Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age
- Publication: Fine Tuning (Milwaukee)
- Date: June 1985
- Author:
- Page: 4
- Language: English
I have been watching Channel 10 for the past several years and, during that time, I have had the pleasure of viewing some of the highest quality programming available to television. Shows such as Mystery, Masterpiece Theatre, Doctor Who, and Great Performances have held my attention and interest with their suberb quality. American Playhouse, in my mind, deserves special praise for airing programs reminiscent of television's "golden age." The nightly MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour is the best nightly newscast on American television to date.
Some of my favorite segments that have aired on these programs lately include: "The Jewel in the Crown," the Agatha Christie telecasts and the showing of the Five Doctors. Each of these broadcasts exemplified the fine programming that I've come to expect from Channel 10. In short, Channel 10 has brought me much entertainment over the years, entertainment which is simply unavailable on the commercial networks.
Milwaukee, WI
Who Does She Look Like?
Channel 10 and 36 provide some of the best television available in our area, yet its programmers seem to have missed something—Doctor Who look-a-like contests are exclusively male.
It's pretty hard for any woman to dress like the Doctor, who has always been portrayed as a man. Can't you have a companion look-a-like contest? It would be fun to see twins for Tegan, Sarah Jane and Leela —and the latter just might bring in a larger audience. A woman would like to win a computer just as much as any man.
Thiensville, WI
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- APA 6th ed.: (June 1985). Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age. Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) p. 4.
- MLA 7th ed.: "Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age." Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) [add city] June 1985, 4. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: "Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age." Fine Tuning (Milwaukee), edition, sec., June 1985
- Turabian: "Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age." Fine Tuning (Milwaukee), June 1985, section, 4 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age | url= | work=Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) | pages=4 | date=June 1985 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=3 February 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Reminiscent of TV's Golden Age | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=3 February 2025}}</ref>