Doctor Who Cuttings Archive

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Actor known for his long-running role as the Brigadier in Doctor Who2011-02-26
Actor Roger Delgado, alias Master in TVs "Dr. Who" series1972-12-01
Actor saying fond farewell to iconic role2013-07-27
Actor set to quit role as Dr. Who1983-07-28
Actor who starred opposite five Doctor Whos as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart2011-02-24
Actor William Hartnell dies at 671975-04-25
An actor with big 'Who' shoes to fill2009-03-09
Actor's piglet goes to a zoo1968-09-30
Actor's tears as she bows out of Doctor Who2017-12-20
Actors wins fight for annuity1975-02-20
Actress Katy Manning at the Dr Who national convention in Perth1988-02-06
Actress lands roles in Dr Who and Sherlock2014-01-02
Actress Rebecca Thornhill1989-02-24
Actress says little girls need sci-fi role models1987-05-25
Actress Sophie Aldred from Greenwich1996-08-29
Actress Susan Jameson was to have started work this month1971-02-03
Adam Richard, Doctor Who nut2011-12-22
An addiction to Dr. Who's world1985-08-21
Adelantadas a su tiempo y sin reconocimiento2021-02-05
Admit it, Billie there's something going on with you and Dr Who2004-09-27
Adoring world, the Doctor will see you now2014-08-24
Adults Only for Dr Who1980-01-24
An advance dose of 'Dr. Who'2012-08-27
Advanced technology has arrived on the Christmas show scene1974-12-27
The Adventure Begins2013-11-16
Adventures in Space and Time1995-10-01
Adventures in Space and Time: Kate Orman1996-03-01
The adventures of Dr Who took a new twist1988-01-07
Adventurous movie lovingly salutes sci-fi underdog2013-11-21
Affirmative, new mistress!1979-02-07
An African Dr Who2022-07-01
After 50 years of creaky sets and floppy hair, it's time Doctor Who died2013-11-17
After All The Hype, Mr Potty Mouth Had Better Be Good2013-08-05
After all this time, our hero is seen off by a Womble2010-01-02
After Davison's Doctor—Who's Next?1983-10-06
After Dr Who...1969-06-02
After October, the Doctor is gone!!1989-02-01
After Pertwee, who's next for Dr Who?1974-02-09
After the Daleks a new horror— VOORDS1964-04-09
After those Daleks, more monsters on Saturday afternoon1965-01-06
An afternoon of fun watching video tapes of Dr. Who and role playing1986-06-20
The afternoon Tom Baker sat down quietly to watch Dr Who1978-03-12
Afterword: The Hope of the Doctor2015-10-15
Ageing daleks1988-11-25
Agyeman to be next Doctor Who sidekick2006-07-06
Ah! you don't get titles like those any more!1977-02-03
Ahead of her time2017-08-12
Ahead of her time ... academics find space for woman who made Doctor Who theme2008-07-18
Ahhhh, what a time had at 'Doctor Who' festival1985-03-23