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All aboard the TARDIS

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Radio Times logo 2000s.jpg
coverage of series 2, 2006

  1. All aboard the TARDIS (15 April)
  2. Bad wolf? | Royal prey (22 April)
  3. Friends reunited (29 April)
  4. Tick tock! | Letters (6 May)
  5. Heavy metal (13 May)
  6. The Mick of Time | Letters (20 May)
  7. Do not adjust... | Letters (27 May)
  8. Ood ... you are awful (3 June)
  9. Talk of the devil | Letters (10 June)
  10. Careful what you wish for ... (17 June)
  11. Unearthly child (24 June)
  12. Time to move on | Letters (1 July)
  13. On the set with ... David Tennant (8 July) |
    Letters (July 22)
  14. The Claus of doom (23 December) | Letters (14 January)

coverage of other series
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | Specials | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | S9 | S10


All aboard the TARDIS

Hang on to your sofa cushions as the Tardis takes off for another 13-part run. In our new series special, the Doctor and Rose, alias David Tennant and Billie Piper answer your questions and lead writer Russell T Davies reveals the secrets of scripting Doctor Who — and he gives us an exclusive guide to the new adventures. All this plus out-of-this-world pictures, inside information and more!

How do you begin?

Doctor Who regenerator Russell T Davies tells all — without spoiling the stories, naturally!

It's about writing a good adventure, really — which is a very, very hard thing to do. This is very much an adventure series, with great dialogue and great characters, but it's very fast moving d that's not a natural thing for people in this country to write. "Television drama here tends to two people talking in an office, or bedroom, or in a field — but still two people talking. The precision that you need with science fiction is quite extraordinary — to budget and just be able to shoot it.

"It's very easy to write: 'The Doctor runs up the stairs and people fire lasers at him and he runs through the door, everything turns blue, he's surrounded by monsters and then a white flash goes off!' But what the hell is that? What just happened? How many shots is that? How do we shoot it? I don't understand what's happening.

"It's about making you feel what's happening. If a script is written like that sentence, it's the dullest thing in the world. You could spend a million quid on it and it's just spectacle.

"You've got to feel why he's running, you've got to have you in heart in your mouth. You've got to know what's going on. Either the world is at stake, or Rose's life is at stake, or something.

"Or it could be very funny. It could be the funniest chase in the world, you could be chased by a sofa monster. It's barmy, but there's still a scare in it. Get the action and the adventure and put the emotion into it so it's not just silly running around. That's very, very hard to do and that's why we have great writers. When you go and see big Hollywood films that aren't working, it's because they haven't got that right — the spectacle takes over or the dialogue's lame, or you don't care about the characters caught up in this action.

"What we're asking for is very high-level writing and all the writers are meeting it. It's brilliant. We're all learning. There is no book to teach you how to write a blockbuster, but I'm very ambitious that every week should be a blockbuster event."

Caption: Doctor Who lead writer and executive producer Russell T Davies, photographed by RT on set in Newport


In episode one you'll see the Doctor and Rose (left) on a futuristic world called New Earth. But behind the scenes (below), look at the line-up of crew and passers-by with them on the Gower Peninsula in Wales. You'll see on BBC1 on Saturday how the scene is transformed — then on BBC3, Doctor Who Confidential shows how the crew had to battle gale-force winds ...

Event television

"When I was setting this up, people didn't believe that audiences would come to Saturday-night television again. I fundamentally disagreed with that because I know that I used to watch event television on a Saturday night. Me and my mates would gather for a Pop Idol final, an X Factor final, Eurovision, stuff like that. It does happen if something's big enough.

"Part of the nightmare ambition we set ourselves is to make Doctor Who that big every week. Whether it's with the Cybermen or with a guest star — Zoe Wanamaker or Pauline Collins or an old favourite like K-9 — that sort of stuff. As with the last series: Dickens, World War Two, blowing up Big Ben, Daleks — you keep hammering headlines at people."

Writing for a new Doctor

"I don't tend to analyse it very much; I just go away and write. Everyone picked up from the first script I'd written that he's automatically slightly more verbal — as a consequence of the character. If you've got a man who's reborn, you've got to have a man who is slightly happier with himself. So he's wittier, sharper, faster ...

