The Flutters | The Mirror | 1964-05-16 |
Dalek of Dr. Who fame | The Daily Telegraph | 1964-11-13 |
Better Hide Your Wallet, Cause the Daleks are Coming | Austin American-Statesman Los Angeles Times The Pottstown Mercury The Kansas City Times Albuquerque Journal | 1964-11-21 |
Bestselling "Daleks" | The Bookseller | 1964-11-28 |
Juvenile S.F. | The Observer | 1964-11-29 |
Daleks invade Oriole | Record Retailer | 1964-12-01 |
Reflections in My Kitchen Window | The Valley News | 1964-12-03 |
Made in Irvine | The Irving Herald | 1964-12-04 |
The Dalek Book | Belfast Telegraph | 1964-12-07 |
Bright ideas for Santa | The Mirror | 1964-12-15 |
The Danger in a Dalek | The Mirror | 1964-12-17 |
Children's 'horror' toys are worrying police chief | Herald Express | 1964-12-18 |
Mum! It works! -- Come and ask Dad! | Daily Mail | 1964-12-19 |
Brickbat | Pop Weekly | 1964-12-19 |
It's a Buster! | The People | 1964-12-20 |
Daleks are winning the toy counter 'war' | Birmingham Post | 1964-12-24 |
The thing on the left just ate Dr. Who! | London Evening Standard | 1965-01-07 |
James Bond meets Noddy and the Daleks | The Guardian | 1965-01-09 |
Later in the year there will be two more "Dr. Who" books | The Bookseller | 1965-01-30 |
The Perishers | The Mirror | 1965-01-30 |
Ban Record | Wilmington Star-News | 1965-03-05 |
300 Daleks die as their H.Q. burns | Daily Express | 1965-04-17 |
Fire wipes out 300 Daleks | The Mirror | 1965-04-17 |
Daleks Disaster | Games and Toys | 1965-05-01 |
Broke but not downhearted | Ottawa Citizen | 1965-05-31 |
Take a Dalek to the beach | The Australian Women's Weekly | 1965-06-16 |
Almost everyone seems to be making a lot of money out of the Daleks except the man who designed them | The Sun | 1965-08-03 |
A fantastic demand from all parts of the country | The Bookseller | 1965-08-07 |
Thrills Galore! | The Sunday Mirror | 1965-09-12 |
The Daleks' Are Shooting into Big Business! | Ariel | 1965-10-01 |
Keep up with today's young "Mods" | London Evening Standard | 1965-10-27 |
Toyshop roundabout | The Times | 1965-11-22 |
Games of Action Brighten Season | Oakland Tribune | 1965-11-25 |
Dr. Who and Co top the toy charts | The Newcastle Journal | 1965-11-26 |
A time to think of the children | Birmingham Post | 1965-12-02 |
The Early Birds | London Life | 1966-01-29 |
Shades of Dr Who behind new toys | The Guardian | 1966-04-19 |
Breakfast with the Daleks... | Kinematograph Weekly | 1966-07-21 |
Big value jigsaw puzzles | Toys International | 1966-09-01 |
From telly to type | The Observer | 1966-11-27 |
Small, cheap — and deadly | Tribune (London) | 1968-06-21 |
The Manipulators - puppet men with the Midas touch | TV Times | 1968-11-02 |
Cancer Kits Alarm | The Sunday People | 1970-05-24 |
Toy risk: Commons question | The Guardian | 1970-05-25 |
Danger check on toy Dr Who kits | Reading Evening Post | 1970-05-25 |
Dr. Who sets-- 'not Ministry's fault' | Birmingham Post | 1970-05-25 |
MP Attacks 'Dr Who' Kits | The Daily Telegraph | 1970-05-25 |
T-shirts | The Observer | 1971-12-12 |
Why Policeman Stopped Dr. Who | Coventry Evening Telegraph | 1972-04-21 |
Record will be e-lim-in-a-ted | Nottingham Guardian | 1972-12-05 |
The Right Star | The Bookseller | 1974-04-06 |
Together. By Ingeborg Pertwee | The Listener | 1974-04-11 |
A New Dalek Invasion | Reading Evening Post | 1974-09-25 |
Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen | The Times Literary Supplement | 1974-12-06 |
The Yo-Yo Makes a Comeback | Liverpool Echo | 1975-02-06 |
Doctor Ooh | Mad (UK) | 1975-09-01 |
Who is the big attraction? | Buckinghamshire Examiner | 1975-09-05 |
Television's science fiction man for the young | The Irish Times | 1976-01-24 |
Dr. | Het Parool | 1976-02-21 |
Originele „tunes" van BBC-series op de plaat | Leeuwarder Courant | 1976-03-20 |
Dr Who meets the Clichés | The Listener | 1976-07-01 |
Dr. Who and the Pescatons | Liverpool Echo | 1976-07-10 |
Doctor Who Meets the Pescatons | Look-in | 1976-07-23 |
Dr Who on record | Sussex Express | 1976-07-23 |
Terror TV | Monster Fun | 1976-08-01 |
Dr. Who and the Pescatons contest winners | Liverpool Echo | 1976-08-14 |
Win a Raleigh Chopper in the Monster Painting Competition | Battle Picture Weekly | 1976-09-04 |
Prof. Bullseye | Ealing Gazette | 1976-10-08 |
The Brighter Side | The Sunday Mirror | 1976-10-10 |
Dr. Who for kids | Burton Observer and Chronicle | 1976-11-05 |
This is the official view | The Newcastle Journal | 1977-03-24 |
Rooms with a view ... | The Daily Telegraph | 1977-09-20 |
Dr Who Stars at Bookshop | The Spalding Guardian | 1977-10-07 |
The Dr Who Discovery Series | The Bookseller | 1977-10-08 |
8mm Film Sales | Harrow Observer | 1977-12-23 |
Mixing media | Los Angeles Times | 1979-01-21 |
Star Trek fans are finding a place in their hearts for another TV science-fiction hero | The Buffalo News | 1979-03-22 |
Dr. Who is Here! | Greensboro News & Record | 1979-04-09 |
Dr Who and the Sontaran Experiment | Starburst | 1979-05-01 |
Doctor Who Sound Effects | Starburst | 1979-05-25 |
Dr. Who looms large in Target's September titles | The Bookseller | 1979-08-11 |
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | The Stage and Television Today | 1979-09-06 |
Dr. Who journeyed back in time over 30 years to-day | Liverpool Echo | 1979-10-10 |
Zoom! Splat! It's comic hero Dr Who | Liverpool Echo | 1979-10-11 |
Dr Who Bound for an Alien Landscape | Reading Evening Post | 1979-11-16 |
