Category:Articles with no OCR
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Pages in category "Articles with no OCR"
The following 120 pages are in this category.
- Admit it, Billie there's something going on with you and Dr Who
- Afterword: The Hope of the Doctor
- And whosoever knoweth just cause or impediment
- Antirationalist critique or fifth column of scientism? Challenges from Doctor Who to the mad scientist trope
- As We See, So We Learn: Doctor Who as Religious Education
- Augmenting fan/academic dialogue: New directions in fan research
- Catherine Tate has ruined Dr Who
- Closed Circuits and Monitored Lives: Television as Power in Doctor Who
- The crack of doom: The uncanny echoes of Steven Moffat's Doctor Who
- A critical examination of the mythological and symbolic elements of two modern science fiction series: "Star Trek" and "Doctor Who"
- Dalek, you were wonderful
- Delia Derbyshire : sound and music for the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, 1962-1973
- The dispersible television text: theorising moments of the new Doctor Who
- The Doctor’s Original Face: Watching Doctor Who Episodes as Buddhist Koans
- The Doctor Challenges You!
- Doctor Ooh
- Doctor Poo
- Doctor Who: televized science fiction as contemporary melodrama
- Doctor Who and Immortality: Influence of Christian and Buddhist Ethics
- Doctor Who and Race: Reflections on the Change of Britain’s Status in the International System
- Doctor Who and the Convergence of Media
- Doctor Who and the Creation of a Non-Gendered Hero Archetype
- Doctor Who and the Iconographic Search for an Ecstatic Human Religious Experience
- Doctor Who meets Vladimir Propp: A comparative narrative analysis of myth/folktale and the television science fiction genre
- Doctor writes a prescription for patience
- Dominant Narratives and Historical Perspective in Time Travel Stories: A Case Study of Doctor Who
- Dr. Whoopla
- Dr Who: Similarity and Difference
- Dr Who and arch rival the Daleks drop in on Haverfordwest Carnival on Saturday
- The Dr Who convention: Who? Sometimes specialty conventions are just plain silly - on purpose
- The Encoding and Decoding of Gendered Heroic Quests in Doctor Who, Blake’s 7, Red Dwarf, and Torchwood
- An Enemy Within: The London Underground and Doctor Who's "The Web of Fear"
- England Looks to the Future: The Cultural Forum Model and "Doctor Who"
- Essentialism Is Dead! Long Live Essentialism
- Exhausted and Exhausting: Television Studies and British Soap Opera
- Explicit and Implicit Religion in Doctor Who and Star Trek
- I'll catch those blasted kids at it, one day!
- I'm afraid it's going to be a huge wedding guest list!
- Implicit Religion in Popular Culture: The Case of Doctor Who
- The Impossible Pit: Satan, Hell, and Teaching with Doctor Who
- Insufficient evidence
- Interview with Kate Orman: Dr Who Author
- Into the Arms of Dr Who: Implicit Religion and a Cowboy’s Redemption
- In Thrall to the Archives of Empire: Torchwood -- "Children of Earth"
- Is Doctor Who Political?
- It's Mary, Who's next
- It’s the Master! (Step in Time): Hearts of Darkness and Postcolonial Paradoxes in Doctor Who
- I don't want Doctor Who asking about my sexuality!
- Paradise is a little too green for me: Discourses of environmental disaster in Doctor Who 1963-2010
- Periodising Doctor Who
- Peter Capaldi begins his run as The Doctor in this year’s “Doctor Who” Christmas special
- Political Satire and British-American Relations in Five Decades of Doctor Who
- Proto-electronica vs. martial marches: Doctor Who, Stingray, Thunderbirds and the music of 1960s' British sf television
- Screening Wales: Portrayal, Representation and Identity: A Case Study
- Screenwriters as Theologians: Doctor Who’s Scope for Theological Exploration
- Shaping Fantasies: Responses to Shakespeare’s Magic in Popular Culture
- Sherlock Holmes and the Leap of Faith: The Forces of Fandom and Convergence in Adaptations of the Holmes and Watson Stories
- A Short History of Doctor Who
- Sociopathetic Abscess or Yawning Chasm? The Absent Postcolonial Transition in Doctor Who
- Successful Dr. Who series is Verity's first assignment
- Terrifically Timeless
- Terror TV
- Texts, readers and contexts of reading: developments in the study of media audiences
- The thing on the left just ate Dr. Who!
- Time and relative dimensions on line: Doctor Who, wikis and the production of narrative/history
- Time Can Be Rewritten:The Doctor, the Book, and the Database
- Travel with a Time Lord: using media to enhance literacy
- TV's Stickiest Shows
- War without End?: Utopia, the Family, and the Post-9/11 World in Russell T. Davies's "Doctor Who"
- Watch the Blood-Soaked Old General in Action: Blochian Atheism, Exodus, and Utopia in Doctor Who
- Way Out - Of This World! Delia Derbyshire, Doctor Who and the British Public's Awareness of Electronic Music in the 1960s
- The Web planet: How the changing Internet divided "Doctor Who" fan fiction writers
- Week-end Broadcasting Programmes
- Well, this certainly buggers our plan to conquer the Universe
- When Doctor Who Enters Its Own Timeline: The Database Aesthetics and Hyperdiegesis of Multi-Doctor Stories
- Whovians and Directionares: Challenging the Fangirl Identity
- Who Was Dr Who's Father?
- Why the Cybermen Stomp: Sound in the New Doctor Who
- Worst thing we ever did-- giving them legs
- Worzel who?