"But it's amazing how little me and David [Tennant] talk about it. We must have spent five minutes on where do we go and what do we do? I write it, he puts a spin on it, I watch the rushes every day, I respond to that.

"That way you never tie yourself down. You can still take the Doctor anywhere. It's just much more alive."

Rose, Mickey and Jackie "Rose really becomes a seasoned space traveller in this series. Partly that's why Mickey spends a good few episodes aboard the Tardis because I thought we really needed somebody stepping aboard and going, Wow, a spaceship!' She was getting used to it. I don't want to give too much away but if you watch the Doctor and Rose very closely there's an overconfidence at times that could well be their downfall. He says mysteriously ...

"Mickey's has been one of the longest and most complicated stories. He starts out as a complete coward, an idiot, a boy who's never had to think about his life, and by the time you see the completion of his story in series two he's absolutely fundamentally changed. He gets stronger, he gets crosser ... in the Christmas story he stopped protesting about the fact that the Doctor and Rose always leave him. He was being a bit of a sap, to be honest, so he recovers from that.

"In the Peter Kay episode [see page 19] I thought I hadn't quite paid as much attention to Jackie as I had to Mickey, and suddenly episode ten comes along, where she really gets to be centre stage. It's going to be beautiful. But the story throughout the series is about a woman who waits at home while her daughter goes off to war. It's actually a terrible situation to be in, which she takes with very good grace — and she does like the Tenth Doctor more than the Ninth!

How to come up with a monster

"It's whatever fits the plot best. Our designer Ed Thomas has a brilliant policy: the monster should always match the period it's in. So we did ghosts with Charles Dickens [in series one]; now it's a werewolf with Queen Victoria. I don't know why that fits, but it does! Having said that, it would be brilliant to do a werewolf in a 21st- century street... good idea, I'm thinking to myself.

"But there's a design coherence. Science fiction can look so silly. You've really got to fight against people's preconceptions of it being nonsense. In science fiction there's an awful lot of people waving guns and going, 'Bang! Bang!' and being daft. It's a hard genre to make work, it's a hard thing to get to people's hearts. You've got to keep fighting to do that."

Episode 1: New Earth

"Last year we saw the end of the world in the year five billion," says Russell T Davies. This is what happens to the human race afterwards. There's been a big nostalgia movement. As soon as the Earth blew up, everyone started missing their home planet, so they've found a similar planet — same size, same atmosphere, same gravity — and have settled there. New Earth. So the Doctor takes Rose there and of course it's full of trouble. It's futuristic; it's every design department at full tilt. It's prosthetics and CGI [computer-generated images] and design and costume and make-up. You might as well start with a great big spectacle!"


Prosthetics expert Neill Gorton, who also created the Face of Boe (above) says: "At first we thought the Sisters [main picture] were going to be aliens that resembled cats. But Russell said, 'Forget about doing cat-like monsters, these are cats that have evolved.' So it was like, OK, go and get some pictures of Tiddles and let's figure it out. We made a prosthetic piece and, to get the finish, we used a technique called flocking, which is nylon fibres fired out of a gun that electrostatically attach to the skin [the prosthetic], so you get that beautiful fur all over the face. Then it's airbrushed to get different patterns. We picked different patterns to suit their characters. There's the novice who is more of a ginger cat, younger and softer; and a grey tabby for the mother superior. Someone could look at their own cat and see the same markings on the face. Everyone said there was just something about them: cute but weird.

SHE'S BACK! "Cassandra [Zoe Wanamaker] has survived [after the series one story The End of the World] and she's out for revenge, specifically on Rose," says Russell T Davies. "She doesn't recognise the Doctor at first, of course. "Rose Tyler! That dirty blonde assassin!" she calls her. I just love writing Cassandra."

WHO'S THE LOOKER? "MFX, the prosthetics team, stuck on the infections," says make-up designer Sheelagh Wells, "and helped colour in the blisters and disease-ravaged skin in sludgy greys, creams and yellows. It turns people off completely if you talk about pus, but there's a certain amount of that. It's human flesh that's incredibly diseased. We enjoyed that!"

BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT There may be a werewolf around (top left), but the Doctor and Rose are on hand to help Queen Victoria (Pauline Collins, right and above)

4: The Girl in the Fireplace Writer: Steven Moffat Guest star: Sophia Myles

"When I was writing Casanova [2005], I'd read about Madame de Pompadour and she fascinated me," says Davies. "She was so modern and independent. She was the king's official mistress, and you had to maintain your position in court as mistress by sheer wit and cleverness. It's a beautiful episode. "It's a different take on the 'celebrity historical' because this time you're looking at a woman in history where everyone knows the name, but no-one knows much about her. That's a really interesting thing to do because women in history tend not to exist in terms of power and authority, apart from Elizabeth I. Then there are droids that are beautiful robot monsters. They tick and they tock. When they're in a room, you can hear: 'Tick-tock, tick-tock.' Very scary."

FRENCH DRESSING A blast of dry ice adds some atmosphere to a creepy moment from

The Girl in the Fireplace



Former fellow travellers Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) and K-9 are on hand when the Doctor takes on sinister Mr Finch (Anthony Head) in School Reunion

2: Tooth and Claw

Writer: Russell T Davies

Guest star: Pauline Collins

This is a good old gothic scary horror about a werewolf," says Davies. "Last year we did Charles Dickens and ghosts; this year we're doing Queen Victoria and a werewolf. It's very much a companion piece. There's a certain comfort zone in watching Doctor Who and thinking, 'Oh, they're doing this sort of episode.' It's what I call a 'celebrity historical'.

"Shove a real famous person in there - one you will recognise at the drop of a hat. There's no point in doing Louis Pasteur, because what did he look like? With Queen Victoria - the big black dress and the hair - or Charles Dickens, you just recognise them immediately. It's almost like the Horrible History take on historical travel. That is a scary one."


Writer: Mark Gatiss Guest star: Maureen Lipman

"The brief was the 1950s, really. I just wanted a bit of rock 'n' roll," says Davies. "The coronation is one of those great legends. My generation all remember being told about everyone gathering round the television that day. You begin to think, 'Well, if that's not a setting for a Doctor Who story, then what is?' It's brilliant. A really clever story. And very funny, as you would expect from Mark. Maureen Lipman has a lot of fun with it."



(Two-parter) Writer: Matt Jones Guest star: Will Thorp

"The keyword for this was 'tough'," explains Davies. "You see a lot of sci-fi where the doors slide and uniforms are neat and they all have water, air and gravity. I really wanted to put people in outer space and show how tough it is. Everything's greasy and dirty, and they're in danger. Everything is dangerous. It's a really frightening setting. I wanted to show the pioneering human spirit. They're like people who go to Everest. You say 'Why did you climb Everest? "Because it's there.' It's wild, and that's exactly where the human race will go to explore. It's really a human story in very dangerous circumstances. With monsters. And the Satan Pit. There's something terrible buried under the surface of this planet. It's pushing the envelope as far as you can go in terms of monsters.

It's fab."

Writer: Russell T Davies

Guest stars: Peter Kay, Marc Warren, Shirley Henderson

"It's very different. It's funny in places, but it's not just a comedy script," Davies remarks. "I was one of the judges of Blue Peter's Design a Doctor Who Monster competition, and I thought the winner, Abzorbaloff, was brilliant. It touches people, absorbs them and their face actually appears in the body-terrifying."


Writer: Matthew Graham

Guest star: Edna Doré

"I always wanted to do a story set on a housing estate with Edward Scissorhands houses - suburbia being marvellously sinister underneath. It's one of the classic settings we were always going to do," says Davies. "We came up with 2012, just to nudge it into the future; then the Olympics was in the air and suddenly the episode got a whole style of its own. There's a mysterious 'her' at the centre. It's a bit like a Twilight Zone tale of an ordinary family."



(Two-parter) Writer: Russell T Davies Guest stars: Tracy Ann Oberman Derek Acorah, Trisha Goddard, Barbara Windsor

"Grown men will rend their garments watching that last episode, let me tell you now!" says Davies. "We began to get an idea of how big we could go last year and so I drove them to push it even bigger. It's putting modern-day Earth in danger. One of our greatest

strengths is to bring the danger right to our doorstep in the here and now. It's not giving too much away to say the Cybermen are back, big time, en masse. And it really is epic. But it's also about the Doctor and Rose - and Rose's mother, in particular. Whether they can survive a war on Earth."