Pythons, Others Due On Gillette-Madison Release | Variety | 1979-12-19 |
A new fantasy lies beyond NU at Chicago sci-fi escape shop | The Daily Northwestern | 1980-01-18 |
Who Goes There (1980) | The Times | 1980-03-05 |
Dalek Chase | Electronics Today International (Australia) | 1980-06-01 |
Solidarity with Dr Who | New Statesman | 1980-07-25 |
Inside Dr. Who and the Wombles | Belfast Telegraph | 1980-09-29 |
Page 1 Bookshop | Belfast Telegraph | 1980-09-29 |
Dalek booked for Co. Down | Belfast Telegraph | 1980-10-02 |
I'm afraid it's going to be a huge wedding guest list! | Birmingham Mail | 1980-11-21 |
And whosoever knoweth just cause or impediment | Daily Mail | 1980-11-21 |
Rebecca's World by Terry Nation | Reading Evening Post | 1981-01-10 |
Back to word | The Times | 1981-04-15 |
Ramware Presents ... Time Lord | Micro: The 6502 Journal | 1981-05-01 |
Well, this certainly buggers our plan to conquer the Universe | Punch | 1981-05-08 |
Tales of the kids' lib detectives | The Christian Science Monitor | 1981-05-11 |
British Leyland | Daily Mail | 1981-10-16 |
The mind-stretching and the macabre | The Times Literary Supplement | 1981-11-20 |
Gemcom To Distribute BBC Show Disks In U.S. | Variety | 1982-01-20 |
The Foundation Bookstore | The Daily Tar Heel | 1982-02-04 |
Make up a monster | The Mirror | 1982-07-31 |
Dr. Tom? I'd rather see Dr Jon | Daily Express | 1982-08-03 |
Can You Outguess Dr. Who? | Starlog | 1982-09-07 |
Fantastic Worlds Bookstore | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | 1982-12-17 |
Dr Who v. Pac-Man | TV Choice | 1983-03-01 |
The new Dr Who computer game | TV Choice | 1983-03-01 |
Dr Who Adventure | Computer & Video Games | 1983-03-01 |
Win a who's who guide to the mysterious Doctor Who | Liverpool Echo | 1983-03-26 |
Dr Who heads BBC home video drive | The Times | 1983-09-09 |
BBC release drama, LE on cassette | The Stage and Television Today | 1983-09-15 |
Software for your Micro | The Listener | 1983-10-06 |
You ought to see the Doctor | Radio Times TV Times | 1983-10-15 |
Exploring the Whoniverse | The Age | 1983-12-08 |
Calling all Dr. Who fans! | Chicago Tribune | 1983-12-11 |
Exciting new software for your micro | The Listener | 1983-12-22 |
Trekkers Take Root At Shaw's Garden | St. Louis Post-Dispatch | 1984-01-12 |
Dr. Whomania strikes the area | The Telegraph (Alton, IL) | 1984-01-21 |
The Doctor Who Technical Manual | School Library Journal | 1984-03-01 |
Dr. Who gets technical | Santa Cruz Sentinel | 1984-04-06 |
New Shipment | The Daily Register | 1984-05-30 |
Heading for horror | Bournemouth Evening Echo | 1984-08-01 |
Dr. Who: The Brain Of Morbius | The Herts and Essex Observer | 1984-08-02 |
Gulf Coast Comics | The Sun (Biloxi, MS) | 1984-08-17 |
Doctor Who comes of age | The Daily Telegraph | 1984-09-21 |
Doktor Kes | Vaba Eesti Sõna | 1984-10-04 |
Shock 'n' Roll | The Seattle Times The Town Talk | 1984-10-30 |
You and Who | Acorn User | 1984-11-01 |
Doctor Who Collection | Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) | 1984-11-01 |
Love's labours | The Times | 1984-11-17 |
Whoniversal Classics | The Wall Street Journal | 1984-11-20 |
Book Notes | Los Angeles Times | 1984-12-16 |
Move Over, Trekkies | The Wall Street Journal | 1985-01-03 |
Exciting new software for your micro (Radio Times) | Radio Times | 1985-02-02 |
Wait don't tell me ... I never forget a face .... | Daily Mail | 1985-03-01 |
Typecast | Los Angeles Magazine | 1985-03-01 |
Dalek, you were wonderful | The Times | 1985-03-01 |
No. 10 by Maddocks | Sunday Express | 1985-03-03 |
Dr Who disc puts BBC into a spin | London Evening Standard | 1985-03-08 |
Who cares? | The Press and Journal | 1985-03-09 |
BBC plays stars' Dr Who protest | Daily Express | 1985-03-09 |
Who, What and Where | London Evening Standard | 1985-03-20 |
Who Cares? Cuts Album | Variety | 1985-03-27 |
Starbase 12 | The Gateway | 1985-04-02 |
Early harum scarum days | The Stage and Television Today | 1985-04-25 |
Dr Who fans won't want to miss this one | London Evening Standard | 1985-05-22 |
Doctor Who reaches a planetary landmark on KCET | Los Angeles Herald Examiner | 1985-05-24 |
Robot hired as waiter in restaurant | The Sun | 1985-06-27 |
He Who knows . . . | Daily Mail | 1985-07-12 |
Who's behind the Doctor? | Portsmouth Evening News | 1985-07-12 |
BBC Video | Radio Times | 1985-07-13 |
Strictly for the Dr. Who Devotees | The Vancouver Sun | 1985-07-27 |
Patrick Troughton stars as the Doctor on a perilous mission to defeat the deadly Ice Warriors | Return of the Jedi | 1985-08-10 |
Tardis travel | The Sydney Morning Herald | 1985-10-27 |
John Nathan-Turner's Who Confessions | Starlog | 1985-11-05 |
The Dr. Who calendar is flying off the shelves | Newsday | 1985-11-15 |
Radio Who | Starburst | 1985-11-23 |
Role-playing contest open door to romance, adventure | Chicago Tribune | 1985-11-29 |
A Journey Through Time | Fine Tuning (Milwaukee) | 1985-12-01 |
Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror | Sinclair User | 1985-12-01 |
The Bookplace | The Stanford Daily | 1986-01-24 |
Doctor Who — Timeview | Starburst | 1986-02-01 |
Don't look now but I think it's Michael Grade | Daily Star | 1986-03-01 |
Dr Who on the CBM 64 | Your Computer (England) | 1986-04-01 |
I'll catch those blasted kids at it, one day! | Punch | 1986-05-07 |
Guide to local sic-fi sources | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | 1986-06-06 |
Doctor Who: Fumo o Arrosto? | I Magnifici Sette | 1986-07-01 |
