Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

Ottawa Citizen

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Ottawa Citizen

44 articlesdate
Monsters on march1964-12-28
Dr. Who meets dreaded Daleks1965-02-27
Doctor Who Goes Back To Marco Polo Days1965-04-17
Broke but not downhearted1965-05-31
Ashford's Choice (1976-09-18)1976-09-18
Ashford's Choice (1976-10-02)1976-10-02
About Doctor Who1979-02-24
TVOntario cancels rest of Dr. Who1980-11-07
Doctor Who's on first for his avid TV fan club1983-10-11
Dr. Who vs. the BBC: The tale of a superhero's setback and its consequences1985-11-29
Type 40 Dr. Who1986-01-03
There's no Who like an old Who1988-12-11
Move over Trekkies, the Doctor's TV series is still going strong1990-04-21
Dr. Who fans get magazine, pen pals and upset by errors1990-04-21
For the fan who has everything1995-12-07
Paul McGann is eighth 'Doctor Who' this time in two-hour Fox movie1996-05-12
Producer created Avengers1997-11-01
Doctor Who: funny he never married ...2005-03-24
Canadian TV worker fired for leaking Doctor Who2005-03-30
Actor dons Doctor Who cloak2005-07-19
Dr. Who leak spawns 'pre-TV'2005-08-27
Wacky, witty new series should please Doctor Who fans2006-10-09
The Cybermen clank back into business2006-11-20
Doctor Who gets scary — well, sort of2007-02-05
Doctor Who ends its season on a sober note2007-02-19
Doctor Who is many things, but dull isn't one of them2007-06-18
Anything goes2007-10-19
Stardom hurts Torchwood star's inner geek2008-08-08
Things fall apart on Torchwood as the series' current run burns out2008-10-24
Season 5 of 'Doctor Who' brings new slate of actors2009-08-04
Doctor Who set to regenerate2009-08-05
Doctor Who continues to amaze2010-04-17
Doctor Who smart sci-fi2010-07-24
Falling in love with Doctor Who2011-04-23
New Doctor revives aging network2011-06-04
Dr. Who and the Wild West on tube this weekend2012-08-11
Doctor Who finds love and gets his mojo back2013-03-29
Actor saying fond farewell to iconic role2013-07-27
Happy 50th, Doctor Who2013-11-23
Dr. Who is coming to town this weekend2013-12-05
Who knew? (Postmedia News)2014-07-23
Mind the Dalek: U.S. professor offers course in Doctor Who2014-11-11
Old as the hills ... fresh as paint2017-04-15
A female Doctor Who?2017-04-25