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Pages in category "Listings"
The following 199 pages are in this category.
- Cat nurses, lonely zombies, mind-swap machines and a fat man who's slowly turning into stone
- Children can't say they've had a proper upbringing until they've spent a Saturday evening hiding behind the sofa with one eye on Doctor Who
- A child of destiny flees through a war-torn landscape
- Christopher Eccleston's magnificent Doctor Who is a hard act to follow
- Classic Doctor Who
- The clock on the wall shows half past midnight
- Crikey!
- Cybermen are back!
- David Tennant is back as the Doctor
- David Tennant is perfect as the hero
- David Tennant returns as the 14th Doctor
- Death is not an end
- A distress call from an intergalactic bullet train
- The Doctor's back with some new tools!
- The Doctor's future love who first turned up two years ago in the library of flesh-eating shadows
- The Doctor and Amy are settling nicely into their intergalactic partnership
- The Doctor and friends meet a legend of the US Civil Rights movement
- The Doctor and her friends land in Montgomery, Alabama
- The Doctor and Rose are off on their travels again
- The Doctor is an alien, not a woman
- The Doctor is in a generous mood
- The Doctor regrets the addition of a coffee machine to the TARDIS
- Doctor Who: 60 Years of Friends and Foes
- Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour
- Doctor Who: The War Doctor
- Doctor Who: the Wilderness Years
- Doctor Who And The Paradise Of Death
- Doctor Who Goes Back To Marco Polo Days
- Doctor Who is always exploring time and space
- Doctor Who night
- Doctor Who Night (2023)
- A Doctor Who weekend special interspersed with documentaries, star interviews, monsters, props and gadgets
- Dr. Who and the Daleks (Radio Times)
- Dr. Who and the French Revolution
- Dr. Who and The Lionheart
- Dr. Who and the Mind Robber: BBC-1 AT 5.20
- Dr. Who has a new friend
- Dr Who Night
- Dr Who starts on another exploit
- Festive Farewell
- Few shows in recent memory have deserved the sort of hype that's surrounded Doctor Who
- The first in a two-part finale sees some classic baddies return
- First of a four-part adventure set during World War II
- First programme in a new B.B.C. science fiction adventure serial
- The Five Doctors
- The Five Doctors (Daily Star)
- The Five Doctors (Sunday Telegraph)
- The Five Doctors (The Guardian)
- The Five Doctors (The Times)
- Flight Of The Dalek
- For Doctor Who diehards, it's a must-see
- Harvey (Norman Pace) puts a price on timelord Sylvester McCoy's head
- Have your say -- who is the best of the new Doctors?
- Here is some good news
- Heroic clash
- The hiatus seems to have given Doctor Who fresh drive
- Highlights
- The History of the Zygons
- House of HORROR!
- How will the Doctor save the universe?
- The human race is being driven insane by the giggle of a puppet
- Into the egg box future
- Isla Blair plays Isabella
- Is anybody still watching?
- It's dimensionally transcendental
- It's Doctor Who - but not as we know it!
- It has been 38 years since the Doctor last encountered the amphibious Sea Devils
- It is bad enough when your computer crashes
- It obviously takes someone as devious as the Master to work in the BBC press office
- A new adventure begins today
- A new kind of danger
- The new series of Doctor Who gets off to a sensational start
- Next week in Radio Times
- Nick Frost guest stars as Father Christmas
- The nostalgic may hanker for the old black-and-white days and Daleks, but the Time Lord has moved on
- Not even on 31 in December do the Daleks put plans to enslave the universe to one side
- Part creepy, part confusing
- Patrick Troughton makes a younger if less cantankerous Dr. Who
- Peri for short
- Personal choice
- Peter Capaldi is the Doctor
- Peter Davison as Doctor Who
- Pick of the day (2007)
- Planet of the Daleks
- Prepare to have your swashes buckled and your timbers shivered
- Prisoners of the Daleks
- The sad day has arrived for Billie Piper to bow out
- Saturday preview
- Save us from the monks!
- The Shadow Man
- She's Swinging on a Star
- The showrunner Russell T Davies retakes the keys to the Tardis
- Silver jubilee
- Siobhan Finneran stars
- So, the story we've all been waiting for
- Some kids are going to be wondering about their parents during tonight's episode
- The Sontarans are back
- Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy, not about to overcome the Cybermen
- So breathless and bombastic were episodes one and two
- Spearhead from Space, part 1
- The spoofy British series makes its bow Saturday
- Stephanie scores a double with Doc Who and Dock Green
- Strike a Pose
- Surrounded
- Sylvester McCoy makes his debut as television's most famous time-traveller
- A tangle of latex-rubber limbs and a hideous head with eyes on stalks
- The terrifying Cybermen are back
- Terror below the ice!
- There's something for everyone in The Husbands of River Song
- There's something on Dr Who's mind
- They've survived the Flux
- Thin Ice
- This is going to hurt
- This is one of those times when I could do with a Tardis of my own
- This Month on Channel 3
- Time, gentlemen, please!
- The Time Lord's travelling companion Peri
- Time marches on to the Drum
- Time Team
- To-day's Television and Radio
- Today's choices (2009-10-10)
- Today's TV with Mike Ward
- Today's TV with Mike Ward (2005-05-07)
- Tom Baker is just one Doctor journeying through time
- Tonight, the Doctor must enter the most dangerous place in the universe
- Tony Selby plays a galactic pirate
- Trapped in a gender cocoon?
- Tuesday heralds a special about Dr Who on Two
- TV Choice (The Times)
- Week-end Broadcasting Programmes
- We now know what the "flux" is
- We tend to think of David Tennant's debut as the Doctor as being relatively recent
- What a Christmas treat
- What else can I watch?
- What have they done to our Doctor Who?
- What kind of audience is Doctor Who hoping to attract these days?
- What to stay home for
- Whereas Star Trek was perfect, Doctor Who was flawed
- Who's in charge? Jodie Whittaker takes over as the Doctor
- Who's next? (Edinburgh Evening News)
- Who's the Doc? (Newcastle Journal)
- Who's Who?-- and Where's Dr. Who Tonight?
- Who Is Frank Cottrell-Boyce?
- Who Knew?
- World war