Video review | Bournemouth Advertiser | 1986-07-31 |
What's what on Who | Radio Times | 1986-09-06 |
Dr. Who Under Stethoscope | Variety | 1986-09-17 |
Docteur Who and the Mines of Terror | Amstradebdo et P.C. | 1986-11-12 |
BBC shows are entering U.S. video market | The Philadelphia Inquirer | 1986-11-23 |
Never mind the doctor, just exterminate Bonnie Langford | The Mirror | 1986-12-22 |
Dr Who sacked | The Sun | 1987-01-06 |
Dr. Who fans will want to check out three new releases from Playhouse Video | Chicago Tribune | 1987-07-31 |
News and Reviews | Lewisham & Grenwich Mercury | 1987-11-19 |
Tom Baker's teasing performance and low-budget special effects bring Dr. Who episodes to life | Toronto Star | 1987-11-21 |
Money to be made in science fantasy is fact, not fiction | The Providence Journal | 1988-01-18 |
Comics & Comix, Inc. | The Sacramento Bee | 1988-04-28 |
Video review (1988-04-28) | Bournemouth Advertiser | 1988-04-28 |
Spotted Dick | The Dandy | 1988-04-30 |
New media, old Doctor | Blockbusters | 1988-05-15 |
Butchering the Doctor | Starlog | 1988-07-05 |
Doctorin' the Tardis | The Canberra Times | 1988-09-08 |
Doctor's prescription for long life | Liverpool Echo | 1988-11-05 |
Dr. Who fans should look for The Timelords' new 12-inch | The Southtown Star | 1988-11-06 |
The Doctor in quintuplicate | The Canberra Times | 1988-11-28 |
Good doctor takes on wasps in space | The Canberra Times | 1989-01-16 |
Robot Ron | News of the World | 1989-02-05 |
Doctor Who 25th Anniversary | Toronto Star | 1989-04-02 |
Good-lord! Who raises £100 | Thanet Times | 1989-04-11 |
Doctor Who: The Silver Anniversary | Starlog | 1989-05-02 |
A 1963 classic in two parts | Radio Times | 1989-06-03 |
Daleks' screen debut | St Ives Weekly News Saffron Walden Weekly News | 1989-06-08 |
Dr Who fans step into time machine | Birmingham Mail Sandwell Evening Mail | 1989-07-01 |
Sun Fun | The Sun | 1989-09-02 |
A number of "Dr. Who" episodes are available through Playhouse Video | Chicago Tribune | 1989-09-08 |
The Doctor's Adventures in Comix | Speakeasy | 1989-11-01 |
Truly Revolting | Airfix Magazine | 1990-04-01 |
Video Highlights | The Daily Telegraph | 1990-05-26 |
Publishers bite the financial bullet | Financial Times | 1990-09-28 |
Win a Dr Who Battle for the Universe | Saffron Walden Weekly News | 1990-10-25 |
It's Just What the Doctor Ordered (Sandwell Evening Mail) | Sandwell Evening Mail | 1990-11-03 |
Win a great Dr. Who Game | Evening Chronicle | 1990-11-10 |
Holiday Gift Ideas from TV-23 | Fine Tuning (East Lansing) | 1990-12-01 |
The Intrepid Gamer | Chicago Heights Star | 1990-12-06 |
£2,000 to own a real Dalek! | Daily Express | 1991-03-27 |
Dr Who runs out of space | The Mail on Sunday | 1991-04-07 |
It was "idiotic" to get rid of the props | Daily Express | 1991-05-11 |
Doctor Who: The Next Generation | Starlog | 1991-07-02 |
Accumulate! Accumulate! | New Statesman | 1991-07-05 |
Sexterminate Him! Dr Who's Too Blue | News of the World | 1991-08-11 |
Dr. Who: The Unfolding Text | The Sacramento Bee | 1991-08-18 |
Doctor Who-The Music (1983) | Film Score Monthly | 1991-10-01 |
Whom II | Amiga Shopper | 1991-12-01 |
Timewyrm: Revelation | TV Zone | 1991-12-19 |
The return of Who | Chicago Tribune | 1992-01-14 |
A timely look at the Timelords | Edinburgh Evening News | 1992-01-18 |
To badly go | The Daily Telegraph | 1992-03-07 |
Dr Who: The Videos | The Pink Paper | 1992-03-15 |
Promoting, not exterminating | The Newcastle Journal | 1992-06-23 |
The Daleks mean business this time | The Stage and Television Today | 1992-07-23 |
The New Adventures: Witch Mark | TV Zone | 1992-07-30 |
Directing the unfinished Shada | TV Zone | 1992-07-30 |
Just what the Doctor ordered (The Stage and Television Today) | The Stage and Television Today | 1992-10-01 |
Exterminate! (1992) | Your Sinclair | 1992-10-01 |
The Literary Travels of Dr Who | Paperback Pulp and Comic Collector | 1992-10-15 |
The action is more cerebral than Flash Gordon | Billboard | 1992-10-24 |
Sci-Fi Favorites | USA Today Magazine | 1992-11-01 |
Japanimation, kitsch classics no kids' stuff | Chicago Tribune | 1992-11-06 |
Telly Quip | The Mirror | 1992-11-07 |
Doctor Who: The Sixties | Vox | 1993-01-01 |
Dr Who confronts the deadly Daleks | New Straits Times | 1993-03-01 |
60's Heroes | Vox | 1993-03-01 |
Whodunits? | Starlog | 1993-03-04 |
Dr Hoot | The Sun | 1993-04-10 |
Dr Who & The Daleks/Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 AD | Vox | 1993-05-01 |
Thirty years and a handful of Doctors later, Doctor Who is still going strong | The Sun | 1993-05-19 |
Doctor Who: Dalek Attack | Your Sinclair | 1993-06-01 |
Even Dr Who is not missing out | Ipswitch Star | 1993-08-07 |
Dark Dimensions | Starburst | 1993-09-01 |
Bargain table yields treasure for this Doctor Who fan | The Star (Tinley Park, IL) | 1993-09-02 |
The BBC has released a special limited edition boxed set of the Doc adventures | The Sun | 1993-09-04 |
About time (Chicago Tribune) | Chicago Tribune | 1993-10-19 |
The Doctor Who Story | Book and Magazine Collector | 1993-11-15 |
30 Years of Doctor Who | Radio Times | 1993-11-20 |
The Doctor Who Music Invasion | Starlog | 1994-03-01 |
Who's On Line | Billboard | 1994-04-16 |
RJB The Pinball Store | Chicago Tribune | 1994-04-24 |
Just what the doctor ordered (Courier and Advertiser) | The Courier & Advertiser | 1994-08-08 |
Tom Baker is a rather rumpled, disheveled Dr. Who | Chicago Tribune | 1994-08-19 |