Writer: Toby Whithouse

Guest stars: Anthony Head, Elisabeth Sladen

"Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane was loved not just by fans, but by an entire generation," says Russell T Davies, of the Doctor's 1970s companion. "Plus - and I'm not kidding - she looks exactly the same. It's a shock to see her; you can't help being taken aback. But that really works on screen, because you want that visceral shock of people saying, 'Oh my God, it's her!' which is fantastic.

"It's that whole thing of bringing more emotional weight to the series and for Rose to start worrying about what happens to the women who are left behind. Plus, there's a robot dog! The scenes with K-9 are really joyful and funny and daft. There's a genuine daftness, a joyful eccentricity about Doctor Who that no other programme can do."

(Two-parter) Writer: Tom MacRae Guest stars: Roger Lloyd-Pack,

Don Warrington, Andrew Hayden-Smith "We go to a parallel Earth where there's another version of Jackie, of Mickey, and Rose's father [Shaun Dingwall] is still alive. So it's a very emotional setting," explains Davies. "Earth has become quite a fascist society, but nonetheless it's the modern world. It's a chance to play things on a big scale: London is invaded in a way that I might have trouble believing, but if it's set in a parallel world, then you get away with it.

"You want monsters to connect with your life somewhere and the Cybermen [right] are upgrades in the way that we upgrade our phone and computers every year. It's like, if the ultimate repository is the brain, how do you upgrade that in the end? You die and you don't download all the information in your brain. It just dies. So that is this society's solution, to provide a casing in which the brain can live for ever. At some point we were going to want a great big robot army - so bring on the Cybermen!"


"David normally wears glasses," says costume designer Louise Page, "but these ones are plain lenses, not prescription — he has his contact lenses in. He showed

he glasses in The Christmas .Invasion, which I didn't know he was going to do. We were ,saving them for episode one and suddenly he put them on to read a joke from a cracker.

"The suit has four buttons down the front, which is quite unusual. And in every episode he changes his button arrangement. Sometimes he'll have the top button done up, sometimes two, sometimes three. Sometimes he won't do any buttons up. Apparently, he consults with the crew at the beginning of

every episode about how many buttons he's going to do up!"


Next week: the Doctor faces a werewolf in Victorian Scotland

What did David Tennant the viewer think of David Tennant the actor's portrayal of the Doctor at Christmas?

Paula Mills, Windsor, Berkshire

I'm sure he thought he could be better. It was funny, I was watching it through the prism of my own family — Mum and Dad, my sister, her kids — which made the whole experience even more surreal. Like you're watching this Christmas event that you happen to be part of, but really it doesn't feel like it's you.

Is typecasting a worry for you, or do you look on this role as the defining one of your career?

Robert Davis, Hull

Yes, it was a concern and something I had to think through, but the only other option is you don't do the job. I couldn't imagine being the guy who said no. I'm willing to risk it. And the show is so classy now with Russell [T Davies] in charge. I think good work supersedes ideas of typecasting.

Is it true that Fourth Doctor Tom Baker is a hero of yours and was the reason you became an actor?

Erica Egerton, Wirral, Merseyside

I guess he was. He phoned me up the other day. Well, he didn't. I got a text message from him [via Baker's computerised

BT voice], which I did get ridiculously overexcited at. It was only to tell me my broadband had been switched on.

Have you bought the David Tennant Tenth Doctor

action figures?

Anthony Gamon,17 Manchester

I was given them. I didn't buy them. One in a suit [left] and one in a long overcoat. It's very freaky, but very pleasing,

to have a plastic figure of yourself. I used to collect those Star Wars figures — a real obsession of mine as a kid. And I used to build sets for them out of Lego. So the thought that somebody might now be doing that with me thrills me to bits.

Which monster would you like to bring back?

Richard Thomas, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire

We've got the Cybermen, which is pretty exciting. I still think the Zygons [right] were a bit of a design classic. If we got [prosthetics expert] Neill Gorton onto them now we could do something pretty exciting.

How long do you think you'll play the Doctor?

