that Peter Haining's name would be connected with the series for many years to come.


Finally realising just how sizeable was the potential market for large-format works to do with Doctor Who, W. H. Allen promptly went to the other extreme, publishing a whole rang of tie-in books, including a number that were considered by most fans to be pure cashing-in exercises. Falling into this category was Joy Gammon's The Doctor Who Pattern Book, which described how to knit several of the monsters seen in the series, and even the Tardis console!

Piccadilly Press also heard the ringing of cash registers when they published John Nathan-Turner's The Tardis Inside Out. It had to happen eventually: a book penned by JNT himself! As the publicity blurb misleadingly informed us: "At last! A book written by an insider, the producer."

In this work, JNT examined the six Doctors and the actors who had portrayed them. The depth of his research and treatment varied considerably, there being practically nothing on the first Doctor, William Hartnell, basically because Nathan-Turner never met him! The book does have the bonus of several illustrations by Andrew Skilleter, who provided many of the impressive covers for Target's 'Doctor Who' novelizations, but they didn't prevent both the hard- and softcover editions being remaindered in large quantities (although the book can still be ordered from the publisher).

May 1985 saw the arrival of The Doctor Who Cookbook. This was compiled by Gary Downie who, as a production assistant on the show, had taken the opportunity to approach the performers and find out their favourite recipes. Four months later, W. H. Allen published Lesley Standring's The Doctor Who Illustrated A-Z, another large-format book, with many pictures but very brief text entries.

October brought Timeview: The Complete Doctor Who Illustrations of Frank Bellamy, a tribute to the famous artist with a text by his son, David. On its pages was reproduced the artwork (some of it enlarged) which Bellamy drew for Radio Times to publicise various Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker serials in the Seventies. This volume has also proved popular with comic enthusiasts who know the artist from his work on Eagle and TV Century 21.

The summer of 1986 saw plenty of excitement among 'Doctor Who' fans as W. H. Allen published their finest book on the series for years: Jeremy Bentham's Doctor Who: The Early Years. This concentrated on the black-and-white era of William Hartnell, and was exceptionally well researched. Bentham, a true lover of the subject, uncovered many new facts about the series' beginnings, as well as design drawings of the Daleks and many previously unseen photographs. This volume has become the yardstick against which all other 'Doctor Who' reference books are measured. Once again, W. H. Allen produced a 500-copy, leatherbound limited edition, this one retailing for £75.


Next up came Doctor Who: Travel Without the Tardis (Target, 1986; paperback), written by two Americans, Jean Airey and Laurie Haldeman. This was basically a tourists' guide to the places where the series has been filmed, and how to get to them. Unfortunately, one enormous clanger got past the editors at Target — this was the authors' advice on travelling to Leeds Castle, used as a location for the Tom Baker serial, 'The Androids of Tara'. Their instructions were as follows: "You can take the train from London's Kings Cross to Leeds and hire a taxi from there" — not true, as Leeds Castle is actually near Maidstone in Kent!

September 1986 saw the appearance of three new 'Doctor Who' titles, doubtless aimed at the Christmas market. Of these, the most promising was Peter Haining's new work, The Doctor Who File, which once again was published by W. H. Allen. A leatherbound, limited edition was advertised, but this failed to appear, probably because of the high cost (the provisional price was £75). The File contained numerous interviews with the series' stars and production team, but most of these had previously been published elsewhere, making this a less-than-essential item.

Also available was JNT's Doctor Who: The Companions, a paperback stocking-filler along the lines of The Tardis Inside Out which ended up in the bargain basements just as quickly. Infinitely more interesting was Doctor Who: Special Effects by Mat Irvine, the best-known of the many people who have worked on that side of the show's production. It went into detail about his work on the series —including the construction of a three-foot motorized spider for the Pertwee story, Planet of the Spiders' — and also touched upon his involvement with the BBC's other popular inter-galactic drama, Blake's 7.

