You must not watch this
- Publication: Radio Times
- Date: 2015-11-14
- Author: Patrick Mulkern
- Page: 60
- Language: English
Doctor Who 815pm BBC1
DRAMA "You must not watch this. I'm warning you. You can never unsee it." The admonition comes at the top of the episode from Professor Gagan Rassmussen, who's made a scrappy video of the events that befell Le Verrier, a laboratory in orbit above Neptune. Mark Gatiss's Sleep No More uses the "found footage" format favoured by the horror movie sub-genre kickstarted by The Blair Witch Project and perfected in Cloverfield. This is by no means as chilling, although Gatiss breaks new ground for Doctor Who. For the first time ever, there's no title sequence. He also slots his mate Reece Shearsmith, the Inside No 9 star, into episode nine of series nine of Who.
It's the 38th century and Rassmussen (Shearsmith) has invented Morpheus machines, which interfere with our need to sleep — with dire and, at times, absurd consequences. Stay awake, and you'll be treated to nifty camerawork, an eerie soundscape and lumbering monstrosities. You'll also never hear the 50s pop tune Mr Sandman in the same way again.
A gold star for anyone who can work out what it's all about. Answers via satellite link, please.
Caption: SPOOKY TIME The nightmare begins for the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman)
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- APA 6th ed.: Mulkern, Patrick (2015-11-14). You must not watch this. Radio Times p. 60.
- MLA 7th ed.: Mulkern, Patrick. "You must not watch this." Radio Times [add city] 2015-11-14, 60. Print.
- Chicago 15th ed.: Mulkern, Patrick. "You must not watch this." Radio Times, edition, sec., 2015-11-14
- Turabian: Mulkern, Patrick. "You must not watch this." Radio Times, 2015-11-14, section, 60 edition.
- Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=You must not watch this | url= | work=Radio Times | pages=60 | date=2015-11-14 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 February 2025 }}</ref>
- Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=You must not watch this | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 February 2025}}</ref>