Merlin and Dr Who in teenage fantasies | The Sunday Press | 1994-08-28 |
Cuddle up to a Dalek | The Times | 1994-10-15 |
Monster Spin-Off As Doctor's Fans Shake It In Space | The Observer | 1994-10-30 |
Back in the Tardis for doctor with timeless quality | The Scotsman | 1994-12-15 |
Downtime: The Yetis are back! | SFX | 1995-06-01 |
Shakedown: Big battleships and new look Sontarans | SFX | 1995-06-01 |
The Stranger: Colin Baker redeems himself? | SFX | 1995-06-01 |
Adventures in Space and Time | TV Zone | 1995-10-01 |
Dud Daleks | The Times Literary Supplement | 1995-11-03 |
Doctor is missing but video is destined to be a hit | Press Association | 1995-11-03 |
For the fan who has everything | The Guardian Ottawa Citizen | 1995-12-07 |
Peter Cushing played the Doctor in this big screen outing | The Burton Mail | 1996-02-28 |
Dr. Who and the Daleks (Sight & Sound) | Sight & Sound | 1996-03-01 |
Daleks whisk back in time | Daily Express | 1996-03-01 |
TARDIS Travel Agent | Starlog | 1996-03-05 |
Doctor Who, 2 BBC Dramas, AbFab Released | The Washington Post | 1996-03-24 |
Trump card | Liverpool Echo | 1996-03-25 |
Let's Do Time Lord Again | Daily Record | 1996-05-03 |
Remember 30 years of struggle | The Guardian | 1996-05-14 |
He's Back! | The Sun | 1996-05-24 |
Any chance of taking us back to a holiday heatwave? | The Sun | 1996-05-27 |
The punters queue for new Doctor Who | The Bookseller | 1996-05-31 |
Doctor Who: Score Review | Film Score Monthly | 1996-06-01 |
Partners in time | Empire | 1996-07-01 |
The Long Good Buy | London Evening Standard | 1996-07-12 |
The Doctor is in | Cinefantastique | 1996-08-01 |
Boom to bust and back again | The Daily Telegraph | 1996-08-24 |
Doctor Who: Companions | Shields Gazette | 1996-09-14 |
A History of the Universe by Lance Parkin | Interzone | 1996-11-01 |
Travelling through time and space on a quest to discover the audio spin-offs from the classic tv series | Record Collector | 1997-01-01 |
Who's Next (Starlog) | Starlog | 1997-04-03 |
Not of this planet | The Box | 1997-06-01 |
Watching Dr. Who and Star Trek | Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen | 1997-06-01 |
Science Fiction Audiences: watching Doctor Who and Star Trek | Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television | 1997-08-01 |
Yoo-Who! Daleks are heading our way | The People | 1997-08-24 |
Time travel as guilt trip | The Bookseller | 1997-09-12 |
Dark side of the Doctor | Daily Mail | 1997-09-20 |
Baker's day | Liverpool Echo | 1997-09-27 |
Play it again Sam - for big bucks | The Times | 1997-11-29 |
Daleks find their voice as Tardis lands in digital age | The Times | 1997-12-03 |
Toying with the market | The Herald (Ireland) | 1997-12-05 |
Who on Earth is Tom Baker? | The Australian | 1997-12-19 |
Tardis survivors | The Pink Paper | 1998-01-23 |
Six frequently requested episodes of Britain's "Dr. Who" | The Wichita Eagle | 1998-04-10 |
Revelations from beyond the Tardis | The Sunday Star-Times | 1998-04-12 |
Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctors | The Sydney Morning Herald | 1998-04-25 |
Three "Missing Adventures" of Dr. Who | Science Fiction Chronicle | 1998-05-01 |
Dr Who fanatic pirated tapes | The Daily Telegraph | 1998-07-07 |
Wiped Out! | Crawley News | 1998-07-08 |
Last Man Running | Science Fiction Chronicle | 1998-08-01 |
Mail Order To The Stars | Income Opportunities | 1998-11-01 |
A history of Britain in 48 stamps | The Times | 1998-11-13 |
Space adventures: music from "Doctor Who" 1963-1971 | Film Score Monthly | 1998-12-01 |
Dr. Who' six-part episode kicks off new video year | The Wichita Eagle | 1999-01-01 |
What the Dr ordered | Lichfield Mercury | 1999-03-11 |
Expurgate! Expurgate! | The Sunday Times | 1999-04-04 |
Dr Who: The Mind Of Evil | Cinefantastique | 1999-06-01 |
This Is Science Fiction: An Epic Album of Adventure and Exploration | Mixmag | 1999-08-01 |
Baker's dark side | London Evening Standard | 1999-08-12 |
Who's that author? | The Times | 1999-10-30 |
She's got it wrapped up | The Daily Telegraph | 1999-11-26 |
Realitywarp | Film Score Monthly | 1999-12-01 |
Ear Candy | Starlog | 2000-03-02 |
A Tardis is Colin's home from home | The Scotsman | 2000-06-10 |
Freeware from IndiVideo | Democrat and Chronicle | 2000-09-04 |
Sci-fi fans find plenty of the otherworldly | Chicago Tribune | 2000-11-14 |
Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death | Entertainment Weekly | 2000-11-24 |
Spearhead from Space | Evening Chronicle | 2000-12-13 |
A new library display about Who? | Ingenium | 2000-12-14 |
Science Vision: MSOE exhibit honors 'Dr. Who' | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | 2000-12-26 |
Rare Dalek for sale, one Doctor owner--you know Who | Bournemouth Advertiser | 2001-02-22 |
At home with a Dalek | Bournemouth Daily Echo | 2001-02-22 |
Lecture unveils whats, whys of 'Dr. Who' | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | 2001-03-05 |
Dr. Who: City of Death | Gay Times | 2001-07-01 |
Doctor Who phenomenon spreads | Dimensions | 2001-10-15 |
This eccentric BBC TV sci-fi series | Sound & Vision | 2001-11-01 |
Time And Relative, by Kim Newman | Sunday Express | 2001-12-09 |
Profitable dot-com having record year | The Morning Call | 2001-12-10 |
Doctor Who: Master Tin Set | Time Out London | 2001-12-12 |
Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) isn't really | Science Fiction Chronicle | 2002-02-01 |
The Dr. Who Collection | Video Watchdog | 2002-07-01 |
