Saturday preview
- Publication: Toronto Star
- Date: 1976-09-11
- Author:
- Page: Star Week, p. 6
- Language: English
DR. WHO (TV Ontario, 7:30): A BBC-produced science fiction series which has been running in Britain since 1963, this half-hour weekly series stars Jon Pertwee (the third actor to take the role) as the title character, a Time Lord, on of an advanced race of beings from the planet Gallifry with extraordinary intellectual and psychic powers. Dr. Who has travelled through time and space via a machine called the Tardis to the planet Earth in the 20th century where, as a special adviser to UNIT (a United Nations intelligence group), he uses has powers to out-wit an endless army of monsters and villainous forces.
Spelling correction: Gallifrey
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- APA 6th ed.: (1976-09-11). Saturday preview. Toronto Star p. Star Week, p. 6.
- MLA 7th ed.: "Saturday preview." Toronto Star [add city] 1976-09-11, Star Week, p. 6. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: "Saturday preview." Toronto Star, edition, sec., 1976-09-11
- Turabian: "Saturday preview." Toronto Star, 1976-09-11, section, Star Week, p. 6 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Saturday preview | url= | work=Toronto Star | pages=Star Week, p. 6 | date=1976-09-11 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 February 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Saturday preview | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 February 2025}}</ref>