Undeterred by the comparatively poor reception of his Doctor Who File, Peter Haining made yet another onslaught on the market in September 1987 with Doctor Who: The Time-Travellers' Guide. This was his attempt at an 'A to Z' of the planets and monsters featured in the series, and included a continuation of the episode guide to be found in his earlier Doctor Who: A Celebration, beginning with the 20th anniversary special, 'The Five Doctors', and ending with the Colin Baker serial, 'The Trial of a Time Lord'. Remarkably, W. H. Allen published this book at the 'old' price of £14.95.

Meanwhile, Piccadilly Press were still struggling to produce a successful 'Doctor Who' book, and came up with what was basically another 'A to Z' in The Encyclopedia of the Worlds of Doctor Who: A-D by one-time DWAS committee-member, David Saunders. This small format reference work was the first of three handbooks, 'E-K' and 'L-R' following in 1989 and 1990 respectively. However, the fourth and final volume, though completed, has never been published.


By 1988, Shakespearian actor and sometimes children's entertainer, Sylvester McCoy, had become Doctor number seven. That September saw the appearance of Peter Haining's fifth book on the series, Doctor Who: 25 Glorious Years, which paid particular attention to McCoy's brief tenure. This work contains more interviews and is generally considered to be a bit of a mish-mash.

When it came to large-format reference works, it seemed that W. H. Allen really had the market sewn up until Who Dares Publishing announced their impressive-looking Doctor Who: Cybermen. This was written by actor, David Banks, who had played the role of the Cyberleader in various Cybermen stories since 1982. It is a superb work, providing a thorough survey of the Doctor's old cyborg foes. This book was initially available through mail order only, but some specialist shops had the foresight to stock it.

A limited number of "cybernetically-bound" copies — featuring a silver leather binding — were also issued, and these sold for no less than £95! Apparently, this encroachment into their territory did not go down well with W. H. Allen's new owners, Virgin, who eventually bought up the rights to the title and reissued it in a softcover edition in September 1990.

If the Cybermen had their own book, then the Daleks were not far behind, with John Peel persuading their creator, Terry Nation (by now resident in California), to work with him on The Official Doctor Who and the Daleks Book. This has only ever been published in the United States, St. Martin's Press issuing it in 1989 in an edition which featured a couple of Daleks and Tom Baker — the most popular of the Doctors with U.S. viewers — on the cover.

Copies didn't start appearing in this country until the following year, and then not in any great numbers. Some interesting facts and new material emerged from the collaboration between the two men (although just how much Nation wrote is debateable), including a synopsis fora pilot episode of a proposed Daleks TV series that the BBC almost put into production in the Sixties.

The end of 1989 brought Jean-Marc Lofficier's Doctor Who: The Programme Guide, which was basically an update of the first of his two earlier guides. Two years later, the British division of the Marvel Comics Group — publishers of the excellent Doctor Who Magazine — launched their Doctor Who Year book, which filled the gap left by World International Publishing's decision to abandon their Doctor Who Annuals after nearly three decades.

The Yearbook looked like an annual, but all similarities ended there: the new work was a vastly superior read, being full of informative and well-researched features. Not suprisingly, a follow-up appeared twelve months later, and it now seems that these will be coming out every year for the foreseeable future.

When Virgin took over W. H. Allen in 1990, they decided to give the series its own imprint. The first title to appear under the Doctor Who Books logo was John Peel's large-format work, Doctor Who: The Gallifrey Chronicles, published in October 1991. This turned the spotlight onto the Time Lords, with Peel producing a comprehensive 'history' of the Doctor's race which is completely consistent with the events of the series.

A similar work was Jean-Marc Lofficier's Doctor Who: The Terrestrial Index (Target, 1991; paperback), in which the Frenchman presented a guide to the 'Doctor Who' universe, once again based on information gleaned from the programmes. It also included a directory of all the creative personnel who have worked on the show and a list of non-televised 'Doctor Who' stories from comics, books, films, stage plays, etc.