Jonathan Robbins, Isle of Wight

I just don't know, and of course, it's all anybody ever asks me. You kind of think, "I don't know! Give me a minute!" We've just about finished this series and I'm fairly certain I'll do the next one. Although we've yet to record the closing seconds of episode

13 — literally anything could happen. Who knows who's coming back?!

Do you now get lots of small children running after you calling you the Doctor?

Kali, Telford, Shropshire

The people who run after you are their parents. There was a terrible incident getting on a plane just after Christmas, coming back to London. I was filing down the aisle and this man started going, "Oh! Oh! Hoi!" and stopped the whole line of us. He started jumping up and down, and said, "Come on! You've got to!" I said, "Got to what, sorry?" He said, "You've got to say hello to him!" So I looked round; there's this little kid on his Game Boy. This man's shaking him, the kid couldn't care less, I'm mortified, the rest of the plane wants me to push off up the aisle and he says, "Johnny! Johnny! Come on! Look!" I said, "I don't think he really cares, do you?" He went, "Just leave it. Leave it!" and started conducting me up the aisle like it had all been my fault!

The kids are the easy ones; it's the parents who are sometimes harder.



... tells readers what they really want to know

Will you be staying for the third series of Doctor Who? I thought you were fantastic so please stay!

Barney Leigh,12, via email

Ah, sweet. I really want to stay because I love Doctor Who. But if I tell you about my future then I'll completely ruin the ending of episode 13. It's so brilliant, so worth waiting for — watch and see.

Are you similar to Rose? Sebastian Brook, Wolverhampton We're both quite ballsy, as in we both like a massive gamble, and we're not scared to throw ourselves into things and worry too much about the consequences. But that really is about it. Rose is a lot more comfortable with who she is. I'm more of a people pleaser. I'm certainly more neurotic. But I do think about Rose a lot when I'm living my life. It's like she has really made an impression.

What's your favourite episode in the new series?

Rick Mawson, Colchester, Essex

The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit [episodes eight and nine] are the scariest, because they deal with the Devil, which is something you learn about from a very early age and you're always kind of skirting around. I find the idea of the Devil truly terrifying, so these episodes are really freaking me out.

Is Rose attracted to the Doctor? Mandy Hughes, Okehampton, Devon Completely. Obviously it's not a physical thing, because he's changed his face and she still feels the same way. It's about who he is and what he represents and the fact that he's turned her life on its head for the better. Sometimes you need someone to shake you and make you look at what's going on around you ... make you want to be a better person.

What has been your most memorable moment between takes?

Katy Brown, Leeds

We always have a laugh because you have to. It's so intense and you have to concentrate so much that afterwards, quite naturally, you start giggling, getting rid of that energy. David and I take the mickey out of each other all the time. Do we have nicknames for each other? Yeah ... this is going to start so much havoc. I recently named him David Ten-inch. I have no basis or grounds for calling him that, I just find it funny. He knows me as Carlos Carlos, just because we think Carlos is such a funny name, so I like to use it twice. And we choose names for each other's trailers. At the moment Desmond Tutu is on mine and I put Lavinia on his.

Have you ever been actually scared by a monster on Doctor Who?

Dylan, Highams Park, north London I have been on The Satan Pit with the Ood, which are this alien life form that chase me through a ventilation shaft. Maybe it's the action of being chased. Being chased up the stairs still scares me now and makes me hysterical.

What's the scariest thing about the Cybermen? Benji Collins, Birmingham

What's happened to them — the reason they've become Cybermen — is so much scarier, sicker and more disturbing than how they actually look. The fact that they're humans but no longer have emotions, the idea of being forced into eternal life with no emotions is such a dark and brilliant idea.

Do you think Rose has a special relationship with Daleks, because of her experience with one in the first series episode [Dalek, above]? Emma Rousell, Northampton

Yes, I think she does, because she saw the Dalek so differently to how everybody else saw it. She saw its vulnerability. So there is a difference and there is some history there. They are the ultimate threat and she recognises that. But I don't think she's as scared of them as everybody else. She sees the Daleks as a challenge.

What scares you in real life? Neal Rylandev, East Holme, Dorset

One of my biggest fears is becoming depressed, because the idea of looking at the world through my eyes, in a different state, with different thoughts, would really upset me. I would hate to

feel like there was nothing good in my

life. That scares the hell out of me.

What one thing would you change about Rose?

