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Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world

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2009-01-11 Sunday Express.jpg


HE IS centuries old but Doctor Who is about to become a style icon. It's all down to the casting of the youngest ever Time Lord, Matt Smith, 26.

BBC Worldwide is planning to release a new range of products developed around the new Doctor, due for release early next year.

This may amount to more than a reworking of the famous sonic screwdriver. One TV insider said: "I wouldn't be surprised if this went as far as developing a range of clothing or even hair products."

Smith, with his floppy hairstyle, has opened up new possibilities for "branding", given his potential connection with a younger audience. A BBC spokeswoman said: "BBC Worldwide has confirmed Doctor Who as one of its priority licensing brands through 2009, Series 5 in 2010 and beyond."

Doctor Who is one of the BBC's biggest money earners, with television rights, merchandise and DVDs. Now as a "priority brand", this earning potential is expected to grow even more, rivalling the £60million a year for the BBC's top TV property, Strictly Come Dancing.

The spokeswoman said: "We've also announced the renewal and extension of the Doctor Who master toy licence with the company Character Options.

"Character, which has held the licence since the new series launched in 2005, will spearhead the development of new products featuring Matt Smith.

"BBC Worldwide will develop new style elements for licensees for Series 5 with products expected to hit the shops in summer 2010."

Sebastian Brook, editor of Doctor Who on-line, said: "David Tennant started the trend with having a 'cool' Doctor that a lot of the audience could relate to. The casting of Matt Smith, I think, will develop this even further.

"We get 30,000 hits to our website every day and the vast majority of these are in favour of Matt. Much of it is down to one thing - they love his hair.

"The thing about Matt is that not only is he a good actor but he has a certain alien look about him, as if something else is going on there. That will work very well for him.

"What will he wear? There's talk that they may go for the so-called 'emo look', a sort of Gothic style with drainpipe trousers." Brook said casting is under way for the Doctor's new companion. The last actress in the role was Catherine Tate. "She was brilliant but I expect they will go for a complete unknown this time.

"It won't be a big name at all. People have speculated that it might be either singer Lily Allen or model Kelly Brooke. That's not going to happen."

Gordon MacMillan, editor of Brand Republic, agreed Matt Smith was a great selection. "His youth and style will attract new viewers and allow the BBC to further capitalise on the success of Doctor Who in ways that it could not quite do with Christopher Eccle-stone and David Tennant.

"A 26-year-old with a bit of an edge opens doors that older stars might not be able to. It will keep the show fresh and vibrant. You can see Matt as a style and brand icon."

Ruth Supple, editor of Image magazine, said: "He is very handsome and trendy and I can imagine him making a great Doctor. He is very much in the up and coming crowd."

Caption: STYLE ICON: Matt Smith

On the scent of a Dalek air-freshener...

IF YOU were wondering who would sell you a Tardis wristwatch or Cybermen cufflinks, fear not, the choice is almost four-dimensional.

Buying online opens up a whole new world of merchandising.

Dalek air-fresheners are available for £7 and Dr Who golfing umbrellas for £20. Remote-controlled K9s are priced at £18, while a model of Tom Baker's fourth doctor sitting in a Corgi car sells at £7.

A collection of rare videos and other artefacts was available last night on eBay for £7,500, while a full-size Dalek had a starting price of £1,500.

Caption: COOL: An Alrflx model TARDIS

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  • APA 6th ed.: Stephenson, David (2009-01-11). Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world. Sunday Express p. 11.
  • MLA 7th ed.: Stephenson, David. "Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world." Sunday Express [add city] 2009-01-11, 11. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: Stephenson, David. "Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world." Sunday Express, edition, sec., 2009-01-11
  • Turabian: Stephenson, David. "Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world." Sunday Express, 2009-01-11, section, 11 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world | url= | work=Sunday Express | pages=11 | date=2009-01-11 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=17 July 2024 }}</ref>
  • Wikipedia (this page): <ref>{{cite web | title=Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world | url= | work=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=17 July 2024}}</ref>