Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

Dalek startles strollers in Civic

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I built it in 1979, using the blueprints from an old Doctor Who magazine that gets referred to a lot by Dalek fans.

Half way through collecting the materials and starting to do the fibreglass moulds etc I realised it would make a good project for a sculture unit I was doing at the Art School as part of my degree.

After it was built I was contacted as Tom Baker was in Australia doing a promo thing and I was contracted to wander around a few shopping centres inside the Dalek.

There were almost no other Daleks in Australia at that time - and I was also asked to come and be a part of a parade in a multiculture festival. That was all fine - but one day I was cruising along in the Dalek and this group of little kids saw me and were really surprised and said, "Look out, it's a dalek." Some of the little kids started throwing stones at me. They couldn't hurt me in the dalek, of course, and I had a water pistol rigged up to the dalek weapon and started shooting them with then. Then one said, 'You have to push it over. Push it into the lake!' We were by a lakeside. Luckily there was a small concrete barrier by the lake, because with six little kids suddenly pushing me, I could not get any traction to resist them. I was then saved by one of their dads who had to convince them that I wasn't a real dalek and they shouldn't really push me into the lake.

As a sign of the changing times - in the 90s when I had the dalek out and kids would see it, they were more likely to say, 'Is that R2D2?'

Craig Cormick

1979-11-15 Canberra Times.jpg