Although the series is no longer in production, it's still as hugely popular as ever, and this is underlined by the fact that several new Doctor Who' books have appeared over the last couple of years. The first of these was Adrian Riglesford and Andrew Skilleter's Doctor Who: The Monsters, a large format work which looked at all of the Doctor's monstrous adversaries except the Daleks and the Cybermen, who had already been featured in works of their own.

Riglesford had started out as a writer on cheaply-produced fanzines devoted to the series, as had the authors of the next 'Doctor Who' title. Doctor Who: The Sixties by David J. Howe, Mark Stammers and Stephen James Walker was the book that everybody had been waiting for, a reference work that not only matched The Early Years, but surpassed it. It looked at the Hartnell and Troughton eras, but in more detail than any previous volume.

The trios' working partnership had been forged on the 'Doctor Who' fan magazine, The Frame, which, like The Sixties, boasted some extremely high-quality material. Both creative and technical aspects of the series were well covered in the latter, which provided a fascinating insight into how the show was put together, and also into the behind-the-scenes discussions as to its development. As Doctor Who Magazine commented when it came out: "This will probably rank as the ultimate book on the subject."


Lofficier was back again in November 1992 with a reworking of the second part of his original Programme Guide, entitled Doctor Who: The Universal Data Bank. Hot on his heels came Howe, Stammers and Walker with their Doctor Who: The Handbook — The Fourth Doctor, which provides a thorough survey of Tom Baker's time as the Doctor. This interesting concept looks set to be continued for all the other Doctors, with the handbook for the sixth — Colin Baker — due to be released in November of this year in time for the programme's 30th anniversary.

Gearing themselves up for the surge in interest which is bound to accompany the birthday celebrations, Virgin mounted a 'Doctor Who' publicity drive in the autumn, which included the publication in September of the softcover edition of Doctor Who: The Sixties. This had been eagerly awaited by both enthusiasts and booksellers alike, the hardback edition having sold out within two months!

Also published at this time was David J. Howe's colourful Doctor Who: Timeframe —An Illustrated History. This 240-page, large-format book looks at the Target novelizations — which celebrate their 20th anniversary this year — as well as the television series and, among the 60 full-page paintings included in this volume, are many early Target covers. All in all, Timeframe is another 'must' for true 'Doctor Who' fans.

Sadly, Radio Times has no plans to mark the series' 30th birthday (although the BBC is currently re-showing the Jon Pertwee story, 'Planet of the Daleks', and has promised further repeats). However, Marvel will be issuing a 68-page Doctor Who 30th Anniversary Special on 25th November (price £3.25) which should offer some comfort to collectors.

Since the early Eighties, Doctor Who has been more analysed and written about — and, for that matter, cashed in on — than any other British television series of any period. It's extraordinary to think that almost forty different books have been written about it, on top of all the novelizations, annuals and magazine specials which it has inspired over the years. Very few programmes last for one — let alone three — decades, but then Doctor Who is a truly unique institution. I have no doubt that the 'Doctor Who Story' will be running for many years yet.

My thanks to Andrew Pixley for his help in researching this article and bibliography.


This still from 1965 shows the very first Doctor Who, played by William Hartnell. The series first went on air exactly thirty years ago in November 1963, and since then has inspired more than forty histories and reference works.

Doctor Who has featured many times on the cover of Radio Times. This cover was drawn by Frank Bellamy.

Alan Road's Doctor Who: The Making of a Television Series (1982) was the very first large-format book about the show. It included an introduction by Peter Davison.

Over the last thirty years, Doctor Who has taken on a variety of formidable adversaries, but none more evil than the terrible Daleks. The Official Doctor Who and the Daleks Book was published in 1989, but only in America.

A landmark for 'Doctor Who' fans: Peter Haining's comprehensive study, Doctor Who: A Celebration, first published by W. H. Allen in 1983 and still in print.

Radio Times published this lavish 'special' to celebrate the series' 20th anniversary. Copies now fetch up to £20.

