Template:RT S7
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coverage of series 7, 2012-2013
- Bring on the Daleks! (1 September)
- Doctor on 'Tops (8 September)
- The Magnificent Three | letters (15 September)
- (no article) (22 September)
- Life after Amy (29 September) | letters (29 September) | Why I killed the Ponds (6 October) | letters (13 October) | letters (20 October)
- My presents ... past & future (22 December)
- Who's coming home (23 March) | Who's a clever boy, then? (30 March)
- (no article) (6 April)
- Why I wanted to bring back the Ice Warriors | letters (13 April)
- (no article) (20 April)
- Trashing the Tardis (27 April)
- The Avenger Fights Back (4 May)
- They're Back! (11 May)
- Who is the Real Clara? (18 May)
- He's my Doctor (21 December)
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | Specials | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | S9 | S10