Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

Category:Articles published in 2020

From The Doctor Who Cuttings Archive
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chronological view
Bonding exerciseThe Mirror2020-01-01
Look Who's back! (2020)Evening Chronicle
Leicester Mercury
Doctor Who Gender off the agenda at lastDaily Mail2020-01-02
Scarcely human megalomaniacs ... it's hard not to see this as an allegoryThe Guardian2020-01-02
Sir Lenny's in the Aston's driving seat as Doctor Who goes all 007Daily Mail2020-01-02
Fans give Jodie the heave WhoThe Sun2020-01-03
New Master's prideEvening Chronicle2020-01-04
The monsters in Doctor Who were much less complexThe Sunday Times2020-01-05
Masterful shock rocks the Doc!Daily Star2020-01-06
Dhawan's adventures in space and timeEastern Eye2020-01-10
Jodie Is Doctor Woo-Hoo!The Sun2020-01-10
Worried that Doctor Who has become too politically correct?The Sunday Times2020-01-12
Bore Off DocDaily Star2020-01-14
Doctor Few As Viewers HalveThe Sun2020-01-14
That's my type of art!Daily Mail2020-01-16
25 Most-Watched Shows of the 2010sMetro (England)2020-01-17
Sparks fly in power battleDaily Star2020-01-17
Dr Who is turning into a PC Dr WokeDaily Star2020-01-18
Don't turn your back, don't look away and don't blinkTV Guide2020-01-20
Doctor Who cares? Worst viewing figures in 34 yearsMetro (England)2020-01-23
Dr Woo Hoo!Daily Star2020-01-27
Doctor True!Daily Star2020-01-28
The Must List (2020)Entertainment Weekly2020-02-01
Doctor to face a whole new CybermenaceThe Mirror2020-02-05
Cyber Sunday!Daily Star2020-02-05
Just Who on Earth's watching this tosh?Daily Star2020-02-05
Doctor Who loves its Nazi storylines but where are the Jews?J.: The Jewish News of Northern California2020-02-21
This is going to hurtRadio Times2020-02-29
Who Knows Who? Jodie Whittaker (The Doctor) & Mandip Gill (Yaz)Radio Times2020-02-29
Who Knows Who - Bradley Walsh (Graham) & Tosin Cole (Ryan)Radio Times2020-02-29
Meeting the MasterRadio Times2020-02-29
Is it wrong to enjoy outdated, unwoke TV shows? No. Don't write off the culture of the past — context is keyThe Sunday Times2020-03-15
Essentialism Is Dead! Long Live EssentialismFemspec2020-03-15
Dr Who writer sets the TARDIS to defend BeebLondon Evening Standard2020-05-15
How we helped rescue a missing classicRadio Times2020-08-01
Troughton reanimatedPro Sound News2020-09-01
Is time travel possible?Science + Nature2020-10-01
The Doctor & DaleksRadio Times2020-10-03
Dominant Narratives and Historical Perspective in Time Travel Stories: A Case Study of Doctor WhoThe Social Studies2020-10-09
The Daleks are back for a Christmas extravaganzaTV & Satellite Week2020-11-28
Howl at the MoonNew Moon Girls2020-12-01
Exterminate, exterminate!The Mirror2020-12-19
Hope it's not a scarf!Radio Times2020-12-19
Destroy the Daleks!TV & Satellite Week2020-12-19
Jeremy Bulloch, 1945-2020Associated Press
The Wichita Eagle
Together at ChristmasTV Times2020-12-19
Baby, it's cold outsideThe Sunday Times2020-12-20
Captain Jack is Back (2020)TV Guide2020-12-21
Jack what the Doctor orderedThe Daily Telegraph2020-12-26
Boy, 8, gets Tardis bedroom surpriseThe Sunday Times2020-12-27

Pages in category "Articles published in 2020"

The following 50 pages are in this category.