Duncan Campbell, London SW3

I wish she showed her loved ones what she shows the Doctor, instead of just going home and being a bit grouchy and being cross that she's there ... But that's the thing with all of us, we'll always show our partners more than we'll show our parents. Sometimes you wish you could tell them, but it's always awkward, or a bit weird, and you don't have that relationship with your parents. I hate that. It's like, even though you're related, sometimes you're the ultimate stranger. It's weird. All Interviews by Nick Griffiths

1 David Tennant The Doctor

2 Billie Piper Rose Tyler

3 Noel Clarke Mickey Smith

4 Camille Coduri Jackie Tyler

5 Russell T Davies executive producer

6 Julie Gardner executive producer

7 Phil Collinson producer

8 Edward Thomas production designer

9 Sheelagh Wells make-up designer

10 Louise Page costume designer

11 Tracie Simpson production manager

12 Helen Raynor, 13 Simon Winstone script editors

14 Euros Lyn, 15 James Strong, 16 Dan Zeff directors

How many people does it take to make Doctor Who? About 200, from riggers to boom operators to Billie Piper's driver. Here are the 147 we rounded up. As Russell T Davies said, "How big is this empire? here are seven people who've been working here for two years who I've never met. That's terrible." We've picked out some of the main people, but everyone makes a key contribution, so you can check out he full who's who, and see footage of this photo being taken at CS

Most magazines just buy in a photo to put on their cover, but we like to go that extra mile...

"These are some of the generic posters that we use throughout the series: rave posters or party posters, that sort of stuff," says Edward Thomas. "They're part of the Doctor Who world and it's a way of us cheating Cardiff for London. If your eye is attracted to these various posters and you've seen them before in London, you think, 'Oh, we must be still in London.'"

The tower blocks of the Powell Estate and the night sky were added later photographically. You'll see Bridge Street and the Powell Estate "no ball games" sign regularly in the series

First Radio Times came up with a rough sketch (right), then a scaled-down model of the set was created by the Doctor Who production team (below right). "We came up with the concept of using the Brandon Estate [the real-life setting in London for the fictional Powell Estate, where Rose grew up] as the backdrop to the cover," says production designer Edward Thomas. "Russell's always keen to make sure everything's seen through Rose's eyes, so that was probably the best place to start, with her home."

To This is Dalek graffiti, which is something we established in series one," says Edward Thomas. "They were sending subliminal messages to each other throughout the universe. We used it in the windows of Rose's shop in episode one of the first series."

"We sprayed on some Slitheen decals [logos]," says Edward Thomas. "In series one they had to exist in pockets around the world, so they sprayed tags [graffiti signatures]."

"This entire prosthetic cat mask has been modelled to my face," says actress Anna Hope. "It takes about two and a half hours to put on. Your skin can't breathe particularly well, but it's OK."

"There are 13 pieces making up the Cyberman body," explains prosthetics expert Neill Gorton. "The first time it took about 45 minutes just to get an actor into the costume. By the time this photo was taken they'd got it down to ten minutes."

Left, the empty set before it's dressed.

Below left, assorted creatures with photographer Matt Holyoak. Below, the cast move into position.

4"I played the [male] Clockwork Robot," says actor Paul Casey. "The masks are so eerie and cleverly done." Make-up designer Sheelagh Wells adds, "If you see him with his ordinary hair it looks absolutely bizarre because the mask is much bigger than the face. It's beautiful, but it's big, so a big wig was necessary to balance that."

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  • APA 6th ed.: Davies, Russell T (2006-04-15). All aboard the TARDIS. Radio Times p. 12.
  • MLA 7th ed.: Davies, Russell T. "All aboard the TARDIS." Radio Times [add city] 2006-04-15, 12. Print.
  • Chicago 15th ed.: Davies, Russell T. "All aboard the TARDIS." Radio Times, edition, sec., 2006-04-15
  • Turabian: Davies, Russell T. "All aboard the TARDIS." Radio Times, 2006-04-15, section, 12 edition.
  • Wikipedia (this article): <ref>{{cite news| title=All aboard the TARDIS | url= | work=Radio Times | pages=12 | date=2006-04-15 | via=Doctor Who Cuttings Archive | accessdate=19 October 2024 }}</ref>
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