Doctor Who Collector's Edition | Film Review | 2002-08-01 |
Tis the Season to be Shopping | Astronomy | 2002-11-01 |
Cash shock from old sci-fi annuals | West Lancashire Evening Gazette | 2003-02-11 |
Cult hits grow Web roots | Chicago Tribune | 2003-07-26 |
Exterminate Alistair Campbell | The Sunday Times | 2003-09-28 |
Doctor Who? (Antiques and Collectables) | Antiques & Collectables | 2003-10-01 |
Who's Who In Dr Who | Birmingham Post | 2003-11-22 |
Thinking Inside the Box | St. Louis Post-Dispatch | 2004-02-24 |
Short Trips: A Universe of Terrors | Science Fiction Chronicle | 2004-06-01 |
Worst thing we ever did-- giving them legs | The Sun | 2004-08-09 |
Resurrection of the Tory Daleks | The Times | 2004-08-12 |
Admit it, Billie there's something going on with you and Dr Who | The Sun | 2004-09-27 |
Dr Who: Lost in Time | The Daily Telegraph (Australia) | 2004-12-22 |
The spin-off doctors | The Sydney Morning Herald | 2005-01-01 |
Enter "Doctor Who Magazine" No 352 | Syracuse Post-Standard | 2005-02-27 |
Chris Evans hijacks his wife's big day | The Mirror | 2005-03-10 |
Media Tarts | The Guardian | 2005-03-14 |
My sweet Time Lord: Are Sixties Daleks worth anything? | The Observer | 2005-03-20 |
Dr Who trounces Ant 'n' Dec | The Sun | 2005-03-28 |
Crisis? What crisis? | The Times | 2005-03-28 |
Prepare for an invasion of the Dr Who toys | Daily Express | 2005-03-30 |
We'll Exterminate All the Other Toys | Daily Star | 2005-03-30 |
Who's in a £50m Mess | Daily Star | 2005-04-02 |
Too frightening for parents? | The Daily Telegraph | 2005-04-15 |
Chris Eccleston explains why he left Dr Who | The Mirror | 2005-04-26 |
Posh 'n Becks crisis--latest | Daily Star | 2005-04-26 |
Give the man a BAFTA | Tribune (London) | 2005-04-29 |
Inventor of Daleks only earned £80!!! | The Mirror | 2005-04-30 |
Quickie... | Daily Star | 2005-04-30 |
£2m sales for the man who makes Daleks | Daily Express | 2005-05-02 |
Free Doctor Who and Friends CD inside today plus bonus Star Wars track | Daily Star | 2005-05-07 |
Hamlet | The Stage and Television Today | 2005-05-19 |
Beeb exterminates Dr Who DVD plans | Sunday World | 2005-05-22 |
Series 3 for Who | The Bookseller | 2005-06-24 |
Seventh heaven | The Stage and Television Today | 2005-09-08 |
The Doctor is in (2005) | Bay Windows | 2005-09-29 |
Bigger Inside Than Out | Ultimate DVD | 2005-11-03 |
Box of Delights | Ultimate DVD | 2005-11-03 |
Doctor Who: City of Death | Take 1 | 2005-11-04 |
Shops warn of shortage on Dalek toy | Express & Star | 2005-11-09 |
Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror | The Bookseller | 2005-11-18 |
Doctor Who: Complete First Series | Radio Times | 2005-11-26 |
Sexing up the Tardis | Sight & Sound | 2005-12-01 |
Through Time | Science Fiction Chronicle | 2005-12-01 |
What the Doctor did next | The Times | 2005-12-24 |
Cherilea Swoppet Daleks | Plastic Warrior | 2006-01-01 |
£2,000 Dalek.. the ultimate toy! | Daily Star | 2006-01-20 |
More from Doctor Who | The Bookseller | 2006-04-07 |
Genesis of the Daleks | Radio Times | 2006-04-22 |
Free Doctor Who DVDs | The Sun | 2006-04-22 |
Billie to be first female Doctor Who? | Daily Star | 2006-05-09 |
More from the Timelord | The Bookseller | 2006-06-09 |
Across the Tellyverse | London Review of Books | 2006-06-22 |
O Rose, thou art not sick | The Bookseller | 2006-06-30 |
Who Are You? (Out) | Out | 2006-07-01 |
Evil Daleks are now hot toys for Christmas | Belfast Telegraph | 2006-07-29 |
Power of the Prime Time Lord | Sunday Express | 2006-08-06 |
Join the time lords: they don't miss a minute | The Sunday Times | 2006-10-15 |
Obsessive fan of the week! | Entertainment Weekly | 2006-10-27 |
Parents under attack from the Daleks' pester power | Daily Mail | 2006-11-12 |
Who is top of the charts? | The Bookseller | 2006-11-17 |
Techno Toys | Daily Express | 2006-11-18 |
A Cyberman isn't just for Christmas... | The Sunday Times | 2006-11-26 |
Cyberman Christmas brain scramble | Western Mail | 2006-11-28 |
Doctor Who: Complete Series 2 | Empire | 2006-12-01 |
Christmas Shopping Guide | The Herald (Ireland) | 2006-12-06 |
Back to the future (The Bookseller) | The Bookseller | 2006-12-08 |
Top toys on Santa's list | Gorey Guardian | 2006-12-13 |
Torchwood part one | The Pink Paper | 2006-12-21 |
Dennis the Menace meets his match at last as Doctor Who annual tops the publishing charts | The Guardian | 2006-12-23 |
Doctor Who: Timestreams | GameRoom | 2007-01-01 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | 2007-01-11 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series (The Oklahoman) | The Oklahoman | 2007-01-19 |
The Tardis Chainsaw Massacre | The Sun | 2007-01-26 |
Another new Doctor Who will see you now | The Gazette CanWest News Service | 2007-01-27 |
Doctor Who -- Series 2 | Sight & Sound | 2007-02-01 |
Your Money: Dalektable Sales Boost | The Mirror | 2007-02-01 |
Doctor Who: Complete Second Series | Northbrook Star | 2007-02-08 |
The Invasion of Bash Street | BeanoMAX | 2007-02-15 |
Soundtracks: time to make a song and dance | Music Week | 2007-03-03 |
BBC builds on Dr Who | The Bookseller | 2007-03-09 |
Home isn't a Tardis, so collection must go | The Northern Echo | 2007-03-27 |
Dalek helmets from Character Smallcap Briefing | Financial Times | 2007-04-25 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series | The Video Librarian | 2007-05-01 |
Ood want one? | Daily Star | 2007-05-24 |
