Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who

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2005-06-02 Echo.jpg


In the 'Why Didn't I Think of That' department, our friends at the BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who. The galaxy-romping show, where a continually reincarnated alien fights bad guys that look like trash cans and evil Muppets, has added a new surprise to his way-out mix: a bisexual space captain.

Yes, across the pond (and on your Satellite cable) the good doctor gets a good dose of out actor John Barrowman, playing Captain Jack Harkness, according to the folks at If the openly-gay actor's lucky, he'll even reincarnate into season two. Get the latest info at

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  • APA 6th ed.: Heil, Matthew (2005-06-02). The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who. Echo Magazine p. 66.
  • MLA 7th ed.: Heil, Matthew. "The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who." Echo Magazine [add city] 2005-06-02, 66. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: Heil, Matthew. "The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who." Echo Magazine, edition, sec., 2005-06-02
  • Turabian: Heil, Matthew. "The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who." Echo Magazine, 2005-06-02, section, 66 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who | url=,_Dr._Who | work=Echo Magazine | pages=66 | date=2005-06-02 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=16 January 2025 }}</ref>
  • Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=The BBC have zapped new life into that most bizarre of geek entertainments, Dr. Who | url=,_Dr._Who | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=16 January 2025}}</ref>