This book from 1985 brings together the best of Frank Bellamy's 'Doctor Who' illustrations from Radio Times.

William Hartnell again, this time with the clowns Clara and Joey from a story entitled 'The Celestial Toymaker'

Special effects wizard, Mat Irvine, gave away a number of trade secrets in this fascinating work from 1986.

Another large-format work from Peter Haining: Doctor Who: The Time-Travellers Guide, published in 1987.


A guide to current values of first editions in Fine condition with/without dustjackets

(prices in brackets refer to books with jackets).



(Andre Deutsch, 1982) £3-£5 (£5-£8)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Puffin, 1983) £3-£4

THE DOCTOR WHO TECHNICAL MANUAL by Mark Harris (Severn House, 1983) £2-£3 (£3-£5)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Sphere, 1983) £1-£2

DOCTOR WHO: A CELEBRATION by Peter Haining (W. H. Allen, 1983) £4-£6 (£8-£10)

ditto. Limited Edition (limited to 500 copies; leather binding) (W. H. Allen, 1983) £20-£30

DOCTOR WHO: THE KEY TO TIME by Peter Haining (W. H. Allen, 1984) £4£6 (£8-£10)

ditto. Limited Edition (limited to 500 copies; leather binding) (W. H. Allen, 1984) £20-£30

ditto. Softcover Edition (Comet, 1987) £3-£4

THE DOCTOR WHO PATTERN BOOK by Joy Gammon (W. H. Allen, 1984) £2-£3

ditto. Softcover Edition (W. H. Allen, 1986) £1-£2

DOCTOR WHO: THE TARDIS INSIDE OUT by John Nathan-Turner (Piccadilly, 1985) £3-£4 (£4-£5)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Piccadilly, 1985) £2-£3

THE DOCTOR WHO COOKBOOK by Gary Downie (W. H. Allen, 1985) £2-£3 (£3-£4)

ditto. Softcover Edition (W. H. Allen, 1986) £1-£2

THE DOCTOR WHO ILLUSTRATED A-Z by Lesley Standring (W. H. Allen, 1985) £3-£5 (£5-£8)

ditto. Softcover Edition (W. H. Allen, 1987) £2-£3


(Who Dares Publishing, 1985) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Who Dares Publishing, 1985) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: THE EARLY YEARS by Jeremy Bentham (W. H. Allen, 1986) £4-£7 (£8-£10)

ditto. Limited Edition (limited to 500 copies; leather binding) (W. H. Allen, 1986) £30-£50

ditto. Softcover Edition (Comet, 1988) £3-£5

THE DOCTOR WHO FILE by Peter Haining (W. H. Allen, 1986) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

ditto. Softcover Edition (W. H. Allen, 1992) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: THE COMPANIONS by John Nathan-Turner (Piccadilly, 1986) £3-£4 (£4-£5)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Piccadilly, 1986) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: SPECIAL EFFECTS by Mat Irvine (Hutchinson, 1986) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Beaver, 1986) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: THE TIME-TRAVELLERS' GUIDE by Peter Haining (W. H. Allen, 1987) £3-£4 (£4£6)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Comet, 1989) £2-£3


DOCTOR WHO: 25 GLORIOUS YEARS by Peter Haining (W. H. Allen/Planet, 1988) £4-£7 (£8-£10)

ditto. Softcover Edition (Virgin, 1990) in print £8.99

DOCTOR WHO: CYBERMEN by David Banks (Who Dares Publishing, 1988) £5-£8 (£8-£10)

ditto. Limited Edition (silver leather binding) (Who Dares Publishing, 1988) £50-£80

ditto. Softcover Edition (Virgin, 1990) in print £8.99

DOCTOR WHO YEARBOOK (boards; issued without dustjacket) (Marvel, 1991) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: THE GALLIFREY CHRONICLES by John Peel (Doctor Who, 1991) in print £14.99

