Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

TV Times

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TV Times

70 articlesdate
The Manipulators - puppet men with the Midas touch1968-11-02
Lis the unwanted lovely1979-01-13
Doctor Who Is Brought to Book1979-01-27
In View1979-11-11
Why Who's In The Land Of Tut1980-03-01
What's Doctor Who doing in the desert?1980-07-31
The Shadow Man1981-01-12
You ought to see the Doctor1983-10-15
Paint along with Patrick1983-10-29
The men from outer space1984-07-14
Life in the dog house!1986-11-22
Jon Pertwee, warts and all1989-02-04
It's the moment Doctor Who fans have been waiting for1996-05-25
The big TV event this week is the return of Doctor Who1996-05-25
It's Doctor Who - but not as we know it!1996-05-25
Good Lord, Will Gary Fight the Daleks?1999-07-23
Time gentlemen please1999-11-13
Doctor Who night1999-11-13
Happy Birthday, Timelord2003-11-22
Doctor Who plays it straight2003-12-06
Doctor Chris, That's Who...2004-04-03
New Doctor Gets Battered, Sexy Look2004-09-11
Doctor in Love2005-03-26
Children can't say they've had a proper upbringing until they've spent a Saturday evening hiding behind the sofa with one eye on Doctor Who2005-03-26
From Gay to Geek2005-04-30
This is what we've been waiting for2005-04-30
I rescued Doctor Who2005-06-18
Who Done It2005-12-10
Out of this world (TV Times)2006-04-15
The Doctor and Rose are off on their travels again2006-04-15
A feast of thrills!2006-12-23
Who's a busy boy!2007-02-10
How it all began2013-11-23
A very special birthday2013-11-23
Fashion Doctor2014-02-08
A new era2014-07-12
Tasty Time Lords2016-08-13
Back to save New York (TV Times)2016-12-17
The first in a two-part finale sees some classic baddies return2017-06-24
Their final showdown2017-07-01
Bradley joins Doctor Who!2017-11-04
Time for Change2017-12-23
Who's treating Who?2018-06-16
It's all change as Jodie Whittaker makes her debut journey in the TARDIS2018-08-16
The Doctor's back with some new tools!2018-10-06
The Doctor is an alien, not a woman2018-10-06
The Doctor and friends meet a legend of the US Civil Rights movement2018-10-20
I did stuff I've never done before2018-11-17
Siobhan Finneran stars2018-11-24
The Time Lord's thrilling seasonal adventure will take place at New Year2018-12-01
It's epic!2018-12-22
Together at Christmas2020-12-19
I cried my eyes out!2021-10-30
Looking for something scary for Halloween?2021-10-30
The Sontarans are back2021-11-06
The terrifying Cybermen are back2021-11-13
Karvanista makes an appearance2021-11-27
How will the Doctor save the universe?2021-12-04
They've survived the Flux2022-01-01
Speak of the Devils!2022-04-16
Prepare to have your swashes buckled and your timbers shivered2022-04-16
A distress call from an intergalactic bullet train2022-10-22
Time Out!2022-10-22
Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour2023-11-18
Ho, ho, Who2023-11-23
Look Who's back! (TV Times)2023-11-25
David Tennant returns as the 14th Doctor2023-11-25
The Doctor regrets the addition of a coffee machine to the TARDIS2023-12-02
Secrets of the Whoniverse!2023-12-02
The human race is being driven insane by the giggle of a puppet2023-12-09