Category:Articles published in 1993
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Pages in category "Articles published in 1993"
The following 146 pages are in this category.
- Back to the future for Dr Who's 30th Birthday
- Bargain table yields treasure for this Doctor Who fan
- BBC-style theme park plans
- BBC and Tussauds hold theme park talks
- The BBC has released a special limited edition boxed set of the Doc adventures
- Bernard Martin obituary
- Boldly going to expand scope
- Bring back doctor
- The Daleks are surely everybody's favourite villains
- Daleks invaded the club
- Daleks invade America
- Dalek creator on mission to exterminate the imposters
- Dalek invasion in Brum
- Dark Dimensions
- David takes Doctor Who into a new dimension
- Doctor, where am I?
- Doctor, who's that old girl?
- Doctor, you've made me feel 20 years older
- The Doctor lives again
- Doctor Who's New Dimension
- Doctor Who, and friends, make a spectacle of themselves!
- Doctor Who, USA
- Doctor Who-30 Years In The Tardis, BBC1, 8pm
- Doctor Who: Dalek Attack
- Doctor Who: The Sixties
- Doctor Who — 30 Years in the Tardis
- Doctor Who and the Daleks, BBC1, 7.30pm
- Doctor Who And The Paradise Of Death
- Doctor Who Fan Club New online!
- The Doctor Who Story
- The Doctor with an American accent — you've got to be kidding!
- Doing what comes naturally
- Dr. Who-30th Anniversary
- Dr Hoot
- Dr Who's girl is her own woman
- Dr Who's waste of space
- Dr Who: he really is invincible
- Dr Who & The Daleks/Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 AD
- Dr Who — Thirty Years
- Dr Who actor Peter Davison is to divorce
- Dr Who confronts the deadly Daleks
- Dr Who enters another dimension
- Dr Who faces Daleks again
- Dr Who goes in to bat for a change
- Dr Who is back on track for TV
- Dr Who joins EastEnders in 3D special
- Dr Who lands among a new galaxy of stars
- Dr Who leads BBC into new dimension
- Dr Who meets Eastenders ... in 3-D
- Dr Who pops into the Vic
- Dr Who returns (Newcastle Journal)
- Dr Who reunion wrecked
- Sci-Fi turns to media to spread its name
- The script was quite simply no good
- The search on for TV's golden oldies
- Second 'time' around for Jon
- Send for the Doctor!
- Seven Time Lords in police box
- The show they could never exterminate
- Spectacles of fun
- Spielberg resurrects 'Dr. Who'
- Stage struck
- Stars help make sci-fi charity auction shine
- Sylvester reveals the real McCoy
- Take me back to the future!
- Take us to your leaders
- Tale of a Time Lord
- Tardis in a Time-Warp
- Tardis terror
- Tardis travels for Dr Who convention
- Thirty years and a handful of Doctors later, Doctor Who is still going strong
- This Sorry Tale Of Whose Who
- Time Lord Back From The Universe
- Time throws a spanner in the Tardis's works as Dr Who celebrates his 30th birthday
- Tom moves up: Doc to surgeon
- Tonight, Jon continues his adventures in The Paradise Of Death
- Too much 'hullabaWho' for true fans
- Top Sci-fi
- Treat the Doctor with due respect