Doctor Who: Series 3, Vol. 1 | Empire | 2007-06-01 |
Airfix cements deal with Dr Who | The Times | 2007-06-16 |
Dr Who: the timeline Lord | The Bookseller | 2007-10-26 |
Doctor Who: The Key to Time | Sight & Sound | 2007-11-01 |
Dr Who is master for Character | Financial Times | 2007-11-02 |
Doctor Who The Complete Third Season | The Oklahoman | 2007-11-09 |
Nuevas aventuras y aterradores monstruos | The Palm Beach Post | 2007-11-09 |
Doctor Who treats fans to more sci-fi humor | The Washington Times | 2007-11-17 |
I blew salary on stick of celery | The Mirror | 2007-11-21 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Third Series | Northbrook Star | 2007-12-06 |
Peter Haining | The Times | 2008-01-05 |
Big DVD | The Province | 2008-01-22 |
Go time-travelling with your own model of Dr Who's Tardis | Sunday Express | 2008-02-10 |
Judge exterminates Dalek claim | The Times | 2008-04-17 |
Dalek suit sells for astronomic £3,200 | The Times | 2008-04-24 |
Doctor Who, the complete third series | Video Watchdog | 2008-05-01 |
Alien knitting patterns undo Dr Who fan | The Times | 2008-05-14 |
TV chiefs soften over Doctor Who fan's toys | The Times | 2008-05-17 |
£440 for Dr Who sharpener | The Times | 2008-06-07 |
Exterminate! (2008) | London Evening Standard | 2008-07-15 |
Doctor Who: The Forgotten No. 1 of 6 | Syracuse Post-Standard | 2008-08-31 |
The Brain of Morbius | Sight & Sound | 2008-09-01 |
Brand bastion | Financial Times | 2008-09-26 |
From Monopoly to Dr Who, Christmas toys this year are destined for a retro look | The Times | 2008-09-29 |
Dr Who guide materialises | The Bookseller | 2008-10-03 |
The Doctor's new enemy | The Bookseller | 2008-11-14 |
Doctor Who: The Fourth Series | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | 2008-11-27 |
Doctor Who insights where space and times laud tales | The Canberra Times | 2008-11-29 |
A trio of novels and a pair of series companions | SFX | 2008-12-01 |
An annual battle | The Bookseller | 2008-12-12 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series | The Oklahoman | 2008-12-19 |
Young Who's marketing appeal is out of this world | Sunday Express | 2009-01-11 |
Treasure Hunters | The Sunday Mirror | 2009-07-05 |
BBC Brands Beyond Britain | License! | 2009-09-01 |
Doctor Who: The Next Doctor | The Oklahoman | 2009-09-18 |
Doctor Who: Cold-Blooded War! | Comics Buyer's Guide | 2010-01-01 |
Medieval knights, fungal AIs, and a universe in a can... | SFX | 2010-01-10 |
Elisabethan drama | SFX | 2010-01-10 |
The Doctor is in on DVD | Akron Beacon Journal | 2010-01-31 |
Toymakers, time-traps and more of Mad Uncle Tom | SFX | 2010-02-01 |
More Doctor Who on Audio | Audiofile | 2010-02-01 |
Objects of Desire | SFX | 2010-02-01 |
Daleks up for sale | The Times | 2010-02-05 |
The trappings of Time Lords | Financial Times | 2010-02-20 |
Slip inside and scare the kids: Dr Who fans offered a ramshackle piece of TV history | The Times | 2010-02-24 |
Dr Who Much? | The Sun | 2010-02-25 |
Doctor Who fans shell out thousands at props auction | Western Mail | 2010-02-25 |
Dalek makes a killing | The Times | 2010-02-25 |
New adventures for Doctors Five, Six, Eight and Ten | SFX | 2010-03-01 |
Doctor Who: Peladon Tales | SFX | 2010-03-01 |
A peek inside RTD's inbox | SFX | 2010-04-01 |
The Italian job | SFX | 2010-04-01 |
Doctor Who: Dreamland | SFX | 2010-04-01 |
The End of Time Parts One and Two | SFX | 2010-04-01 |
How to buy a Tardis | Daily Star | 2010-04-06 |
Doctor Who seems poised for a breakthrough | Chicago Sun-Times | 2010-04-16 |
Never mind the Moroks | SFX | 2010-05-01 |
Get to Know Dr. Who! | The Leaf Chronicle | 2010-05-15 |
Highlanders, Aztec gods, icky aliens and cowboys | SFX | 2010-05-20 |
The fury's still out on this lot... | SFX | 2010-05-20 |
Mythed opportunities | SFX | 2010-06-01 |
Collecting Doctor Who | SFX | 2010-06-01 |
Nasty Nazis, tricky Tractators and sufferin' suffragetes | SFX | 2010-06-01 |
Authors celebrate 'Doctor Who' | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | 2010-06-04 |
The Science of Doctor Who (Science News) | Science News | 2010-06-05 |
Who hits button for BBC games | Variety | 2010-06-14 |
Torchwood põe sexualidade em primeiro plano em caça a ETs | Folha de S. Paulo | 2010-06-28 |
More bodily possession than Soho | SFX | 2010-07-01 |
Alien sharks vs time-tampering Nazis! | SFX | 2010-07-01 |
The brand doctor | The Bookseller | 2010-08-20 |
The Science of Doctor Who | Library Journal | 2010-09-01 |
Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion: A Doctor Who Radio Adventure | School Library Journal | 2010-10-01 |
Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary | Aiken Standard | 2010-10-24 |
Doctor Who explained | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel McClatchy News Service Albany Democrat-Herald | 2010-10-28 |
Objects of Desire (2010) | SFX | 2010-11-01 |
The Only Good Dalek | SFX | 2010-11-01 |
Mystery diseases, black cats and the return of Mad Tom | SFX | 2010-11-01 |
Lost soul of literature revels in the adventures of the Doctor | Scotland on Sunday | 2010-11-14 |
Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol | Home Media Magazine | 2011-02-14 |
My life in books | Times Educational Supplement | 2011-03-11 |
Doctor Who script by Douglas Adams to be a novel | The Guardian | 2011-03-25 |
BBC Books set to bring back exterminated Dr Who novels | The Bookseller | 2011-03-25 |
Sally Forth | King Features Syndicate | 2011-04-10 |