DOCTOR WHO YEARBOOK 1993 (boards; issued without dustjacket) (Marvel, 1992) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: THE MONSTERS by Adrian Rigleford and Andrew Skilleter

(Doctor Who, 1992) in print £14.99

DOCTOR WHO: THE SIXTIES by David J. Howe, Mark Stammers and Stephen James Walker

(Doctor Who, 1992) in print £14.99

ditto. Softcover Edition (Doctor Who, 1993) in print £9.99

DOCTOR WHO YEARBOOK 1994 (boards; issued without dustjacket) (Marvel, 1993) in print £4.50


(Doctor Who, 1993) in print £14.99


THE MAKING OF DOCTOR WHO by Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks (paperback)

(Piccolo, 1972) £8-£10

ditto. Revised Edition (paperback) (Target/Wyndham, 1976) £3-£4

A DAY WITH A TV PRODUCER by Graham Rickard (Wayland, 1980) £3-£4 (£4-£6)


(W. H. Allen, 1981) £2-£3 (£3-£4)

ditto. Paperback Edition (Target, 1981) £1-£2


(W. H. Allen, 1981) £2-£3 (£3-£4)

ditto. Paperback Edition (Target, 1981) £1-£2

DOCTOR WHO: THE UNFOLDING TEXT by John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado

(Macmillan, 1983) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

ditto. Paperback Edition (Macmillan, 1983) £2-£3

DOCTOR WHO: TRAVEL WITHOUT THE TARDIS by Jean Airey and Laurie Haldeman (paperback)

(Target, 1986) £1-£2


(Piccadilly, 1987) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

ditto. Paperback Edition (Knight, 1988) £1-£2

THE OFFICIAL DOCTOR WHO AND THE DALEKS BOOK by John Peel and Terry Nation (paperback)

(St. Martins Press, U.S., 1989) £2-£3


(Piccadilly, 1989) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

ditto. Paperback Edition (Knight, 1989) £1-£2

DOCTOR WHO: THE PROGRAMME GUIDE by Jean-Marc Lofficier (paperback) (Target, 1989) £1-£2


(Piccadilly, 1990) £3-£4 (£4-£6)

DOCTOR WHO: THE TERRESTRIAL INDEX by Jean-Marc Lofficier (paperback)

(Target, 1991) in print £3.50

DOCTOR WHO: THE UNIVERSAL DATA BANK by Jean-Marc Lofficier (paperback)

(Doctor Who, 1992) in print £4.99

DOCTOR WHO: THE HANDBOOK — THE FOURTH DOCTOR by David J. Howe, Mark Stammers and

Stephen James Walker (paperback) (Doctor Who, 1992) in print £3.99

DOCTOR WHO: THE HANDBOOK THE SIXTH DOCTOR by David J. Howe, Mark Stammers and Stephen

James Walker (paperback) (Doctor Who, 1993) in print £4.50



DOCTOR WHO: THE DEVELOPING ART by Jeremy Bentham (pamphlet)

(British Film Institute, October 1983) £2-£3


DOCTOR WHO: 30th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL (based on the '10th Anniversary Special')

(Marvel, provisional date — 25th November 1993) provisional price £3.25

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  • APA 6th ed.: Richardson, Mike (no. 117 (Dec. 1993)). The Doctor Who Story. Book and Magazine Collector p. 32.
  • MLA 7th ed.: Richardson, Mike. "The Doctor Who Story." Book and Magazine Collector [add city] no. 117 (Dec. 1993), 32. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: Richardson, Mike. "The Doctor Who Story." Book and Magazine Collector, edition, sec., no. 117 (Dec. 1993)
  • Turabian: Richardson, Mike. "The Doctor Who Story." Book and Magazine Collector, no. 117 (Dec. 1993), section, 32 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=The Doctor Who Story | url= | work=Book and Magazine Collector | pages=32 | date=no. 117 (Dec. 1993) | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 October 2024 }}</ref>
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