Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

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Across the Tellyverse, Action ext-erminate ... Dr Who faces dreaded Daleks, The action is more cerebral than Flash Gordon, Action Line, Action Line (Tulsa World), Action!, El actor australiano Ray Barrett murió a los 82 años, Actor divorced, Actor dons Doctor Who cloak, Actor killed, Actor known for his long-running role as the Brigadier in Doctor Who, Actor Roger Delgado, alias Master in TVs "Dr. Who" series, Actor saying fond farewell to iconic role, Actor set to quit role as Dr. Who, Actor who starred opposite five Doctor Whos as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Actor William Hartnell dies at 67, An actor with big 'Who' shoes to fill, Actor's piglet goes to a zoo, Actor's tears as she bows out of Doctor Who, Actors wins fight for annuity, Actress Katy Manning at the Dr Who national convention in Perth, Actress lands roles in Dr Who and Sherlock, Actress Rebecca Thornhill, Actress says little girls need sci-fi role models, Actress Sophie Aldred from Greenwich, Actress Susan Jameson was to have started work this month, Adam Richard, Doctor Who nut, An addiction to Dr. Who's world, Adelantadas a su tiempo y sin reconocimiento, Adelphi, Admit it, Billie there's something going on with you and Dr Who, Adoring world, the Doctor will see you now, Adults Only for Dr Who, An advance dose of 'Dr. Who', Advanced technology has arrived on the Christmas show scene, The Adventure Begins, Adventures in Space and Time, Adventures in Space and Time: Kate Orman, The adventures of Dr Who took a new twist, Adventurous movie lovingly salutes sci-fi underdog, Affirmative, new mistress!, An African Dr Who, After 50 years of creaky sets and floppy hair, it's time Doctor Who died, After All The Hype, Mr Potty Mouth Had Better Be Good, After all this time, our hero is seen off by a Womble, After Davison's Doctor—Who's Next?, After Dr Who..., After October, the Doctor is gone!!, After Pertwee, who's next for Dr Who?, After the Daleks a new horror— VOORDS