Canadian deal unsettles Scots; Dr. Who's jacket | The Gazette Calgary Herald Postmedia News | 2011-05-25 |
At least they weren't made by Daleks! | National Post Postmedia News | 2011-05-25 |
NIU Libraries' Lynne Thomas nominated for Hugo Award | The Daily Chronicle | 2011-06-02 |
Barrowman at his best | Chester Chronicle | 2011-06-09 |
Who's the ladies man? - Worcester native gives voice to 'Dr. Who's' female fans | Worcester Telegram & Gazette | 2011-06-22 |
Metal myths | The Times Literary Supplement | 2011-07-08 |
On the record ... with Lynne Thomas | The MidWeek | 2011-09-28 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series | Windy City Times | 2011-11-30 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series (Blu-ray) | Regina Leader-Post | 2011-12-17 |
Jenny (JT) Colgan tackles Doctor Who | The Bookseller | 2012-01-20 |
BBC Worldwide Digital Entertainment and Games Introduces Doctor Who: Worlds in Time MMO Online Game | Entertainment Close-up | 2012-03-19 |
Dr. Who, season 6, humorous | Montgomery Advertiser | 2012-04-05 |
Doctor Who,' Star Trek' team up | The Oklahoman | 2012-06-01 |
Dr. Screw | Daily Star | 2012-07-19 |
Doctor Who: The Lost TV Episodes Collection 1: 1964-1965 | Publishers Weekly | 2012-07-30 |
A wibbly-wobbly USB hub | Pharos-Tribune | 2012-07-31 |
Universal Remote for Time Lords Everywhere | The Independent | 2012-08-30 |
Doctor Who: Death To The Daleks | Regina Leader-Post | 2012-09-08 |
The Doctor goes back in time to feature quarry | Gravesend & Dartford Messenger | 2012-09-27 |
The Time Lord turns 50 | The Bookseller | 2012-10-26 |
John Barrowman in Naperville Oct. 31 | Windy City Times | 2012-10-31 |
Shada: The Lost Adventure by Douglas Adams | The Christian Century | 2012-12-22 |
Stamps mark 50 years of Doctor Who | Belfast Telegraph | 2012-12-26 |
Doctor Who's 50th marked with silver | World Coin News | 2013-01-01 |
Exterminknit! | The Sun | 2013-01-29 |
Back in time: A frank new book about Doctor Who is full of shocking claims | The Guardian | 2013-03-23 |
Doctor Who fans 'preyed on' by show producers | The Sunday Times | 2013-03-24 |
Doctor Who perv in sex act during phone chat with Blue Peter Biddy | The Mirror | 2013-03-25 |
Doctor travels first-class | The Times | 2013-03-26 |
Sony DADC New Media Solutions and BBC Worldwide Launches Doctor Who with PlayStationHome | Entertainment Close-up | 2013-03-28 |
The Mind Of Evil 10 March, BFI Southbank | SFX | 2013-04-01 |
Memories of the Doc | The Bookseller | 2013-04-26 |
BBC's Time-Travel Issue For 'Doctor Who' Finale | The New York Times | 2013-05-14 |
Dr Whovians line up for a shop | Inner West Courier | 2013-05-14 |
Just what the Doctor ordered (The Times) | The Times | 2013-05-18 |
Big Screen Barbara | Gay Times | 2013-06-01 |
Who needs all these books? Doctor Who fans | Red Eye | 2013-06-06 |
Books project is out of this world | Times Educational Supplement | 2013-06-21 |
Who's Who (British Philatelic Bulletin) | British Philatelic Bulletin | 2013-07-01 |
Apps for time travel | Kenosha News | 2013-07-04 |
More tea, Doctor? Tardis calls by for cuppa and cake | The Times | 2013-07-10 |
Dr Who and the Daleks/Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150AD | Sight & Sound | 2013-08-01 |
Degeneration | The Times | 2013-08-05 |
When the TARDIS Landed on Indy | Nuvo | 2013-08-14 |
John Smith and the Common Men: Sounds From The Inferno (Hysterion HYS 001) | Record Collector | 2013-09-01 |
Who's the dummy now? | Metro (England) | 2013-09-09 |
The Auntie Matter: The Fourth Doctor Adventures | Audiofile | 2013-10-01 |
The Shutdown of Doom | New Statesman | 2013-10-18 |
The Timeless Doctor Who | License! | 2013-11-01 |
The Doctor means business | Director | 2013-11-01 |
Couple's marathon Doctor Who effort | The Northern Echo | 2013-11-07 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Seventh Series (2013) | Regina Leader-Post | 2013-11-09 |
Why it could pay to check the attic for a dusty Dalek | The Scottish Mail on Sunday | 2013-11-10 |
The Doctors' Signatures with Healthy Returns | The Scottish Mail on Sunday | 2013-11-10 |
William Hartnell's Granddaughter On The First Doctor Who | The Mirror | 2013-11-21 |
Happy 50th, Doctor Who | The Gazette Ottawa Citizen | 2013-11-23 |
Sci-fi superfan's shrine to Doctor | Daily Post | 2013-11-23 |
12 Media Must-Haves | Playboy | 2013-12-01 |
Who Fakers Guilty | Daily Star | 2013-12-07 |
A good Christmas present for historians, travellers and environmentalists alike | Western Mail The Newcastle Journal Liverpool Post | 2013-12-14 |
Cracking good reads for teens | Cape Argus | 2013-12-16 |
Welsh whizzkid's Doctor Who game | South Wales Echo | 2013-12-19 |
The Day of the Doctor | Regina Leader-Post | 2013-12-21 |
Time-Travelin' Eye Candy | The New York Times | 2013-12-22 |
Doctor Who: Complete Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Gift Set | The Video Librarian | 2014-01-01 |
Doctor Who: The Vault | Library Journal | 2014-01-01 |
Books of the week | Daily Record The Sunday Mail (Scotland) | 2014-01-05 |
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor | The Video Librarian | 2014-03-01 |
Doctor Who and Race | Sight & Sound | 2014-03-01 |
Ban Lifted, Time for 'Doctor Who' Lego | The Asian Age | 2014-03-04 |
Making a House Call to the 'Doctor' | The Indianapolis Star Pharos-Tribune | 2014-03-13 |
Doctor Who fans find niche at memorabilia store | Pharos-Tribune | 2014-03-16 |
Whovians flock for Doctor memorabilia | The Indianapolis Star | 2014-03-17 |
Inside the Tardis: the worlds of Doctor Who | Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television | 2014-04-23 |
Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor | The Video Librarian | 2014-05-01 |
Witness the origins of Doctor Who in Adventure in Space and Time | Regina Leader-Post | 2014-06-14 |
Doctor Who: Deep Breath | Regina Leader-Post | 2014-09-27 |
Untitled Fourth Doctor Who Novel | Library Journal | 2014-10-15 |
6 Questions We Asked... | The Bookseller | 2014-10-24 |
Running out of time | New Statesman | 2014-11-07 |
Dr Who Products Are the Future of Manufacturing | Australasian Science | 2014-12-01 |
Several books aimed at fans of the classic BBC TV show "Doctor Who" are out this holiday season | The News & Observer | 2014-12-07 |
Doctor Who: Series 8 | Regina Leader-Post | 2014-12-20 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Eighth Series | The Video Librarian | 2015-03-01 |
Doctor Who: Last Christmas (Regina Leader-Post) | Regina Leader-Post | 2015-03-07 |
Drawing the Doctor | Rutland Herald | 2015-04-05 |
Phoebe and Her Unicorn | The Sacramento Bee | 2015-04-07 |
Nerd cave decor | Dayton Daily News Springfield News-Sun Chicago Tribune | 2015-04-22 |
Doctor Who: Last Christmas | The Video Librarian | 2015-05-01 |
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor. Vol. 1: Revolutions of Terror | Library Journal | 2015-05-15 |
Doctor Who: Legacy | Air & Space Smithsonian | 2015-06-01 |
The Return of Doctor Who (Library Journal) | Library Journal | 2015-06-15 |
Spaceships and scampi | New Statesman | 2015-07-24 |
Belleville artist - is in Who's Who - of Dr. Who | Belleville News-Democrat | 2015-08-14 |
The Doctors Are In: The Essential and Unofficial Guide to Doctor Who's Greatest Time Lord | Library Journal | 2015-09-01 |
The Tenth Doctor: Revolutions of Terror | School Library Journal | 2015-09-01 |
Dr Who tale of spaceships and Smokies | The Courier & Advertiser | 2015-09-22 |
Teacher's warning for selling Dr Who goods | Daily Post | 2015-10-09 |
The Humanism of Doctor Who: A Critical Study in Science Fiction and Philosophy, by David Layton | Implicit Religion | 2015-10-15 |
Doctor Who: City of Death (2015) | Library Journal | 2015-10-15 |
The Best of the Boxed Sets | TV Guide | 2015-12-07 |
Christmas is a big event in time and space... | Radio Times | 2015-12-12 |
Students are able to sell handmade items through the book store | The Knox Student | 2015-12-18 |
MoD: Enemies will outgun UK within 20 years | The Sunday Times | 2015-12-20 |
An Unofficial Planet-by-Planet Guide to the World of the Doctor from Gallifrey to Skaro | Library Journal | 2016-02-01 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Ninth Series | The Video Librarian | 2016-07-01 |
Extermibake, extermibake... | Waitrose Weekend | 2016-09-08 |
Modern Toss | The Guardian | 2016-10-15 |
Doctor collectables up at auction | Evening Chronicle | 2016-10-25 |
NHS Crisis | The Sunday Times | 2017-01-15 |
New on DVD: Reacher, Doctor Who, Pinocchio | Kenosha News | 2017-02-01 |
If... | The Guardian | 2017-02-06 |
Pilot X | Library Journal | 2017-03-15 |
Give it to me straight, Doc | The Psychologist | 2017-04-01 |
Just Who Is Dr Happy? | Daily Star | 2017-04-21 |
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks | The Video Librarian | 2017-05-01 |
Diggin' for Gold | Record Collector | 2017-06-01 |
BBC stars' pay | The Sunday Times | 2017-07-16 |
Phil Hammond says flying a tardis is so easy even a woman could do it | The Sunday Times | 2017-07-23 |
Clare in the Community | The Guardian | 2017-08-06 |
How 'Doctor Who' landed in America | Press & Sun-Bulletin The Ithaca Journal Elmira Star-Gazette | 2017-08-12 |
Labour Robot Tax | The Sunday Times | 2017-10-01 |
I don't want Doctor Who asking about my sexuality! | The Sunday Times | 2017-10-15 |
Must-Buy of the Week | Evening Chronicle | 2017-12-13 |
Man on a Mission! | Metro (England) | 2017-12-15 |
Doctor Ooooh! (The Sun) | The Sun | 2018-07-21 |
Sounds and visions | Financial Times | 2018-08-25 |
Doctor Who returns (Sunday Times) | The Sunday Times | 2018-10-07 |
Dr Who doll that sparked a Barbie backlash | Daily Mail | 2018-10-12 |
For Younger Readers | Metro (England) | 2018-10-29 |
Doctor's doll to-do | The Sun | 2018-11-11 |
Ex-scarf-inate! | Daily Star | 2018-12-10 |
Toy collector in the money after auction | Evening Chronicle | 2019-02-28 |
Doctor Who: The Complete Eleventh Series | Library Journal | 2019-04-01 |
Zombie arm wrestling | The Guardian | 2019-04-09 |
Doctor Who episodes are un-exterminated | Metro (England) | 2019-06-05 |
Targets Acquired | SFX | 2019-06-08 |
Doctor Who clothes deal for firm with Yentob links | Daily Mail | 2021-01-26 |
Honoring 'The Doctor' | The Town Talk | 2021-06-09 |
Newman's Week | The Sunday Times | 2022-07-23 |
A Fine Vintage | JB Hi-Fi | 2023-01-01 |
Doctor Who: Shades of Fear | SFX | 2023-03-01 |
Arlo and Janis | Newspaper Enterprise Association | 2023-03-11 |
Velvet Goldmine | SFX | 2023-04-01 |
Doctor Who: The Return of Jo Jones | SFX | 2023-04-01 |
Dalek Hunter | SFX | 2023-06-01 |
Novel Approaches | SFX | 2023-07-01 |
Doctor Who: The Ark | SFX | 2023-07-01 |
Day of Reckoning | SFX | 2023-07-01 |
The Evil of the Daleks | SFX | 2023-07-01 |
Doctor Who Season 20: Many Happy Returns | SFX | 2023-10-01 |
Pull to Open | SFX | 2023-10-01 |
Because one sonic screwdriver just isn't enough | SFX | 2023-10-01 |
On Target | Best of British | 2023-11-02 |